The wife got her booster Monday and started feeling achy and had a fever, this is normal after a booster. But this was also after visiting my stepson at his house where his anti-vaxxer wife had Covid-19 and gave it to my grandson 3 wees ago. Gotta listen to your gut when it tells you shit. I was against her going over there but I just shook it off. She took the at home test this morning and it came back positive. Shortly thereafter he called and said he had symptoms and came back positive. So now I'm in a quandary , what do I do? the house is not that big I mean we can stay away from other her upstairs and me downstairs. My test came back negative to let you know, she is going to get a PCR test later today, as some of you may recall I survived double lung failure in 2009 and am living with pulmonary fibrosis. So I can't afford to get any shit that affects the lungs. Will keep you all posted.
Damn sorry to hear this brother, my best wishes to you and yours in recovery.
As far as you my advice considering your health concerns would be to quarantine as much as possible and wear a mask in any areas you both are in for the next 10 days or so. With those health issues I wouldn't even chance it. Luckily you didn't test positive.
I had a similar situation with family recently. My mother needed me to transport her to and from a medical appointment recently which I did only to find out she tested positive for COVID days later due to being at a friend's house on Easter where no one was wearing a mask.
Thankfully I wear my mask no matter who I'm with including moms so there was no issue, I didn't even test myself. Also, everyone knows how cautious I am when it comes to COVID so she kept hers on in the car as well.
Agreed with @OutlawR.O.C. - all the best to you & your family members @djkidrich - please keep your health paramount, as you noted.