Sorry, it really is that simple. I'd go as far to say that any fucking school district in the country that isn't cancelling is being negligent as fuck. Figure out the rest later, but school got to fucking go. Period. Non-negotiable.What you and many don't understand is that many people use school as daycare, because many people can't afford it.
Parents are still working.
So you can't just say, let's cancel school. It's not that simple. Canceling a day or two for snow isn't canceling it for two weeks or a month or more. Not everybody has a support system or the money for day care.
This shit is AT LEAST 6-10 times deadlier than the flu and schools are fucking breeding grounds for germs. They like wartimne triage in Italy and we seriously worried about what happens when school is cancelled? People can deal with this when healthy or worry about support systems while they laid up for 2-4 weeks and perhaps killed an older loved one.
It won't take but one infected kid to shutdown an entire neighborhood if schools stay in session. The governments of Cali, NY, and Washington need their asses kicked. Folks so worried about Trumps bitch ass they missing the missteps by the local folks.