"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Georgia Man Accused of Pulling Gun on Black Women Wearing Gloves, Face Masks Claims He Was Afraid ‘They Could Have the Virus’

Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Part of me be like...:smh: ….and the other part be... Florida is like the STD having penis on the map of the U.S.…..:lol:

Coronavirus: Florida has 10,000+ cases, 170 deaths, with over half in South Florida



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

1,314+ deaths so far today and we still have a functioning healthcare system and have not run out of supplies. We will have 3-4k per day by next Wednesday or Thursday at the latest provided we don't see the failure of the healthcare system before that. :smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

@gene cisco come get your people :lol:

They say wear non medical mask. So a nigga suppose to be outside with a bandanna? Man about 3 million people gone die:lol:

It's better than nothing man. I'd rather some clown cough/breathe into a bandana than out in the open.

Meanwhile, people cooped up in apartments and ain't even opening up their windows. :smh: Saw seem research on a guy with SARS that infected an apartment building that had poor ventilation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's better than nothing man. I'd rather some clown cough/breathe into a bandana than out in the open.

Meanwhile, people cooped up in apartments and ain't even opening up their windows. :smh: Saw seem research on a guy with SARS that infected an apartment building that had poor ventilation.
Yep if you live in a condo or closed apartment then there is a closed circulation system where the air is not being filtered puts people at risk


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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Yep if you live in a condo or closed apartment then there is a closed circulation system where the air is not being filtered puts people at risk
People should have been warned about the dangers of apartments/condos weeks ago. I had to tell people to open their windows and they thought I was batshit. :smh:

:confused: ….what are you talking about? if there's one unit servicing a building….. fresh air is pulled in and filtered and air that's pulled out of an apartment is exhausted from the unit.... it's not recirculated...that's why in the case of a fire, an HVAC system can be used to ventilate smoke from the structure... that was answer on my captains exam on ways to ventilate a building during a fire........ otherwise you'd be recirculating everything from every one's condo...... any thing one person burns, farts or what ever... and if you live in almost any single condo unit... each unit has it's own separate unit that services it's condo

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Platinum Member
The shit started in China, and they have billion muthafuckas over there. What in the holy heck and why ain’t nobody checking that chit out? The fuckers are devils.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:confused: ….what are you talking about? if there's one unit servicing a building….. fresh air is pulled in and filtered and air that's pulled out of an apartment is exhausted from the unit.... it's not recirculated...that's why in the case of a fire, an HVAC system can be used to ventilate smoke from the structure... that was answer on my captains exam on ways to ventilate a building during a fire........ otherwise you'd be recirculating everything from every one's condo...... any thing one person burns, farts or what ever... and if you live in almost any single condo unit... each unit has it's own separate unit that services it's condo

Most if not all condos and apartment (Hall ways and lobby) has recirculated air to save on energy expenses. Proper ventilation, filtration and humidity is essential to stopping the spread of disease

The air quality in most of those building probably ain’t Shit


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BGOL Legend


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
See now I'm done completely. Our apt complex changes filters on the regular and I hadn't been opening windows because of the airborne shit and it's been windy....now you saying this.
I'm not saying freeze your ass off. :lol: Just air out the joint sometimes. Come home. Air the place out. Maybe before bed do it again. Just think folks can't be too careful. This shit is ripping across the world for a reason. Shit is just so easy to catch.

I'm sure China has different standards for their buildings than ours, but shit has spread in their buildings.


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