Xbox Series X/S Microsoft - Ninja Gaiden 4 is coming Fall 2025 (Game Pass)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

this picture is mad off lol these sony boys are trying to make the ps5 look smaller but the real size is the ps5 is much bigger to the series s..its way bogger to the series x as well and in this pic knowing the s is smaller than the x on the pic its a inch difference.another thing im both systems lover but the pony boys was all cracking over the size of the x but if you think about it the ps5 is way wider than both series s,x.not to mention taller .thats crazy man


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So fanboys are trying to spread misinformation about the Xbox. I never understood this mentality to hate your enemy more than loving your own console.
bro i was just saying the same thing.its funny there doing that.they will never admit sony just dropped the ball on this one.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Probably worth noting, he also said this today.

The guy's an engineer. it's his job to find the limitations so they can be addressed. I don't think anything he said means there's going to be drastic differences in performance between any of the systems, and it's probably is going to come down to what it always does, the skill of the team and their knowledge of the hardware.

This is the first time in a long while we are going to have a console war when it comes down to the games, and no matter what you choose it's going to be a good ride.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

All Sony products must come with a bad ass Asian chick with them, cause there is no reason a man should defend (an attack for) a company this hard lol.

These Sony fanboys different.




Sleeping Deity.
BGOL Investor
I don't know Nvidia may throw cold water on both consoles if that 3060 Ti card is sold at a decent price (around 3 hunnid maybe) you could build a pretty powerful pc with that card for under a stack.