Zelensky holding a peace summit in Switzerland. Many countries and organizations told Zelensky this won’t work without Russia.


Platinum Member
A waste of Taxpayers dollars.

If you're not going to give any real weapons, it will fold eventually

Money could've gone into communities & small businesses.

I think the only equipment we haven’t sent over are;

- F16’s
- stealth bombers
- nukes

Seems to me the most important item Ukraine can use is bodies.

If you let me tell it, Washington ain’t paying Ukraine all that fucking money for us to send our troops over. That ain’t the purpose of a proxy war. Seem like some miscalculation were made on our parts about the fight in Russians. Russia knew Ukrainians had some dog in them. Hell they really are the same people.

The shit is so fucking bad, Zelensky order the military to place land mines along the eastern borders. The logic is to keep folks from fleeing the country. A couple days ago, there was a fatality via border land mines.


International Member
I think the only equipment we haven’t sent over are;

- F16’s
- stealth bombers
- nukes

Seems to me the most important item Ukraine can use is bodies.

If you let me tell it, Washington ain’t paying Ukraine all that fucking money for us to send our troops over. That ain’t the purpose of a proxy war. Seem like some miscalculation were made on our parts about the fight in Russians. Russia knew Ukrainians had some dog in them. Hell they really are the same people.

The shit is so fucking bad, Zelensky order the military to place land mines along the eastern borders. The logic is to keep folks from fleeing the country. A couple days ago, there was a fatality via border land mines.
Seeing the bigger picture I can only see the US influence on Ukraine afterwards, especially with contracts on rebuilding that country.

As for Zelensky himself, I can only see Russia wanting him out before negotiating takes place.

US troops will be in Ukraine in the near future.


Platinum Member
Russia's conditions for concluding peace, not freezing the conflict.

1. Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the territory of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions; The status of regions must be fixed in international treaties.
2. Ukraine's commitment not to join NATO;
3. Neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status of Ukraine.
4. Demilitarization based on the Istanbul Agreements.
5. Protection of the rights of Russians in Ukraine.


Platinum Member
some people already saying no

The funny thing is Zelensky tried to play it like he’s trying to negotiate with Russia but didn’t invite Russia to Summit


So Russia released this on the night before the Summit. This will have everyone there talking about Russia conditions instead of establishing one a Ukraine….

So in a sense they have to counter Russia peace plan.


Platinum Member
Noteworthy things Ukraine want

All prisoners back from Russia
Control over the ports on the Sea Of Azov
control over Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant


Platinum Member

Russia’s BRICS partners refuse to sign Ukraine peace summit declaration​

10:25 AM, 16 June 2024
Novaya Gazeta Europe
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, 16 June 2024. Photo: ALESSANDRO DELLA VALLE / POOL

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, 16 June 2024. Photo: ALESSANDRO DELLA VALLE / POOL
Twelve of the 92 countries attending the two-day Swiss Summit on Peace in Ukraine this weekend chose not to sign the final communiqué, Sky News reported Sunday.
Both Russia and China were absent from the summit, which was called to facilitate the international community mapping out a peace plan for Ukraine. Several countries with close ties to Russia, including fellow BRICS members, Brazil, India and South Africa, were among the countries that declined to sign the final communiqué. Other less clearly aligned nations that chose to abstain included Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Thailand.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hailed the summit for allowing “a fruitful, comprehensive and constructive exchange of various views on pathways towards a framework for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace”, adding that the parties had agreed on common approaches to three main issues.
First, control of the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant should pass back in full to Ukraine and that any threat or use of nuclear weapons is unacceptable.
Second, food security must not be used as a weapon, and Ukrainian access to its Black Sea ports must be restored to allow Ukraine to freely export its agricultural products to the rest of the world.
Finally, all prisoners of war on both sides must be released, and all Ukrainian children transported to Russia as well as other civilians being held illegally must be returned to Ukraine.
Speaking at a press conference at the end of the summit, Zelensky said that Ukraine was ready to begin negotiations with Russia “tomorrow” if Moscow respected Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
Zelensky went on to say that Russia’s presence at a second peace summit, which could take place in the coming months, would show Moscow wanted peace and had decided to end the war. “Whether Russia wants it or whether the world community forces its hand is not important to us. The result is important to us — the end of this war,” Zelensky said.
Delegations from 92 states attended the summit, with 57 countries represented by national leaders, including Germany, the UK, France, the Netherlands and Poland. The US was represented by Vice President Kamala Harris.
On the eve of the summit, Vladimir Putin proposed his own peace plan, which includes the withdrawal of all Ukrainian troops from the entirety of Ukraine’s Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions, despite the fact that Russia does not have full control over any of these territories.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Thought its was only Africans.
Russia is fucking over everyone when it comes to Ukraine, even their own people. This is why they have to reach outside of the country because their own people don’t even want to fight this war. This is why I said South Africa needs to be careful with Russia. I know they are not too happy with America, but Russia is another type of devil.
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Platinum Member
Thought its was only Africans.
Shid, from the jump is was never just these Africans

I felt That’s what was being reported to make it seem like Africa nations are against NATO.

