WTF PASS/FAIL: Bill Burr slams Billy Corgan for revealing they may be half-brothers: 'Why did you feel the need to do that?'


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Bill Burr is cool as fuck. He's a comedian with a hair trigger, he's not the motherfucker you want to be on his bad side because he'll make your ancestors cry. I'm a third of the way through it and you can tell Bill Burr is holding his tongue. I wonder how long he can hold it


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
This shit boring. I was waiting for Bill bur to tear that motherfucker a new one

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was doing mini-deep dives into this yesterday; I watched the whole Howie interview with my man Bill Burr. In the first part of the interview, it's just Bill givin' Howie and his daughter some shit; he's low-key roastin' them with love. Then over half-way into the pod, Howie says to Bill that he has a surprise for him and that's when Billy Corgan comes out. Burr is appalled and frustrated, however he's a good sport about it: he lightly confronts Howie about why would he do this.

Eventually, Howie and his daughter leaves so Billy and Bill can be alone, but it's interesting and it's a little awkward, but it's interesting. Then out of nowhere former E-TV Billy Bush appears outta nowhere and it's the convergence of the BILLS: Billy C./Billy B./Bill B., in spirit of Beyonce ~~Bills Bills Bills.

Anyway, Bill Burr called for Howie to come back and he does; however it doesn't end well. There is no fight or arguments; however, the whole thing you can tell doesn't sit well with Bill Burr. Anyway, Bill Burr asks Billy Corgan if he wants to get a quick bite to eat so they can continue their conversation privately.

Here's how Billy Corgan made his possible relation to Bill Burr public:

Here's the full Howie Mandel interview with Bill Burr and Billy Corgan:



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I was doing mini-deep dives into this yesterday, I watched the whole Howie interview with my man Bill Burr. In the first part of the interview, it's just Bill givin' Howie and his daughter some shit; he's low-key roastin' them with love. Then over half-way into the pod, Howie says to Bill that he has a surprise for him and that's when Billy Corgan comes out. Burr is appalled and frustrated, however he's a good sport about it: he light confront Howie about why would do this.

Eventually, Howie and his daughter leaves so Billy and Bill can be alone, but it's interesting and it's a little awkward, but it's interesting. Then out of nowhere former E-TV Billy Bush appears outta nowhere and it's the convergence of the BILLS: Billy C./Bill B./Bill B., in spirit of Beyonce ~~Bills Bills Bills.

Anyway, Bill Burr called for Howie to come back and he does; however it doesn't end well. There is no fight or arguments; however, the whole thing you can tell doesn't sit well with Bill Burr. Anyway, Bill Burr asks Billy Corgan if he wants to get a quick bite to eat so they can continue their conversation privately.

Here's how Billy Corgan made his possible relation to Bill Burr public:

Here's the full Howie Mandel interview with Bill Burr and Billy Corgan:

Thank you!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Glad I got the full story on this one. I saw a clip and did want to process this out of context. But either way, the thought of Howie Mandel putting you in this position in any shape of form is more of a mindfuck.