Xbox Series X/S Microsoft - Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 confirmed for Xbox Game Pass on day 1/ Perfect Dark - Gameplay Reveal / Gears of War: E-Day


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Was too late on the X had to switch accounts. 1 console per account. Got the S though.

PS5 might be up next, time to make another account.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I just cut a tv box up like a damn sushi chef and put it in one of those black contractor bags. Didn’t put the bag out until like an hour before the trash man usually gets there. I did all that and I don’t live in a bad neighborhood at all.....old habits lol

Put the box in the trunk of my stang and drove to my girls apartment complex to put it in the complex's trash can. LOL


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
With the way Japanese developers are acting I expect Microsoft to either take most of their games or take away some of the features on Sony systems. And best believe that Microsoft Studios logo is gonna be in 4K.

The more I think about it..

I just can't see Microsoft putting Bethesda's games on any other console

especially with them just announcing that Cloud gaming is about to come to Windows PC's and IOS phones next summer... They are looking to Netflix the fuck out this thing.

Especially if Gamepass can run smooth through a Browser ... That shit will be crazy

You would probably be able to run gamepass on any device that allows internet browsers like Firetvs, smart tvs, hell even a playstation.

Aww Skeet Skeet!

The antithesis of nonsense.
BGOL Investor
Looks like Cyberpunk should have been next gen only. I'm gonna hold out for the XSX optimized version next year. I am wondering how the loading times are for last gen consoles.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
Yea I used quite a few deals to get my price a lot lower on Amazon. Gonna let it sit for the optimizations to come.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
Words matter. When you say shit like "base console" or "7 year old hardware" you are placing the blame on the consumer as if consoles are PCs. Or as if you are expecting console players to constantly upgrade their systems every 2-3 years. That's bullshit. Don't make the game if the "base" system can't run it properly. Make it the game to force folks to go next gen for. And with the original release date being in April it makes them even more full of shit. They had plenty of time to cancel it for current gen but they didn't. Instead they forced folks to work harder.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Looks like Cyberpunk should have been next gen only. I'm gonna hold out for the XSX optimized version next year. I am wondering how the loading times are for last gen consoles.

played a little bit on my XSX and yeah..

I'm pissed that It's optimized for Series X but you can definitely tell that it's not running Next gen... Don't get me wrong it looks good.. but it looks good like how Infinite Warfare looks good on Series X.

I know they said that the Next Gen official version drops next year... but I would have beaten the damn game by then.

I honestly wish that they held this off until the Next gen was ready ... Cause if you look at this running on a PC and then play it on a 70 inch UHD 4k screen using the Console version ... It just looks like a regular Xbox One X game.

Plus it runs kind of stiff .... definitely needs a patch.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Since I purchased my Xbox Series X and got a 70 inch UHD 4k tv ... the best looking game that I've played so far that is a true showcase is gawd damn Call of Duty Infinite Warfare ...

I'm telling you right now..

It's looks gawd damn amazing.... It's like a brand new game running at 60 Fps and High def...