lots of contemplation...but
I am voting for Trump
Sending off for my absentee ballot today.
I dont trust establishment career politicians. I am also fatigued by all the constant negative Trump news. It seems that the millionaires in Hollywood, MSM and even social media have coalesced against trump. Something just seems fishy about this........
And Biden's been a senator longer than I have been alive, yet no MSM outlet has taken him to task on his record such as the crime bill, his support for the war on drugs when his own son is a dope fiend, iraq war, support of the Patriot Act, NAFTA, TPP, support of illegal immigration, working with open racists in the 70s, his vote to ensure that student loan debt cant go into bankruptcy and his lack of identifying China as an enemy instead of a "competitor".
His (as well as his dope fiend son's) dealings with Ukraine and China are also heavily questionable....is this projection?
Not really feeling this cat as the dem candidate. Some other dem would have recieved my vote.
At this time I do not hate trump enough to put biden in office.