simple logic here, if you cannot apply simple logic,
just ignore this post, in fact just put me on ignore like
all the logic lackeys do up here.. this way everybody wins,
For the logically inclined..please continue...
Under the guise of trying to block out the sun, for some climate change
as if they can stop the earth from Organically warming up...
the globalist pussys are spraying us like roaches..
If they are spraying shit into the atomosphere which they been doing
since the early to mid ninties, but going FULL STEAM NOW what
the masses know as chemtrails..
but what its actually called is.
and you heard it hear FIRST....because Mrfreddygoodbud put all
real kniggas on game so they can stay abreast of the bullshit...
we call it chemtrails..
They call this biological warfare
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection...
I kid you NOT...
now applying logic, you dont INJECT anything into air,
You INJECT people, this
is to BLOCK THE SUN by reflecting sunlight back to space,
Thats some PURE DEMONIC shit, without sunlight the planet DIES......
anybody enforcing this shit is a SATANIST I promise you that...
but this STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOL INJECTION is more sinsiter than that,
its really what is making people think they have whatever the lame stream media
is telling them they have...
and thinkin only the doctor can make it right,
not even knowing The Most High gave you everything you need to fight off
ANY foreign shit, if you just eat and drink the right things to fortify your immune system...
but how can folks think spraying us like roaches is not going to have some effect on us...
Hey dont take my word for it... google
Stratospheric Aerosol Injections......
and ponder on it, then ask yourself, how possible is it, that this stratospheric aerosol injection thingy,
is having an effect on people especially in places they spray the most...
I think Im gonna start a private youtube channel for real kniggas...who
want to seek TRUTH and not just play monkey say, monkey hear,
and monkey do!!