Wypipol don’t believe fat meat is greasy!
I just got back from a 10 day cruise to Alaska and several people in the FB group reported that they have covid, But this dumb white bitch here is a special kind of stupid.
Yes, both my husband and myself now have Covid. Why did Carnival not tell us that there was Covid on the ship?
You agreed to this when you checked in for your cruise.
They probably didn’t know.
Not trying to be snarky, but with a few thousand people onboard, why would you assume there weren't covid cases?
We disembarked 6 days ago, if you are positive it is not from the ship, but maybe from the transport to get home.
And we all know that the risk was present, we were advised to wear the mask but no one did it (me first I admit) so I do not see myself turning against Carnival even if my wife and I are positive since the cruise.
Anyway I wish you a speedy recovery
Original poster \/ \/ \/
I was well aware of the contract and risk. I simply wish that Carnival would have informed us that there were so many cases on the ship