Yo wtf Chanel Heart on that Pinky diet?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This thread is Pinky approved.

Here she is in her smaller days immediately following a hamburger-eating contest. The total number of burgers consumed in under 10 minutes is reflected on her T-shirt, which was part of her winnings.



Bruh, why I hear this post commentary sound like this dude :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Same here. Bitch's body was damn near perfect. She looks horrible in the vid above and ol' girl looked like she didn't even want to fuck w/ her.

Fuh'real man.
I will never understand rapid weight gain, especially if your income comes from you looking visually sexy.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor

When did this happen? :smh:

I was on Xvideos and they had a bunch of vid thumbnails of her scenes and you could see her going from slim and fine to sloppy just from the screencaps. I wouldn’t have even watched the vid of her above, thats BBW status:smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was on Xvideos and they had a bunch of vid thumbnails of her scenes and you could see her going from slim and fine to sloppy just from the screencaps. I wouldn’t have even watched the vid of her above, thats BBW status:smh:

im guessin she did it to get the fat transfer for her new ass

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
..and now she is ready for one of you simps to step up and wife her. :lol:

Her best years were spent getting dicked down and turned out by Misty Stone

Gotta give Misty Stone credit for keeping that body tight all these years. But she seems to have a genetic advantage in that regard anyway.



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Misty knows it's all too easy for her to outgrow her titties. Gain 5-10 lbs and it is over.
Exactly. Misty knows there is no thick to a frame like that. There is thin, slim, pudgy and fat...and the last 2 are very bad.

Slim and thin women want ass the way 5'8" 170 lbs. Shortstops want homeruns. But that's not in the cards for them. The shortstops end up lowering their average, having a few more homeruns but way more pop outs

Slim/thin women end up falling to that pudgy and fat category because they want a bigger ass.

If God gave you a cute lil booty, then work to keep your cute lil booty. Misty Stone has. It wasn't meant for everyone to have big asses and big titties.

Thick is unmaintainable. I've said before, thick is walking a tightrope between the two tallest buildings in Chicago.

Look up. Do you see anybody walking that tightrope? Do you know why? Because everyone who tries Falls...and it ain't pretty.

When Sierra came back in 2010 for Black Mommas 3, she was still looking good. She managed her weight thru diet, exercise or whatever.

I've chopped it up with Chocolate, the former pornstar. She stays slim because of a naturally high metabolism. Most women don't have that, and most chicks end up like Pinky
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