"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24


Rising Star
Super Moderator
I'm not saying freeze your ass off. :lol: Just air out the joint sometimes. Come home. Air the place out. Maybe before bed do it again. Just think folks can't be too careful. This shit is ripping across the world for a reason. Shit is just so easy to catch.

I'm sure China has different standards for their buildings than ours, but shit has spread in their buildings.
I'm in the house all the time. I'm working from home now....


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
I feel bad for the families that are gonna go from the nightmare of this virus right into the nightmare of grimey financial institutions when they realize the payment deferments were really tossed on top of the 1st bill not covered by the deferment and they won't be able to afford it. Gonna be alot of homes getting foreclosed and cars getting repoed. :smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I feel bad for the families that are gonna go from the nightmare of this virus right into the nightmare of grimey financial institutions when they realize the payment deferments were really tossed on top of the 1st bill not covered by the deferment and they won't be able to afford it. Gonna be alot of homes getting foreclosed and cars getting repoed. :smh:
Yeah man, some of those institutions are ready to pull those pants down around ankles. The folks with government-backed loans catching a break because the gov just created a program that puts that forebearance shit into something once the regular mortgage is paid off. It's a supplement to the CARES act.

Adults have to know what they are getting into and read the fine print.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I feel bad for the families that are gonna go from the nightmare of this virus right into the nightmare of grimey financial institutions when they realize the payment deferments were really tossed on top of the 1st bill not covered by the deferment and they won't be able to afford it. Gonna be alot of homes getting foreclosed and cars getting repoed. :smh:

UK will cover 80% of worker salaries for at least the next three months up to a maximum of £2,500 ($2,900) a month. Most other European countries are doing the same or better. My "both sides" uncle called me today because he is out of work now and wanted to know how to get his $1,200 check. :smh: The wife and I dont qualify for that shit and we know many people who have relatively high incomes who don't qualify but will not last longer than a month with no income to service their debts. We get the government we deserve. :smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
UK will cover 80% of worker salaries for at least the next three months up to a maximum of £2,500 ($2,900) a month. Most other European countries are doing the same or better. My "both sides" uncle called me today because he is out of work now and wanted to know how to get his $1,200 check. :smh: The wife and I dont qualify for that shit and we know many people who have relatively high incomes who don't qualify but will not last longer than a month with no income to service their debts. We get the government we deserve. :smh:
We watched the republicans take back the house in 2010 under the guise of fiscal responsibility. Will the democrats cede control to the house to republicans running on keeping Americans safe?


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Seriously. What is being hidden from us concerning this virus? There is wayyyy more to this that is not being said. I dont know if this question deserves its own thread.

They aren't hiding anything they just don't know for the most part which is infinitely worse.

The U.S. and the world slept on and ignored this shit despite all the warnings given behind the scenes and obvious inevitably of this pandemic on favor of Capitalism.

Now they're all trying to catch up and figure this shit out in real time while its decimating the population.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend




Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
They need to bring him out of retirement....
Gen, Russel Honore…. a no bullshitting cajun
"Jared Kushner ‘doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about:’ commander of Katrina Task Force

Lt. General Russel Honore, commander of Joint Task Force Katrina, on Jared Kushner saying that distributing lifesaving materials from the federal stockpile is not the government's job: “He doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. He’s totally clueless.”



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The United States is on the verge of total collapse unfortunately. At this rate we will not survive until November election and getting these fools outta these positions of power and decision making. We are wide open,vulnerable to an attack/invasion. If China did this purposefully and I dont think they did but we have no defenses against them now other than Thermal Nuclear War. We are firing honerable Navy leaders, GOP governors arent shutting down their states,Trump is lying everyday and playing political games to try and salvage his election in November,Pense is an ass-kissing joke and the doctors have to tip toe around the honest unedited truth to appease this moron President. The priorties of these assholes is money and nothing but money and they and unfortunately we are gonna learn a lesson that could cripple America which is money is great and awesome but it must be learned what money can and cannot do. The greed is not gonna work this time,hoarding the resources is not gonna work this time,the economic racism isnt gonna work this time. Give it up or else the US is done. Millions will die Millions will be economically devasted. Millions will be displaced. This rich gets richer and poor get poorer and the middle struggles to hold it all together is over. Its time to begin to shift the conversation and the policies NOW. If not this shit is gonna explode far beyond what we think. I see millions of people walking off these jobs if the wages arent increased,crime will spike huge if bills such as rent mortgages arent frozen,trillions of dollars need to be sent directly to people not business not corporations.If not stores will be over run,looting will be the rule of life,home invasions will escalate,shootings will explode, All this is looming if we dont get our shit together and force these issues and stop being dictated too by the boy President.