World Waring: Syria, Somalia, Yemen have bombs raining just like Ukraine. Sudan conflicts seeing wide spread raping of kids


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That’s why I post and have dialogue after

Damn its THAT bad over in Yemen, there is a reason why damn near all the Delis in the hood

are owned or ran by arabs but only from Yemen...

I wonder how they were able to flee their country I bet they ALL got stories to tell...

You said you been following this story for a minute, anything that could answer

why so many have relocated to nyc and opened up Deli's...

in the hood..?? I mean they ALL come from Yemen!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I do feel bad for the innocent men women and children..

but Ukraine on the whole... isnt that like the fuckin Nazi/RACIST skin head

slavic breeding grounds??

FUCK them pink neck.. and we all KNOW joe biden is KKK so

the fact him and his son are so connected to ukraine...

got the super knigga senses tingling...

Racist birds of a feather Flock together...

I wish the best for the good people of the Ukraine...

when it comes to the racist pieces of shit nazi's and skin heads..


I hope Putin sons all those muthafuckas..

but fuck communism and corporatism..

We Need our REPUBLIC BACK!!!

It was stolen by corporate america


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Don't believe anything that bitch said. The air strike was against rebels trying to over throw the Somalia government.

The United States conducted a drone strike against Al Shabab militants in Somalia this week, the first such military action against the Qaeda affiliate in East Africa since August, the military’s Africa Command said on Thursday.

The command said it was still trying to determine how many Shabab insurgents had been killed in the strike, but it said no civilians were believed to have been harmed.

There were no U.S. forces accompanying Somali forces during this operation, an Africa Command spokesman said. Instead, U.S. forces were advising and assisting the Somali forces’ mission from a remote location, but the official did not say where that was.

Mr. Biden and his advisers are nearing a decision on a Pentagon-backed proposal to restore some of those troops in Somalia as a way to improve training and coordination with Somalia security forces. Right now, U.S. trainers visit the country periodically.
American commanders have said that the lack of a permanent presence of trainers coupled with political instability in Somalia has allowed the Shabab to surge.



Platinum Member
Official: US, British Warships Detain Yemen-Bound Fuel Ships, Responsible for Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation
2022-March-11 19:57

TEHRAN (FNA)- The executive director of the Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) said US and British warships are preventing tankers carrying fuel and oil derivatives from mooring in the strategic Western port of Hudaydah and take them to Saudi ports, despite the fact that the vessels have obtained the necessary permits from the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism for Yemen (UNVIM).

Speaking at a press conference in the capital Sana’a on Thursday, Ammar Al-Adrai said Britain and the United States do not allow Yemen-bound fuel ships to offload their cargos, and are exerting political pressure on the National Salvation Government in order to gain the upper hand and record military gains, presstv reported.
YPC chief indicated that the US upped the ante throughout last year, and only five percent of vessels carrying fuel bound for Yemen were released, adding, “Obtaining fuel through the occupied ports costs about 50 percent more than what is imported through the port of Hudaydah.”
He highlighted that the US-supported Saudi-enforced oil blockade on Yemen cost the conflict-stricken country some six million dollars last year, as people had to acquire fuel from stations controlled by Saudi mercenaries.
Adhrai pointed out that a fuel tanker travels a distance of approximately 1,300 kilometers on a road fraught with attacks from Saudi mercenaries until it reaches areas under the control of Sana’a forces.
Earlier this month, a spokesman for the Yemen Petroleum Company said the Arab country is experiencing the toughest petroleum products crisis since the start of the Saudi-led aggression and siege nearly seven year ago.
The lines of cars waiting for fuel are “stretching more than three kilometers in front of [gas] stations in various provinces” across the country, Essam Al-Mutawakel told Yemen's Al-Masirah television network on March 2.
He noted that the crisis could be resolved, if fuel ships were not blocked from entering Yemen via Hudaydah port.
Despite having undergone inspection and received UN clearance, the Yemen-bound fuel ships are being seized by the Saudi-led coalition waging war on Yemen and are transferred to Saudi Arabia’s Jizan port, Al-Mutawakel explained.
“We always wonder about the benefit of granting the oil tankers UN permits, and [at the same time] the justifications of the acts of piracy committed by the aggression’s coalition against them in international waters,” he said.
Saudi Arabia launched the devastating war against Yemen in March 2015 in collaboration with a number of its allies and with arms and logistics support from the US and several Western states.
The objective was to bring back to power the former Riyadh-backed regime and crush the popular Ansarullah resistance movement, which has been running state affairs in the absence of an effective government in Yemen.
The war has stopped well short of all of its goals, despite killing hundreds of thousands of Yemenis and turning the entire country into the scene of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.
Yemeni forces have continued to grow stronger in the face of the Saudi-led invaders, advancing toward strategic areas held by Saudi-led mercenaries, including Ma’rib province, and conducting several rounds of counterstrikes against Saudi Arabia and the UAE in recent months.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Damn its THAT bad over in Yemen, there is a reason why damn near all the Delis in the hood

