YO FAMO WHATSUP wit the 5LINX scheme


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
NOTHING Like the insight of good ol bgol to put you up on game so with that being said check this out.

My roommate be having these cats in my house selling what seems like the ultimate dream..........It seems like the ultimate pyramid scheme i just listen in my room why this dude spits this madness. They be on some shit i would be all day trying to explain but basically i think they full of shit. He got these dudes hook line and sinker including my roommate. I looked up the site the other day


Trying to see what the deal is. I keep telling my roommate dont you fall for it but dude to far gone. My QUESTION to the fam is have yall ever heard of this or know anyway involved in it.


I dont know about that shit,every dude I know in that hustle take a pic
of some Bentley like they own the shit:hmm:

now dudes is selling some coffee around my way,dont know
what that one is all about. Some People love to be sold a dream.


Support BGOL
Excellent short term opportunity... but if it's me, I'm going with the deregulated energy piece to generate residual income. You can make money with 5links, but they are primarily dealing in the telecom industry, which is always changing... plus, you have the sell the public product in order to make money... with the Energy piece, there is no up front outlay if a customer wants to switch their energy supplier, plus they save money. In addition, as long as people own or rent, they will always have to have an electric bill, so if they switch, and maintain their accounts satisfactorily, you will always receive the residual income based on the company you are withs compensation plan... a no brainer if you are looking for sustained income... not a short term fix...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I dont know about that shit,every dude I know in that hustle take a pic
of some Bentley like they own the shit:hmm:

now dudes is selling some coffee around my way,dont know
what that one is all about. Some People love to be sold a dream.

man its like a cult bro well i hope he dont get got they be trying to holla at me im like naaaaw bruh im to broke to be losing the lent in my pocket


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Excellent short term opportunity... but if it's me, I'm going with the deregulated energy piece to generate residual income. You can make money with 5links, but they are primarily dealing in the telecom industry, which is always changing... plus, you have the sell the public product in order to make money... with the Energy piece, there is no up front outlay if a customer wants to switch their energy supplier, plus they save money. In addition, as long as people own or rent, they will always have to have an electric bill, so if they switch, and maintain their accounts satisfactorily, you will always receive the residual income based on the company you are withs compensation plan... a no brainer if you are looking for sustained income... not a short term fix...

good info sounds like you dealt with them before


Support BGOL
good info sounds like you dealt with them before

I do my research Dude... The one thing a lot of these companies do, is they hit you with a lot of glitz and glamour, huge money testimonials and get you to give up the upfront money, and then once you get into it, you realize that a small segment of the population will make anything off of it. Food for thought, when looking for a residual income oppt:
1. Do your research. Not just short term, but long term plans by that company.
2. Look at the market they are in
3. Determine how much money you want to put in to it, and what their marketing plan is
4. Are you looking for short term quick hits, or sustainable long term residual income.

That's why this energy thing is so big. The government is pushing this green initiative... There is a mandate by the government to go to 20% reusable energy by 2035.

Be aware though, there are ALOT of green companies out there, so it is important to research, and see, if this is something you want to do, what company offers you the best opportunity to convert customers, as well as other types of organizations, etc.

Energy is huge man, a 500 trillion dollar industry... :yes:


Support BGOL
I suck at sales but if the hustle works for some no knockin
it on my part but this shit c'mon son


WTF!!! This Dude is flossing with a Car that isn't his, but wants you to call him so he can show you how to get a car that he hasn't gotten yet?!?!?!?! Maybe it's me, but what was the purpose of that whole video :confused: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I do my research Dude... The one thing a lot of these companies do, is they hit you with a lot of glitz and glamour, huge money testimonials and get you to give up the upfront money, and then once you get into it, you realize that a small segment of the population will make anything off of it. Food for thought, when looking for a residual income oppt:
1. Do your research. Not just short term, but long term plans by that company.
2. Look at the market they are in
3. Determine how much money you want to put in to it, and what their marketing plan is
4. Are you looking for short term quick hits, or sustainable long term residual income.

