Zimbabwean Inventor Maxwell Chikumbutso "Africa’s Self-Powered Car SHOCKED US Engineers - BYE BYE China!"

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'll pay attention to this space. Once again, I'll reserved judgement on the tech because I'm no even gone act like I understand it, but it's been a few years since this was put in the news and this brotha seems to have either unlocked a new form of harnessing energy or has an amazing PR team.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sounds good but I'm a little suspicious. Kind of reminds me of this

Yeah like I said I'll reserve judgment until this technology gets out there to be tested. You can't skirt reality even if we don't understand the science behind it. It's gotta do what they say it can do. What's funny is this sounds similar to the wireless electricity Nikola Tesla supposedly invented. I bet if he get credit to that CAC he'd have more interest. Anyway this car is supposed to be launched tomorrow I believe so we'll see.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'll pay attention to this space. Once again, I'll reserved judgement on the tech because I'm no even gone act like I understand it, but it's been a few years since this was put in the news and this brotha seems to have either unlocked a new form of harnessing energy or has an amazing PR team.

dawg i checked the vid out
and then i checked the youtube channel it was posted on
the good news
although the Electric yt channel goes for sensationalism
most of the vids they post are rooted in truth
i only found one out of maybe four that was totally false
"Elon Musk buys Ford"

the bad news
i found an article from a Zimbabwean newspaper that that refues te inventor's claims


in my opinion the concept sounds like a Nikola Telsa concept
i hope it s true though,but i don't see how you could amplify radio waves enough
to power a vehicle without huge amplifiers