are owned or ran by arabs but only from Yemen...

I wonder how they were able to flee their country I bet they ALL got stories to tell...

You said you been following this story for a minute, anything that could answer

why so many have relocated to nyc and opened up Deli's...

in the hood..?? I mean they ALL come from Yemen!!!!

I used to date a Muslim raised in the Middle East. She informed me that most liquor stores are owned by Yemenis because they are the only Muslims that are ok with alcohol. Devout Muslims dont drink and certainly dont sell alcohol. Because of this, Yemenis are the lowest on the totem pole in the Middle East.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I used to date a Muslim raised in the Middle East. She informed me that most liquor stores are owned by Yemenis because they are the only Muslims that are ok with alcohol. Devout Muslims dont drink and certainly dont sell alcohol. Because of this, Yemenis are the lowest on the totem pole in the Middle East.

Wow thats interesting...I remember one of the Yemeni dudes was telling me, that Saudi Arabia wasnt considered real Arabs because they are a creation of the west.

and He also said Morrocans he said he dont know where those arabs came from, or what language they be speaking...

Most Americans bruhs just see them all as arabs, but the dynamics between various muslim cultures globally goes deep

as fuck.. it a whole other universe bruh...


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Wow thats interesting...I remember one of the Yemeni dudes was telling me, that Saudi Arabia wasnt considered real Arabs because they are a creation of the west.

and He also said Morrocans he said he dont know where those arabs came from, or what language they be speaking...

Most Americans bruhs just see them all as arabs, but the dynamics between various muslim cultures globally goes deep

as fuck.. it a whole other universe bruh...

Yeah all these regions have stereotypes and reputations attached to different groups. I’ve heard em from Europeans and Africans.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I do feel bad for the innocent men women and children..

but Ukraine on the whole... isnt that like the fuckin Nazi/RACIST skin head

slavic breeding grounds??

FUCK them pink neck.. and we all KNOW joe biden is KKK so

the fact him and his son are so connected to ukraine...

got the super knigga senses tingling...

Racist birds of a feather Flock together...

I wish the best for the good people of the Ukraine...

when it comes to the racist pieces of shit nazi's and skin heads..


I hope Putin sons all those muthafuckas..

but fuck communism and corporatism..

We Need our REPUBLIC BACK!!!

It was stolen by corporate america

Folks finally waking up to how this corporation is operating!?!?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was thinking about this in a work meeting today.

Indian supervisor asked us if we kept up with the news and what's going on in the world.

I said yeah, France is pulling out of Mali finally after 10 years.

Check muthafcking MATE!

My Man…


People in these countries probably co-sign this.

Nah, my outrage is real because I remember the Cold War and I remember the Soviet Union. I know Putin is trying to get back what they lost. I ain’t wit that shit. I am not trying to go back to that shit. The USSR lost! You ain’t about to use our system of capitalism to regain what you lost. Putin is out of his mind!


Bamas up in here acting like they about equality. It ain’t nothing, but a shell game y’all playin. Now I know who you are. Thanks.