That's why this energy thing is so big. The government is pushing this green initiative... There is a mandate by the government to go to 20% reusable energy by 2035.

Be aware though, there are ALOT of green companies out there, so it is important to research, and see, if this is something you want to do, what company offers you the best opportunity to convert customers, as well as other types of organizations, etc.

Energy is huge man, a 500 trillion dollar industry... :yes:

I suck at sales but if the hustle works for some no knockin
it on my part but this shit c'mon son


yeah not knocking nobody but i just wanted to know what the fam thought about it.

If you can get a lil change off of it great but the whole over the top life style they be promoting is ridiculous


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
:lol: let me guess, while they were trying to sell you shit they showed you a magazine with people who supposedly made it big selling their shit right?


its the same with all these MLM companies.. its good to get in earlier and get our fast... I know a few people that are in the business of MLM and they make good money.. but they got in early when it was small and built up their income.. once the industry gets saturated you wont get any money out of it...


Rising Star
5 Linkd Used to be ACN and LCI - same address, same product - I got their brochures less than 5 feet away from me right now collecting dust. My cuz hit me with that shit when I really didn't have it like that and I made a little change in ATL/SC/NC/VA - a dude that I supervised in MD let me buy into his pool and I made a little change from that too. I've worked these work-at-home businesses before and the worst thing you can do is host at your house or let people know where to find you. I did it before internet and by the time selling Pre-paid legal came around I passed it up because I was burnt out - I just gave dude my little $250 and kicked it with the chicks for a little bit. When it came time to re-up I bailed.

The upside is this is the illest way to meet bad ass chicks.


I know some people that are in 5links.
The catch for the 5links company is they get their money from their workers. At the time you had to pay a thousand bucks to join and you have to buy the other sales material. If you get 3 others to join you can get your joining fee back.

I didnt like the product they were selling. They were selling this big ass phone that you can take anywhere to plug is in. Im thinking "uuuuh why would I need that if I have a cell phone?"
They have a few other products, but I wasnt interested in that either.

I guess it works for some...but uuuuh I wouldnt work for anyone that I have to pay.


Support BGOL
its the same with all these MLM companies.. its good to get in earlier and get our fast... I know a few people that are in the business of MLM and they make good money.. but they got in early when it was small and built up their income.. once the industry gets saturated you wont get any money out of it...

This is the key right here!!! Yeah, you got some guys who have made Lot, but that type of income is not available now, because they made their cheese when there were hypothetically 1000 sales reps... now there are hundreds of thousands. No cold market anymore... 9 times out of 10, if you step to somebody about it they've already been stepped to, or have heard of it...

That's why I like the Energy piece, most states aren't deregulated yet so it is a very untapped market share... :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol: let me guess, while they were trying to sell you shit they showed you a magazine with people who supposedly made it big selling their shit right?

:lol::lol::lol::lol: not me but i seen dude showing my roommate and a few of his boys............:lol:

i understand the selling part of it but i seen the shit they selling it look so wack


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
5Linxs is a 100% legal scam. Check out how they market this foolishness to 'us.'

Check this video out of a 5Linxs rep bragging about a Bentley that he still owes 151K on. (2:05 mark) :lol:



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Go ahead and switch to 5 linkz, lol, don't cry when your monthly bill is higher and you have a hard time switching back.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
WTF!!! This Dude is flossing with a Car that isn't his, but wants you to call him so he can show you how to get a car that he hasn't gotten yet?!?!?!?! Maybe it's me, but what was the purpose of that whole video :confused: :lol:
That was the most ass backwards advertisement i have seen in recent memory. Why not atleast get the muthafucka who owns the car to sell me the dream. Why would i follow a clown who acts as if he has the answers but is pushing someone elses whip??

