Xbox Series X/S Microsoft - Ninja Gaiden 4 is coming Fall 2025 (Game Pass)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
man im so pissed.this didnt make no sense that walmart or bestbuy didn't have any in store i mean only gamestop and they had 6 no other place had any.why would they make it 98% online then yall bragging that yall have 5 and 4 and 3 systems..then every site i had it in my cart went to buy it then its out my so piss man.then i get on ebay and these sorry negras got theres for $1100-2000 kiss my butt with all that crap.ill go no more than $100 over cost thats it.

Aww Skeet Skeet!

The antithesis of nonsense.
BGOL Investor
man im so pissed.this didnt make no sense that walmart or bestbuy didn't have any in store i mean only gamestop and they had 6 no other place had any.why would they make it 98% online then yall bragging that yall have 5 and 4 and 3 systems..then every site i had it in my cart went to buy it then its out my so piss man.then i get on ebay and these sorry negras got theres for $1100-2000 kiss my butt with all that crap.ill go no more than $100 over cost thats it.

I'm definitely putting at least one of my Xs on ebay. Charge enough to pay for my other X.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
man im so pissed.this didnt make no sense that walmart or bestbuy didn't have any in store i mean only gamestop and they had 6 no other place had any.why would they make it 98% online then yall bragging that yall have 5 and 4 and 3 systems..then every site i had it in my cart went to buy it then its out my so piss man.then i get on ebay and these sorry negras got theres for $1100-2000 kiss my butt with all that crap.ill go no more than $100 over cost thats it.
How are cats already flipping something that don't come out until November?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
^^sold out

I made another Walmart account. Im ready lol.
Need another X and a two Series S's


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
Sega has a lot of untapped potential. Microsoft buying them wouldn't be out of nowhere. The OG XBox was the place for some Dreamcast sequels. I wish Nintendo had bought them years ago but they ignore enough franchises as is.