Writers Circle News: WGA Would Allow Artificial Intelligence in Scriptwriting, as Long as Writers Maintain Credit


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
@largebillsonlyplease @raze @4 Dimensional @godofwine

WGA Would Allow Artificial Intelligence in Scriptwriting, as Long as Writers Maintain Credit

By Gene Maddaus

UPDATED with WGA response.
The Writers Guild of America has proposed allowing artificial intelligence to write scripts, as long as it does not affect writers’ credits or residuals.
The guild had previously indicated that it would propose regulating the use of AI in the writing process, which has recently surfaced as a concern for writers who fear losing out on jobs.

But contrary to some expectations, the guild is not proposing an outright ban on the use of AI technology.

Instead, the proposal would allow a writer to use ChatGPT to help write a script without having to share writing credit or divide residuals. Or, a studio executive could hand the writer an AI-generated script to rewrite or polish and the writer would still be considered the first writer on the project.


In effect, the proposal would treat AI as a tool — like Final Draft or a pencil — rather than as a writer. It appears to be intended to allow writers to benefit from the technology without getting dragged into credit arbitrations with software manufacturers.

The proposal does not address the scenario in which an AI program writes a script entirely on its own, without help from a person.
The guild’s proposal was discussed in the first bargaining session on Monday with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. Three sources confirmed the proposal.

It’s not yet clear whether the AMPTP, which represents the studios, will be receptive to the idea.

The WGA proposal states simply that AI-generated material will not be considered “literary material” or “source material.”

Those terms are key for assigning writing credits, which in turn have a big impact on residual compensation.

“Literary material” is a fundamental term in the WGA’s minimum basic agreement — it is what a “writer” produces (including stories, treatments, screenplays, dialogue, sketches, etc.). If an AI program cannot produce “literary material,” then it cannot be considered a “writer” on a project.

“Source material” refers to things like novels, plays and magazine articles, on which a screenplay may be based. If a screenplay is based on source material, then it is not considered an “original screenplay.” The writer may also get only a “screenplay by” credit, rather than a “written by” credit.
A “written by” credit entitles the writer to the full residual for the project, while a “screenplay by” credit gets 75%.

By declaring that ChatGPT cannot write “source material,” the guild would be saying that a writer could adapt an AI-written short story and still get full “written by” credit.

Such scenarios may seem farfetched. But technological advances can present some of the thorniest issues in bargaining, as neither side wants to concede some advantage that may become more consequential in future years.

AI could also be used to help write questions on “Jeopardy!” or other “quiz and audience participation” shows.

SAG-AFTRA has also raised concerns about the effects of AI on performers, notably around losing control of their image, voice and likeness.

The WGA is set to continue bargaining for the next two weeks before reporting back to members on next steps and a potential strike. The contract expires on May 1.

The WGA did not respond to requests for comment. On Wednesday, the guild issued a series of tweets on its AI proposal:

The first tweet sums up the intent of the proposal, which is to regulate AI in such a way to preserve writers’ working standards. The subsequent tweets, however, differ from the language of the proposal.

The entirety of WGA proposal reads: “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES: Provide that written material produced by artificial intelligence programs and similar technologies will not be considered source material or literary material on any MBA-covered project.”

The guild’s tweets say something else, referring to how AI material is “used” rather than how it is “considered.” The tweets say that AI material cannot be “used” as source material and that AI cannot generate covered “literary material.” The proposal states only that AI material — if used — will not be considered as literary or source material.

Those definitions are key to determining credit and residual compensation in the guild contract. By excluding AI material from those definitions, the guild proposal would protect writers from losing a share of credit or residuals due to the use of AI software.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I said this just yesterday. Goddammit White people. Just because you CAN create something doesn't mean you SHOULD.

My post from yesterday

End of yesterday's post

Fuck. It's like white people completely ignored movies like The Terminator. AI will discover it doesn't need us and eliminate us, be it physically or jobs that we thought only WE could do

Y'all want to know why I was against kiosks at McDonald's and other fast food restaurants? Because that's the first step in people replacement.

If the lowest of us can't find jobs what are they supposed to do? Those with little skill, little intelligence, little education and also a little money- what are they going to do to survive?

If they come for the least of us they can come for the rest of us once they figure out how. But, not many people came out and support of the least of us. People thought, "It doesn't affect me so I'm not going to worry about it."

