Xbox Series X/S Microsoft - Ninja Gaiden 4 is coming Fall 2025 (Game Pass)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We don't speak broke up in here!

But seriously I am as well as trying to do Amazon. Not because I need to but because I want to. But if you do it they recommend not using the Gamepass code until you have less than a year left to go on your membership. So I would have to wait until March to use it since I'm good until 2022.
Mine expires next month. .I thinking about it but I'm still debating on the s vs x.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I tried and as usual, just like when you trying to get a pair of sneakers the website suddenly doesn't work. I'm not going to break my neck or spend outrageous money to get either of these consoles. I'll just wait, I have a Xbox one X and a PS4 Pro to keep me straight until these consoles are available.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was on Walmart 30 seconds into it and it said sold out. I refreshed tried to order and it went through. I straight got lucky. I tried every other site to try and get 1 more no luck they are all down


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know how y'all got through.
I got a wired connection with Gigabit speed and NONE of the sites worked for me.
I'm used to doing this when Jordans drop and have pretty good success copping.
Not this time.