Xbox Series X/S Microsoft - Ninja Gaiden 4 is coming Fall 2025 (Game Pass)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So what games will be available on release day?
Are games only available for download now?
Are the days of game discs dead?

I did a quick look and it appears nothing is coming out that won't be on the One X or the One or the PC. The same is true for the PS5/PS4 world. At least for now. As for your other two questions from what I can tell not yet. What I find truly hilarious is that It was less than a decade ago when much of the gaming world wet the Bed and Shit their pants over Microsoft's intentions of moving away from Disc based media and having a vision of an entertainment device that played games as well as letting you stream media. A device that was internet dependant. People howled and Sony was their savior. Sony would never do that. They are only focused on games. Of course, While Microsoft bled from the ass on the Disk vs digital game issue Sony quietly scrapped the same plans. While Microsoft got rid of their entertainment network Plans Sony spun up Playstation Vue which they only recently shutdown. Sony now has a Diskless system right along with Microsoft. The same issues that gamers whined about concerning diskless media still exist today and yet those systems sell. Personally I like disks for all media. I still buy Music, Movies and Games on disks but not exclusively. The publishers have long wanted this as the proliferation of so called digital systems will reduce the 2nd hand market which they see as a giant loss of revenue.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

They should of went under $200

Cosair's Mp600 is $189 on Amazon


$150 Would’ve been a great price for this
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Woke up to an email from microsoft saying they put one in my cart


I actually need to monitor my credit card to make sure I wasn't eventually charged for a system without knowing during all of the times I kept attempting to finalize my order and told nothing was in my cart.

Fuck around and have 20 XBOX Series X's waiting for me on my stoop when I wake up on November 10th :lol:

Silk Dogg

BGOL Investor

I actually need to monitor my credit card to make sure I wasn't eventually charged for a system without knowing during all of the times I kept attempting to finalize my order and told nothing was in my cart.

Fuck around and have 20 XBOX Series X's waiting for me on my stoop when I wake up on November 10th :lol:

That would be Target. Don't know how many times that happened. I don't even need to get another one. Not sure I want to deal with the hassle of reselling


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They should of went under $200

Cosair's Mp600 is $189 on Amazon


$150 Would’ve been a great price for this

Won't fit in the PS5 because of the heatsink, and isn't fast enough.

There's a ton of people who are going to be disappointed once they figure out compatible drives aren't cheap.