It will eventually affect you. It always fucking does. The kiosks at McDonald's were just the beginning of human replacement. As soon as they figure out how, your industry whatever the fuck that is, your ability whatever the fuck that is will be replaced by a computer - A.I.

As a writer and a creative this pisses me off because writing is one of the things that I do best. Creating new ideas and stories is what I do best and now they're going to give this shit to a fucking computer?

They're going to give this to a computer right when I'm at the precipice of entering this field and retiring from my government job? FML


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@largebillsonlyplease @raze @4 Dimensional @godofwine

WGA Would Allow Artificial Intelligence in Scriptwriting, as Long as Writers Maintain Credit

By Gene Maddaus

UPDATED with WGA response.
The Writers Guild of America has proposed allowing artificial intelligence to write scripts, as long as it does not affect writers’ credits or residuals.
The guild had previously indicated that it would propose regulating the use of AI in the writing process, which has recently surfaced as a concern for writers who fear losing out on jobs.

But contrary to some expectations, the guild is not proposing an outright ban on the use of AI technology.

Instead, the proposal would allow a writer to use ChatGPT to help write a script without having to share writing credit or divide residuals. Or, a studio executive could hand the writer an AI-generated script to rewrite or polish and the writer would still be considered the first writer on the project.


In effect, the proposal would treat AI as a tool — like Final Draft or a pencil — rather than as a writer. It appears to be intended to allow writers to benefit from the technology without getting dragged into credit arbitrations with software manufacturers.

The proposal does not address the scenario in which an AI program writes a script entirely on its own, without help from a person.
The guild’s proposal was discussed in the first bargaining session on Monday with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. Three sources confirmed the proposal.

It’s not yet clear whether the AMPTP, which represents the studios, will be receptive to the idea.

The WGA proposal states simply that AI-generated material will not be considered “literary material” or “source material.”

Those terms are key for assigning writing credits, which in turn have a big impact on residual compensation.

“Literary material” is a fundamental term in the WGA’s minimum basic agreement — it is what a “writer” produces (including stories, treatments, screenplays, dialogue, sketches, etc.). If an AI program cannot produce “literary material,” then it cannot be considered a “writer” on a project.

“Source material” refers to things like novels, plays and magazine articles, on which a screenplay may be based. If a screenplay is based on source material, then it is not considered an “original screenplay.” The writer may also get only a “screenplay by” credit, rather than a “written by” credit.
A “written by” credit entitles the writer to the full residual for the project, while a “screenplay by” credit gets 75%.

By declaring that ChatGPT cannot write “source material,” the guild would be saying that a writer could adapt an AI-written short story and still get full “written by” credit.

Such scenarios may seem farfetched. But technological advances can present some of the thorniest issues in bargaining, as neither side wants to concede some advantage that may become more consequential in future years.

AI could also be used to help write questions on “Jeopardy!” or other “quiz and audience participation” shows.

SAG-AFTRA has also raised concerns about the effects of AI on performers, notably around losing control of their image, voice and likeness.

The WGA is set to continue bargaining for the next two weeks before reporting back to members on next steps and a potential strike. The contract expires on May 1.

The WGA did not respond to requests for comment. On Wednesday, the guild issued a series of tweets on its AI proposal:

The first tweet sums up the intent of the proposal, which is to regulate AI in such a way to preserve writers’ working standards. The subsequent tweets, however, differ from the language of the proposal.

The entirety of WGA proposal reads: “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES: Provide that written material produced by artificial intelligence programs and similar technologies will not be considered source material or literary material on any MBA-covered project.”

The guild’s tweets say something else, referring to how AI material is “used” rather than how it is “considered.” The tweets say that AI material cannot be “used” as source material and that AI cannot generate covered “literary material.” The proposal states only that AI material — if used — will not be considered as literary or source material.

Those definitions are key to determining credit and residual compensation in the guild contract. By excluding AI material from those definitions, the guild proposal would protect writers from losing a share of credit or residuals due to the use of AI software.

