"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor

Bring that shit here.

I got it a month ago...:yes:

It's like an endless cycle of stupidity. The cases drop a little and it goes right back up.. I feel like I'm gonna be wrong about this shit being over. I said 2023 but it looks like it's gonna be longer....
Shit won't be over till sad to say this a large majority of these anti vacc/anti mask fools are dead and they realize they are the tiny minority.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Man, that booster done had my blike ass fatigued for 2 days. Gettin' GREAT sleep. Fuck, I'ma just gon' head & get da flu shot too.

Was in/out CVS in minute. Nann questions asked abut qualifications. All had to do was set up da appointment.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
This dude is killing his own white people also the federal judge is probably going to stop this to because of what happen with Texas.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say republicans trying to purge older people to save money. In all the time since this started, 75-80 percent of the people who died from it stateside are seniors. So if 1 million Americans died, around 750,000-800,000 going to be senior range. No social security payments. :eek: Of that million, around 20k would be 40 and under. Worker bees still there with decades of waging/spending ahead of them.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
If I didn't know any better, I'd say republicans trying to purge older people to save money. In all the time since this started, 75-80 percent of the people who died from it stateside are seniors. So if 1 million Americans died, around 750,000-800,000 going to be senior range. No social security payments. :eek: Of that million, around 20k would be 40 and under. Worker bees still there with decades of waging/spending ahead of them.
That could be but it’s stupid because that’s the voting base. Also a part of me thinks we are well over 1 million people dead from this virus in America. I really think Trump and his knucklehead people hid a lot of numbers. Also this is why you have a worker sure that’s in some areas because they don’t have nobody to do the job because they are dead. If they were to do another Census again this year…It will show the white population Below 55%

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
That could be but it’s stupid because that’s the voting base. Also a part of me thinks we are well over 1 million people dead from this virus in America. I really think Trump and his knucklehead people hid a lot of numbers. Also this is why you have a worker sure that’s in some areas because they don’t have nobody to do the job because they are dead. If they were to do another Census again this year…It will show the white population Below 55%
Naw, I think the numbers are about right. I only know a few people who died and they were all old as fuck and same fam it ran through. Damn near same with everyone I know. IF and that's IF they know someone dead, usually person was old. Got doctors in the family who wasn't even pressed about this shit when I was paranoid as fuck. Now when it first started back in early 2020, they were a lot more cautious.

As for white population, conservative thought ain't just white. Racism against black people ain't just white. Hispanics/Asians will replace whites. Happened with the Italians, Irish, slavs, and other honorary whites. Shit, arabs who ran through Africa taught whites white supremacy centuries ago.

With all the weirdo social shit, democrats are making republicans faster than republicans are making republicans. :lol: Dems just in unbelievable denial about it.

COVID is just accelerating a lot of shit that was going to happen. Hope we don't see a deadlier strain anytime soon. This country would fall to pieces. :smh:


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Naw, I think the numbers are about right. I only know a few people who died and they were all old as fuck and same fam it ran through. Damn near same with everyone I know. IF and that's IF they know someone dead, usually person was old. Got doctors in the family who wasn't even pressed about this shit when I was paranoid as fuck. Now when it first started back in early 2020, they were a lot more cautious.

As for white population, conservative thought ain't just white. Racism against black people ain't just white. Hispanics/Asians will replace whites. Happened with the Italians, Irish, slavs, and other honorary whites. Shit, arabs who ran through Africa taught whites white supremacy centuries ago.

With all the weirdo social shit, democrats are making republicans faster than republicans are making republicans. :lol: Dems just in unbelievable denial about it.

COVID is just accelerating a lot of shit that was going to happen. Hope we don't see a deadlier strain anytime soon. This country would fall to pieces. :smh:
Remember the official numbers with the census was 57%


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star

Bring that shit here.

I got it a month ago...:yes:

It's like an endless cycle of stupidity. The cases drop a little and it goes right back up.. I feel like I'm gonna be wrong about this shit being over. I said 2023 but it looks like it's gonna be longer....
the thing thats really needed is testing - of everyone ...daily - because the virus can be spread asymptotically

but testing no matter how often or how good wont mean shit if the vax rate is so low.....

you wont get this under control - if people already are resisting the vaccine how will they be with daily testing?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"...great majority of these patients are unvaccinated. "
"...and many of them dying."

"I wish that people could see what I see as we are in another surge with COVID-19," said Breyer.
Just 6% of ICU beds are currently available in Colorado.



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
"...great majority of these patients are unvaccinated. "
"...and many of them dying."

"I wish that people could see what I see as we are in another surge with COVID-19," said Breyer.
Just 6% of ICU beds are currently available in Colorado.

People are so fucking hardheaded….I am at the point right now where if you are not vaccinated you cannot come to the doctor I’m sorry you just cant


Rising Star
OG Investor
the thing thats really needed is testing - of everyone ...daily - because the virus can be spread asymptotically

but testing no matter how often or how good wont mean shit if the vax rate is so low.....

you wont get this under control - if people already are resisting the vaccine how will they be with daily testing?

Take da vaccine, take a test or get shot down like a dog in da streets for all to see. :dunno: