"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Most if not all condos and apartment (Hall ways and lobby) has recirculated air to save on energy expenses. Proper ventilation, filtration and humidity is essential to stopping the spread of disease

The air quality in most of those building probably ain’t Shit
Again BS.... if that was the case smoke from fires would be spread everywhere..... especially when tenants run out of the burning apartment and leave the door open behind them instead of closing it which slows the spread of fire down till the fire department gets there.... it's not closed.... it exhausts out of the roof....



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The United States is on the verge of total collapse unfortunately. At this rate we will not survive until November election and getting these fools outta these positions of power and decision making. We are wide open,vulnerable to an attack/invasion. If China did this purposefully and I dont think they did but we have no defenses against them now other than Thermal Nuclear War. We are firing honerable Navy leaders, GOP governors arent shutting down their states,Trump is lying everyday and playing political games to try and salvage his election in November,Pense is an ass-kissing joke and the doctors have to tip toe around the honest unedited truth to appease this moron President. The priorties of these assholes is money and nothing but money and they and unfortunately we are gonna learn a lesson that could cripple America which is money is great and awesome but it must be learned what money can and cannot do. The greed is not gonna work this time,hoarding the resources is not gonna work this time,the economic racism isnt gonna work this time. Give it up or else the US is done. Millions will die Millions will be economically devasted. Millions will be displaced. This rich gets richer and poor get poorer and the middle struggles to hold it all together is over. Its time to begin to shift the conversation and the policies NOW. If not this shit is gonna explode far beyond what we think. I see millions of people walking off these jobs if the wages arent increased,crime will spike huge if bills such as rent mortgages arent frozen,trillions of dollars need to be sent directly to people not business not corporations.If not stores will be over run,looting will be the rule of life,home invasions will escalate,shootings will explode, All this is looming if we dont get our shit together and force these issues and stop being dictated too by the boy President.
Are you describing anarchy, or revolution? I'm also not saying they're mutually exclusive.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
See now I'm done completely. Our apt complex changes filters on the regular and I hadn't been opening windows because of the airborne shit and it's been windy....now you saying this.
The filters are for the fresh air being pulled in.... to remove dust and other shit....like I said....if the air was recirculated.... it would spread smoke through out the building in a fire......


doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
What do you think would happen if the Postal Service shutdown?

US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, postal workers have been on the front lines, considered "essential workers" who must continue to do their jobs as usual while others stay home. But some lawmakers are warning that without more support, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) could completely shut down in the next few months, threatening the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Americans.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
What do you think would happen if the Postal Service shutdown?

US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, postal workers have been on the front lines, considered "essential workers" who must continue to do their jobs as usual while others stay home. But some lawmakers are warning that without more support, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) could completely shut down in the next few months, threatening the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

I give up.... :smh:


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

That piece of shit been trying to get rid of USPS for awhile now....

Dumb ass rural cacs dont realize that they wouldn't have mail service but for usps. Fedex, UPS, DHL aren't delivering to remote addresses that they lose money on...

The stupidity is showing in this country...

It's coming to the point I rather be on an isolated island that deal with these stupid muthafuckers...

Multi - P Limited

Rising Star

I'm dealing with #1 now because my hospital isn't allowing anyone to pick up their prescriptions due to the virus....Hell,my appointment this month got cancelled even though I was going to do it but I might have to cancel my appointments in May and June..

:smh: :smh: :smh:

This works line and step with politicians.

If corporations like Amazon run the post office game that means if voting by mail will be the new norm, privacy our tampering will be in the interest of politicians and we all know corporations will be bought off


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Are you describing anarchy, or revolution? I'm also not saying they're mutually exclusive.
I believe anarchy. Revolution is usually voluntary and done by a select few who rise up and force the majority to act. Anarchy is action that’s forced by the powerful that forces the majority to rise up cause their backs are against the wall. I see this on the verge of happening if MAJOR changes don’t happen right now. I personally know both cops and medical people who are faking sickness to avoid their jobs and the virus and I know that’s not an outlier


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I'm telling you. This shit is going to be epic. Those meetings from January and February are just the tip of the iceberg. :smh:

I disagree with nothing was done.

I wonder if the person who wrote those tweets forgot:
* The Coronavirus Task force was created Jan 29th
* That China Travel ban was made on Feb 1 (The one Trump annoying mentions over and over again)

My issue is the same as everyone, not enough was done.
I too wonder what happened in those Coronavirus Task force meetings

Did Fauci/Birx:
*recommend prepairing to meet needs to Health Care professionals
*request an immediate shutdown of the U.S. (Stay in place nationwide)
*To their recommendations, what were Trumps responses.
*Last, what happened to the test kits? :dunno:
Last edited:


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I disagree with nothing was done.

I wonder if the person who wrote those tweets forgot:
* The Coronavirus Task force was created Jan 29th
* That China Travel ban was made on Feb 1 (The one Trump annoying mentions over and over again)

My issue is the same as everyone, not enough was done.
I too wonder what happened in those Coronavirus Task force meetings

Did Fauci/Birx:
*recommend prepairing to meet needs to Health Care professionals
*request an immediate shutdown of the U.S. (Stay in place nationwide)
*To their recommendations, what were Trumps responses.
*Last, what happened to the test kits? :dunno:

Sorry I posted both tweets because one had a link to the article, but it's quoted by someone and hard to see.


Louis Koo

BGOL Investor


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
No it is not. Not even close.
I disagree.....the poster is correct this is worse then Katrina why because they are holding back a lot of terrible information that’s why. Katrina was a terrible disaster that was not handled correctly by the terrible Bush administration.....this virus issue the federal government knew it was coming and still set on the hands and did nothing.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
I disagree.....the poster is correct this is worse then Katrina why because they are holding back a lot of terrible information that’s why. Katrina was a terrible disaster that was not handled correctly by the terrible Bush administration.....this virus issue the federal government knew it was coming and still set on the hands and did nothing.
Reading is fundamental. Look at the bolded part.