"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
what yall think about this post



Rising Star
BGOL Legend




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gotta applaud the US for not bullshitting about the number of positive cases. No way that China has the amount they reported.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are learning a hard lesson.

When you begin to grow to big CIA has some tricks up their sleeves to slow yo shit down.

First certain parts of Africa, now it's China's turn.
The Ebola in Africa. You would think that Africa would be richer than Dubai but the country with the most abundance of resources has been the leader in supporting white supremacy and letting whites rule and going backwards when it comes to technology. But I am not talking about technology that was here in the beginning. That technology is hid just like the true history and identity of blacks.
But this with China came at a time when America was using traditional weapons to lock the earth down. For generations many were raised thinking they were free, which took away their desire for freedom. But they may have to start desiring freedom all over again if these devils wake them up to the fact that they are not free.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Friendly reminder for all the podcast fans ... check out some of the feeds for your favorite shows. Many shows/networks are putting out more content of late with the additional time on their hands, and knowing the listenership will appreciate it.

Enjoy the additional content! Catching up on a number of shows at the moment ...


Rising Star
BGOL Legend










Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

He's still an idiot but at least he's not an idiot like the one in office....

Read about Bush doing that. Apparently, he read a book about 1918 and became fucking obsessed with a pandemic scenario. I never knew that shit. The federal government didn't keep up with his vision.

I'm shocked. I fucking hate Bush. Been on him for 20 years, but he nailed this shit. It just never went any fucking where. 3 years and done. Our government has more important bullshit to focus on. :hmm: And no I'm sure as shit not blaming Obama, just saying it's the usual shit with our government. Red tape bullshit. Justify the spending by spending or fuck off.

:smh: Book spooked the shit out of Bush. Makes sense since that was fresh of SARS.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
An email update locally from BC Hydro ...

Introducing the COVID-19 Relief Fund
A message from Chris O'Riley, President & CEO of BC Hydro

The last month has been challenging. COVID-19 has meant many changes for us as individuals, and for our communities. In this stressful time, we want to support those who need it most.

This week, we introduced a COVID-19 Relief Fund to help our residential customers who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.

The Relief Fund delivers support to you now, when you need it most

If you've lost your job or income, the Relief Fund provides you with a credit to your account to reduce your bill.

  • The credit will be equal to three times your average monthly bill.
  • You will not have to pay this back.
  • The application window opens next week and you can apply until June 30, 2020.

This new fund is in addition to the other services we offer:

  • The COVID-19 Customer Assistance Program gives you the option to defer payments or arrange a flexible payment plan to help you pay your bills.
  • The Customer Crisis Fund grant is a one-time grant for residential customers dealing with financial hardship of job loss, illness or loss of wages.

We're here for you

We're committed to helping our customers during this challenging time. As an essential service in this province, we've adapted our business and we will continue to adapt so that we can uphold our commitment to safely provide you with electricity.

You've stood by us through our worst storms; this is us standing by you.

Chris O'Riley


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Read about Bush doing that. Apparently, he read a book about 1918 and became fucking obsessed with a pandemic scenario. I never knew that shit. The federal government didn't keep up with his vision.

I'm shocked. I fucking hate Bush. Been on him for 20 years, but he nailed this shit. It just never went any fucking where. 3 years and done. Our government has more important bullshit to focus on. :hmm: And no I'm sure as shit not blaming Obama, just saying it's the usual shit with our government. Red tape bullshit. Justify the spending by spending or fuck off.

:smh: Book spooked the shit out of Bush. Makes sense since that was fresh of SARS.
You better not blame Obama

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

People are mad that the state is lockdown.... :smh: :smh:

People are fucking idiots. Now you see why the government can't tell these creatures that shit won't get right until there is a vaccine. Folks don't realize this can crash our entire medical system and there is no getting back to normal until a vaccine. :smh:

I read somewhere that a doctor said he was just diagnosing corona off some of the symptoms. If you got a fever and body aches, he just assuming you got the shit and acting accordingly.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
What happened here???

From the WSHH write-up -

Thieves Choose The Wrong House To Rob During Quarantine!

Uploaded April 05, 2020

Police and firefighter/paramedics from Arlington Heights responded about 2:00 p.m Saturday, April 4, 2020 to a report that an armed male offender entered a home in the block of 2400 North Evergreen Avenue. The homeowner in the video was later seen with an injured arm near EMS staging about a block south of his house. The homeowner reportedly killed the other suspect. Posted by Abdul