"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
You ain't lying. He repeatedly pulls down his mask, gets into the personal space of the dude with labored breathing and pulls the blanket down from his face, and is sharing a cell with multiple victims. :smh: :smh: :smh:

On a side note, I'm surprised you didn't "One Star Willie" the post.
On top of he don't sound healthy at all.... he in there getting that pure concentrated dosage too....



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Follow up to my tweet above. The tweet below from @astoldbyti was before today's announced deaths at my Walmart store.
I'm just now discovering that tweet. :oops:
Its a lesson to all
*wear masks
*be careful what you touch when shopping
*use stencil when using touch screen
*hand sanitizer if you got'em.
*wipe down everything purchased with anti-bacterial spray or wipe when you get home.
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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Fake News


darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
I just poked around with it, and is very informative provided you can trust the data. That said, some of those red states are really going to be hurting for ICU beds. Check out TN and AL.
Yeah my father's family is from and still resides in Tuscaloosa which is right outside Birmingham so I'm concerned for them since it's the most populous city and therefore going to be the epicenter of their cases.

I wonder could the coming potential need in those deep red states, be the reason he is not giving needed supplies to blue states now

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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
This Trump briefing is wild today...he is on something.
Honestly shit is surreal. POTUS ranting like a drunk uncle at a family reunion while we are bracing for thousands to die :smh: :smh:

This turd is actually still talking about fucking Easter..... "there's never been anything as contagious as this, even the Spanish flu wasn't as contagious"... some one should let him talk to some of the relatives of the millions that died from it..... he's all amazed at seeing doctors suit up.... shit the rest of us have been looking at for a goddam month already....

and right after Fauci says otherwise... he rushes back to the podium... "Mitigation does work, but again... we're not gonna destroy our country.... we have to get back... because you know at a certain point …… you'll lose more people this way through all of the problems caused.....then you will with what we're …..doing right now what we're doing right now uh I think it's going to be very successful, but you know what I don't know we have a big decision to make at a certain point ...Okay we have a big decision to make...… uuuuhhh we went this extra period of time..... but I've said it from the beginning... the cure can not to be worse than the problem itself and we cannot let that happen. We have an incredible country...… we were having the greatest...…… period in our country's history from an economic stand point and many other ways … we cannot let this.....continue, so at a certain point...some hard decisions are going to have to be made"

This raving mad lunatic cares nothing about life and is hell bent on getting more people killed... he only cares about the economy and how it's going to effect his reelection.... :smh:





Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I've said it once and i'll say it again. I'm not even upset with Trump. Everything you're seeing from him is what he showed pre-campaign, during the debates, and throughout his presidency. That being someone that has absolutely no business being the POTUS. If anything, his presidency has shown the gapping flaws in our political system. Someone can win and election by "hook or crook" without any experience in any branch of government and then essentially be in charge of it all. Where seeing and feeling that painfull lesson right now.

Ultiamtely, The question becomes those that are helping to keep him in power. What are their excuses?

Hopefully, it's equally clear by now. Someone running for office should be one of the most vetted positions in the entire country with equally strict qualification requirements.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Typical Dog Smelling CAC mad because their needs ain’t first. Capitalism is only good when it benefits them :lol:

the same way Pompeo allowed shipment of 10million masks in January! ?
why isnt he mad about that? why didnt he bring that up?
those same masks went thru a circular channel n ended up back in america at jacked uo prices!
imagine if any of this had happened under Obama!?
this fukkin cac talmbout "GLOBALIST" this Tinhat fukkas! Everything is either soros or liberal elite globalist! (globalist billionaires excluding Billionaires like Koch or Trump of course!) killin american citizens to own the libs


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait, What?

I have an engineering and medical background.
What's the correlation supposed to be here?
First it was coronavirus was a hoax and its was 5g doing this.
Now they are saying coronavirus might be real but some of the sick people are actually sick from 5g.
Coronavirus is the fall guy for illness caused by 5g.
Batman v superman still sucks btw lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait, What?

I have an engineering and medical background.
What's the correlation supposed to be here?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are some dumb ass conspiracy videos around saying COVID-19 is the result of 5G
First it was coronavirus was a hoax and its was 5g doing this.
Now they are saying coronavirus might be real but some of the sick people are actually sick from 5g.
Coronavirus is the fall guy for illness caused by 5g.
Batman v superman still sucks btw lol

I see! Unfortunately, this is a response by scared folks and i understand it. Instead of great leadership giving clear concise assurances along with unfied executable action. We have the disarray and absolute failure of leadership at the highest levels.

Challenging times. But be good to each other...
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