Xbox Series X/S Microsoft - Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 confirmed for Xbox Game Pass on day 1


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
this and Bethesda tell me that if Xbox really wanted to Sweep the leg on Sony they could have done it at any time this generation…

like seriously 68 Billion cash only offer…

they could have easily signed exclusivity deals with every single third party publisher Sony works with.

every thread I keep talking about them buying Remedy and this move is proof to me that Phil is content to just let Remedy be free and if they want to be bought… they would do it.

There is no fucking way that Sony has 68 billion in all cash..

That is fucking insane…

All Cash…

how do you even transfer that type of money.
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member

Pitfall is now a Microsoft IP…

you talk about a property that fucking demands a comeback…

That could be Microsoft’s Uncharted

Fucking Activision has been around since Atari… we are talking about Decades of IP that Microsoft could bring back.
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member

completely agree with him…

especially the gamepass argument but the funny part of this is that Sony has a gamepass competitor that has been around longer then gamepass and offers the same service “PlayStation now”…. Sony just fucked it up.

they Started This service way before Microsoft and its still crazy to me that it’s insignificant
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