"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

Walter Panov

Rising Star
It's worse because more people are dying.
They had warnings and months to prepare for this
More people are dying? 150,000+ dead for the invasion of Afghanistan and 300,000+ for the invasion of Iraq. So talk to me when more than 450,000 people are dead because of Trump. Not even counting the wars in Syria, Pakistan and Yemen that are the result of Bush's invasions after 911. That puts that death toll to over 800,000.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
More people are dying? 150,000+ dead for the invasion of Afghanistan and 300,000+ for the invasion of Iraq. So talk to me when more than 450,000 people are dead because of Trump. Not even counting the wars in Syria, Pakistan and Yemen that are the result of Bush's actions after 911. That puts that death toll to over 800,000.

You are moving the goalposts to make your point more viable but you are talking about apples and oranges in this situation.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
You are moving the goalposts to make your point more viable but you are talking about apples and oranges in this situation.
The original post I quoted said Bush and 911. You can't move the goalposts on a fucking quote. Do you understand? Do you need me to explain this to you? Seriously old man, reading is fundamental.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
The original post I quoted said Bush and 911. You can't move the goalposts on a fucking quote. Do you understand? Do you need me to explain this to you? Seriously old man, reading is fundamental.

The original post was only referring to the close to 3,000 lives lost on 9/11 in America due to the the Bush administration's inaction despite being made aware that terrorist were plotting to carry out an attack on US soil using planes which was imminent and still did nothing.

This plus the estimated 1,833 Katrina fatalities totals 4,833 deaths which is less than the roughly 7,100 reported COVID-19 deaths as of this morning which is only a fraction of what the total numbers will be once this is over.

The Trump administration was made aware of the potential to lose hundreds of thousands of American lives if no action was taken in January/February while also having the benefit of seeing this happen in real time to other countries which should have demonstrated to them that this was much more than just a possibility.

Yet with all this information and knowledge they not only ignored all recommended preventative measures they also downplayed and dismissed the seriousness of this pandemic to the American public which continued until around mid-March when it was already too late.

This doesn't even include the fact that he's given away personal protective equipment to other countries while there is a shortage in this country which has left emergency medical personal, the fire department, police departments, etc. exposed and resulted in their becoming infected unnecessarily and some reported deaths.

Even now he continues to refuse to act as advised with regards to obtaining and distributing ppe and getting ventilators made which everyone acknowledges are in short supply and will result in even more lives being lost which could have been prevented.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
China trying to cover it's tracks.

Folks just disappearing.

I expected this as soon as I began to hear of their decreasing number of deaths and confirmed cases.

The first thing that occurred to me was those "ghost" cities that China has been building in their country which were only for show and remained empty after being built.

What's to stop them from banishing their dying and infected to those cities where they would essentially disappear without a trace?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I disagree with nothing was done.

I wonder if the person who wrote those tweets forgot:
* The Coronavirus Task force was created Jan 29th
* That China Travel ban was made on Feb 1 (The one Trump annoying mentions over and over again)

My issue is the same as everyone, not enough was done.
I too wonder what happened in those Coronavirus Task force meetings

Did Fauci/Birx:
*recommend prepairing to meet needs to Health Care professionals
*request an immediate shutdown of the U.S. (Stay in place nationwide)
*To their recommendations, what were Trumps responses.
*Last, what happened to the test kits? :dunno:
what task force? There was a pandemic team in place that gave them the training and warning abour another pandemic and ninja disbanded it :smh:


Rising Star
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Rising Star
BGOL Legend
