WTC 9/11 | First Plane Hit in North Tower


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The day that let the world know earth officially fell into the twilight zone

don’t believe me

imagine if you traveled back in time right now and met yourself in 1999 and said hey in the next 25 yrs three buildings in which 2 of them were the twin towers would have 2 planes go through them and completely collapse. There will be a pandemic that’s gonna wipe out millions of people and people will be force to stay home for periods of time. Donald trump will become president, yes I know let me repeat Donald trump will become president. There’s gonna be a black president and he actually survived 2 terms. saddam Hussein gonna get captured and killed after us invade his country for being blamed on attacks in america. There’s gonna be all kinda so called terrorist organizations. Columbine won’t be shit compared to all the mass shootings in schools and public places and it’s gonna be a shitload of them. Weed gonna become legalize. Apple is gonna make the greatest comeback ever and take over the cellphone game in america in which everyone is basically gonna be mobile phones. No need for vid cams, walkmen, camera, gps, etc all this shit will be on your cellphone. Did I say Donald trump is gonna be president. Imagine hearing all of this and more in 1999 would you believe this shit? Of course you wouldn’t cause it sounds like some twilight zone shit. Yet here we are 25 yrs later


Rising Star
Once again, we were warned about imminent attacks and it was ignored! Republicans are idiots! CAC's are idiots!

Idiots, or had a master plan.

America was forever changed due to this attack, many things that could only be justified by a horrendous act.

Not saying it was orchestrated, but it was definitely ignored

Trees or forrest

Carry on……