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EA is the fucking Worst

Madden 22 Franchise Mode Updates Canceled


If you’ve been patiently — or impatiently waiting — for the next major updates to franchise mode in Madden 22, you may want to sit down for this. The updates aren’t coming.

According to sources close to the game’s development, EA Sports has made the decision to cancel the plans for the remaining two large in-season updates for the mode. This comes just under two months since the game’s scouting update, the first of three planned feature improvements to the mode, was released to everyone.

The decision was made to cut the plans after moving a portion of the Madden development team over to the new EA Sports College Football game that’s currently in development. Because of the staff movement, EA Sports decided to put more of the focus on Madden towards year-over-year development.

Changes Leave EA Sports Staff Frustrated
After reaching out to various personnel, there isn’t a lot of happiness within the EA Sports development team at the moment. Many know how the decision is going to be viewed by the community, especially after another rocky launch. The company had spent all summer talking about Madden 22 being viewed and treated as a live service with its updates just to have that be all for naught.

EA Sports is a company that pulls in well over $1,000,000,000 in revenue from its Ultimate Team modes alone. With profits continuing to rise for the company, filling out the staff in order to meet previously announced goals is what the teams within the company wanted. Instead, SGO was told that there has been no mention of replacing the moved staff to help with the game’s development.

“They are stressed and frustrated,” one source said. “It’s not a good place right now.”

Madden 22 Franchise Mode Update Cancellation Was Teased
Back in October, Madden 22 executive producer Seann Graddy told IGN that new modes being added to the game wasn’t a priority for the team with its content updates. Instead, the team was focused on specific areas of the game that were already in place.

“I would say [the roadmap is] probably slightly less ambitious than years past because we are really focused on a few core areas of Madden 22 and also getting started up on Madden 23 in a big way,” Graddy told IGN then. “So I will stand by what we’ve always said the last couple of years: we’re a live service and we’ll continue to update the game, but we’re definitely not going to be talking about a brand new mode.”

One of those core areas, many believed, would be Madden 22’s franchise mode. Alas, that doesn’t appear to be the case any longer. While there are still likely to be smaller updates within the mode to address tuning issues and other various bugs, nothing larger is expected.

SGO has reached out to EA Sports for public comment on the decision, and will update the story should a response be received.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Man ya'll better go purchase Titanfall 1 and 2 ..... Cause I don't care what they say... I don't trust that they wont remove Titanfall 2

When they going to get started on 3...

Retarded ass Spidey
Got it sounding like he making the sound effects himself :lol:

Now why didnt they do this with 2042 :smh: they better be expanding on Portal down the line to where players can make up their own