It be them tricky mind games the media play.

They got soldiers from Da Islands, Asia, Europe and Africa

For long they gonna be able to get soldiers from South America


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
QUOTE="Mask, post: 24849736, member: 15418"]
Russia's conditions for concluding peace, not freezing the conflict.

1. Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the territory of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions; The status of regions must be fixed in international treaties.
2. Ukraine's commitment not to join NATO;
3. Neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status of Ukraine.
4. Demilitarization based on the Istanbul Agreements.
5. Protection of the rights of Russians in Ukraine.

Complete surrender in exchange for "peace"


Platinum Member
QUOTE="Mask, post: 24849736, member: 15418"]
Russia's conditions for concluding peace, not freezing the conflict.

1. Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the territory of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions; The status of regions must be fixed in international treaties.
2. Ukraine's commitment not to join NATO;
3. Neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status of Ukraine.
4. Demilitarization based on the Istanbul Agreements.
5. Protection of the rights of Russians in Ukraine.

Complete surrender in exchange for "peace"

Man you want to hear the fucked up part…

If they agree to this which they likely will because the number 2 dude in Ukraine said the next summit Russia will be there.

They realized this was a shit show and didn’t get each country to sign….

But what’s fucked up, this pretty much the same shit they agree too two years ago but now there 2 more region to give up…
(Kherson and Zaporozhye). I feel Putin wants these regions for two reasons…1 control of the water ways and resources.
This 30% of Ukraine have equal value of the rest of Ukraine… this where much of the money is made.
2. In the future when Ukraine try that fuck shit again, they won’t have to worry about crossing the Niper river…they would be over it.
Well 3 reason, those citizens wants to be part of the Russian Federation. I think they already held votes


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Complete surrender in exchange for "peace"

Man you want to hear the fucked up part…

If they agree to this which they likely will because the number 2 dude in Ukraine said the next summit Russia will be there.

They realized this was a shit show and didn’t get each country to sign….

But what’s fucked up, this pretty much the same shit they agree too two years ago but now there 2 more region to give up…
(Kherson and Zaporozhye). I feel Putin wants these regions for two reasons…1 control of the water ways and resources.
This 30% of Ukraine have equal value of the rest of Ukraine… this where much of the money is made.
2. In the future when Ukraine try that fuck shit again, they won’t have to worry about crossing the Niper river…they would be over it.
Well 3 reason, those citizens wants to be part of the Russian Federation. I think they already held votes

Also the power plant. They ain't withdrawing from that area


Platinum Member
QUOTE="Mask, post: 24849736, member: 15418"]
Russia's conditions for concluding peace, not freezing the conflict.

1. Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the territory of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions; The status of regions must be fixed in international treaties.
2. Ukraine's commitment not to join NATO;
3. Neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status of Ukraine.
4. Demilitarization based on the Istanbul Agreements.
5. Protection of the rights of Russians in Ukraine.

Complete surrender in exchange for "peace"
Also think bout this…. Ukraine said so this and they can talk after Putin said his guidelines to peace

Ukraine want

1. for the return of all prisoners to Ukraine,
2. control over the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant
3. Control over ports on the Sea Of Azov

1. Y’all already been doing prison swap
2. Probably won’t happen, since Russia wants Zaporozhye region
3. Y’all had port access until the Weat didn’t lift sanctions….

So this shouldn’t be a tough task to over come. (There’s some other small demands from Ukraine like return child who were “kidnapped”)

Russia pretty much said, y’all might want to take this because y’all won’t like the next offer.

I’m thinking the next offer would include Odesa(since it’s pretty much a Russia flavored town.
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Transnational Member
You ethnically cleanse your population into Russia, they will use their military and annex your shit.


Russia should be getting a Nobel Prize for Peace, countries are rethinking this type of genocide. Their land could be annexed and took.

Russia does not play with foreigners in their country.


Platinum Member
wtf… I guess it better to sign then one back home said naw Fuck that

“ Iraq and Jordan withdrew their signatures from the joint communiqué following the conference on Ukraine.”

“Rwanda has withdrawn its signature from the communiqué of the conference in Bürgenstock.

This is evidenced by the updated list of participants who supported the document, published by the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

BREAKING - Gunfire Erupts Across Russia

There are now three confirmed incidents of police coming under fire deep inside Russia. Current incidents:

1. Derbent, Dagestan - Two police officers are reportedly dead. At least six other have been injured. A church and synagogue were reportedly shelled.

2. Makhachkala, Dagestan - One police officer, one priest in a church and one security guard are reportedly dead. Six police officers have evidently been wounded. A church was attacked by unknown militants. The parishioners locked themselves inside and waited for police.

3. Gagra region of Abkhazia - One police officer was reportedly killed and three other people injured close to the Russia-Georgia border.

Videos from each incident are below.