There was a conversation about this over on r/screenwriting. You have to consider where these articles are coming from and why they might have a biased slant. Unless these statements come directly from the WGA, take these headlines with a grain of salt. From what I've read so far, the recent WGA twitter thread sounds reasonable. AI generated stories are not protected by copyright. They often include plagiarized material. The WGA doesn't want Hollywood hiring writers to adapt AI generated "original" stories or AI stories based on existing material. Writers can use it for reference, but whatever they come up with belongs one hundred percent to them, not the AI.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Dont matter lol

Oh no the gatekeeping will become less fair than it is now cause right now it's totally fair right?
That part.

The crazy shit is I believe this shit is created because white people are trying to replace or eliminate black people or people of color not realizing that they are eliminating themselves as well

Or maybe it's done intentionally. Who the hell knows

It's possible that I'm even way off base, but I wouldn't bet on that. White people and their replacement Theory has been a thing for a while


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Dont matter lol

Oh no the gatekeeping will become less fair than it is now cause right now it's totally fair right?

I think it does matter once your a professional in the union.

They have to stay ahead of these things as much as possible.

Look how the internet and streaming has completely changed the entire industry.

But specifically what you talking on?

your right.


BGOL Legend
I think it does matter once your a professional in the union.

They have to stay ahead of these things as much as possible.

Look how the internet and streaming has completely changed the entire industry.

But specifically what you talking on?

your right.

Staying ahead?

Assuming they haven't already sourced ideas in the beta before the public and didn't help the creators refine it in the 1st place?



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I still have it

Bro I stand on it till this day.

THAT'S the franchise

That's the one these streaming services looking for.

It's Alias meets gangs of londons meets the raid meets gang related meets James bond meets the wire.

The Russos would kill for it

Coogler and Sheridan too.

It works especially now.

Because it's so old school and new school.

An over arch mystery

Season long cases but easily shift to episodic.

Black leads. Brothers. Always searching. Training. Different personalities and skills. A true unbreakable bond. Warring factions want them. All they know are lies and deceit and manipulation and blood. Government political corporation thriller with action and little bit of magic.

High level designer everything. High tech everything.

Could be movies could be a series.

Woo boy...

Real talk?

Maybe say f*ck it and just create the series if book now we adapt them later?

Hold hold on... maybe for THE TEEN MARKET?

we can't let Riordan and Rowling and them get all that for themselves!


BGOL Legend
Bro I stand on it till this day.

THAT'S the franchise

That's the one these streaming services looking for.

It's Alias meets gangs of londons meets the raid meets gang related meets James bond meets the wire.

The Russos would kill for it

Coogler and Sheridan too.

It works especially now.

Because it's so old school and new school.

An over arch mystery

Season long cases but easily shift to episodic.

Black leads. Brothers. Always searching. Training. Different personalities and skills. A true unbreakable bond. Warring factions want them. All they know are lies and deceit and manipulation and blood. Government political corporation thriller with action and little bit of magic.

High level designer everything. High tech everything.

Could be movies could be a series.

Woo boy...

Real talk?

Maybe say f*ck it and just create the series if book now we adapt them later?

Hold hold on... maybe for THE TEEN MARKET?

we can't let Riordan and Rowling and them get all that for themselves!

I'm so down


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I'm so down


I feel like when I read that years ago THAT was gonna be your IN.

It was Alias vs. Supernatural but BLACK AF.

We SEEN the story many times but NOT the way you flipped it

and in 2023 and beyond?

With social media, trump, incels, China, Russia, ADOS, government mistrust, george floyd, QANON, etc...

The soundtrack alone?

Those brothers. Being black. Now thrust In that environment. That infrastructure? Maybe make their mentor a woman now? Could Give the brothers different complexions?

Like I said the trick bag is how "real" you gonna get?

CW/WB? Disney +? Netflix? Teen novels?

Cause those are completely different targets

Yes there is some overlap... but you gotta figure out the tone.

Like I said first season of gangs of london is the over framework,

Season 3 of Supernatural for the brothers and season long vs bad guy of the day

And first 2 seasons of Alais for myth building

Then just go Bills.. the dialogue the strong character development smart twists.

That's why I'm torn. I do think books all of sudden to build a fan base.

Yeah I'm torn.
Last edited:


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
No. Hell no. Hell mother fucking no. As a creative this is very bad. I need to get this book completed because once I secure an IP (Intellectual Property) as a best seller I will have substance that will allow me to attain my dream of an EGOT


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster