What in all of the Shit... 180gbs!!!
Jesus fucking Christ
I feel like Doc Brown after watching the video
These are the types of games that I care about the score on... this bitch better be a fucking 9 or 10 to be 180 gbs worthy.
This is where the fucking new digital battle begins...
With the size of these games and the costs of the Drives to play these games at peak performance... this is where the new consumer has to decide what to do.
I still haven't bought Vangaurd because
1. The size of the game
2. The reviews were lackluster
3. HD space is tight right now
To download Vanguard ..... I would have to delete a ton of shit or Move some shit and I don't want to do that because the games that I have on internal I still play... but they also take up a shit ton of room..
1. Warzone
2. Gears 5
3. Flight Sim
Most of my internal Space is used mainly for three damn games....
I've got to save space for Halo infinite ..
I could buy the new 2tb ... internal storage
But paying 400 dollars for 2tbs is just too insane for me to think about.... because I know that eventually the costs on these SSD drives are going to come down.