To the OP, i know quite a few people involved with this crap, only one is making anything worth discussing. The rest are chasing a carrot on a stick. Honestly, im not sure what the fuck their selling either. I thought it was video phones or something equally worthless but i recently got hit up by a female i know asking me to change my cellular provider and home security system.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I grew u with this dude and he is paid off 5Linx but he started with them over 10 years ago and he used his popularity( he was one of those dudes that knew every fine chick in the school) to network the shit of this....if you going to do it you have to be on constantly hustling and signing mfers up...its doable but not easy...

Peep this dude's game out as his pimps people for $500 a piece!



Potential Star
aight yall here's the thing with 5LINX and i can tell you bcuz i've been dealing with them for a year.. it is NOT a scam ...
you can make some money with them.. the thing with them is that they sell you that get rich dream so you could be hype and excited thinking you're gonna get rich...
but they really don't give you a full break down of the compensation plan until you join....
so...could you get rich... sure you could... well atleast maybe some day but no telling how long that's gonna take but can you make money hell yeah.. you could start making money from the first day you start..
bcuz they have products that pay you up front money..

1. home security systems $200 per costumer
2. merchant services $200 per costumer plus monthly residual income
3. if you find somebody else to join they pay you for that too

******how much do it cost to join******** $250

so YES!! you can make money its no scam...i met some of those successful people that's driving the FREE BMW or a FREE bentley but on another note it's not for everybody...


BGOL Investor
aight yall here's the thing with 5LINX and i can tell you bcuz i've been dealing with them for a year.. it is NOT a scam ...
you can make some money with them.. the thing with them is that they sell you that get rich dream so you could be hype and excited thinking you're gonna get rich...
but they really don't give you a full break down of the compensation plan until you join....
so...could you get rich... sure you could... well atleast maybe some day but no telling how long that's gonna take but can you make money hell yeah.. you could start making money from the first day you start..
bcuz they have products that pay you up front money..

1. home security systems $200 per costumer
2. merchant services $200 per costumer plus monthly residual income
3. if you find somebody else to join they pay you for that too

******how much do it cost to join******** $250

so YES!! you can make money its no scam...i met some of those successful people that's driving the FREE BMW or a FREE bentley but on another note it's not for everybody...



Just had a brush with this 5Linx shit, so I figured I'd check BGOL's pulse on it (cuz BGOL has seen pretty much everything :yes:)

Looks like most of the at least somewhat intelligent people came to the same conclusion that I did: It's a pyramid scheme.

Any company who's focus is on selling jobs (i.e. increasing employees) is a pyramid scheme. They use these "services" to keep everything legal and put up the front that they're in the telecom or, now, the energy, business, but make no mistake about it, they're big money maker is new reps.


Rising Star
a friend of mine i grew up w/ just hit me w/ this today so i thought i'd do a search here. since this post was started a year & a month ago i guess i'm too late to get into it & have it be the next "new" thing. i did Primerica about 15 years ago, was approached to do the Pre Paid Legal about 2 years ago & neither of them worked for me. i guess i'm not the salesman type.

Cock Head Jones

Rising Star
they do a good job using social media to sell young black folks the shit we are addicted to.

the floss, the cars, the status, the "lifestyle"...

shit works. make a nigga believe he'll be a vp of a global company:rolleyes: and pushin a bentley 12 months from now and he'll get out there and sell whatever...


companies like 5linx, primerica, and amway are not pyramid schemes. if they were, the government would shut them down in a heartbeat.

they are MLMs(multi level marketing) schemes.

the thing you have to understand about MLMs is that the money isn't in selling whatever shitty product they want you to sell. The money is recruiting people under you and selling informational products that teach people how to make money with that particular mlm.

you spend way more time trying to recruiting people than actually selling the shitty product.:smh::smh::smh:

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
Most of these programs are far from scams. The people working for them is the problem. Like the dude in the first video posted..he is preying on the greed of people instead of taking the marketing route and informing them on how the shit works and where the money is generated. People do get rich off of these programs because they either marketing heavy to greedy dumb motherfuckas or market to people who actually need the products and services they are selling, the latter makes more and longer money.