Another thing scaring me about NC are them church folks. My pop preaches and I'm trying to get him doing Facebook Live or YouTube Live vs having in person services. Those younger preachers are use to it but it's a definite adjustment for the older heads. Waiting for the government to tell you to shut down church isn't the option
Mecklenburg County is on a "Stay at Home" order beginning Thursday morning. Anyone thats caught out can be issued a Class 2 Misdemeanor...Mecklenburg county has the largest number of cases in NC at last check 120, but it seems to be in all of the "rich" areas like Ballantyne. Hopefully once this order is in place, people will start to take heed and we can flatten the curve a little bit. We can't expect help at the federal level so this is going to have be done at a local level..
I don't know how many of yall listen to the "The Daily" but the doctor that was on there today is painting a grim picture...basically saying that we're going to have "mini-Wuhans" in NYC, Seattle, and South Florida.