Yolanda 'Mya G' Gray


Rising Star
What happened in that situation if you don't mind sharing?

moved back home after 20 yrs....married an old high school flame that never left home ......she haa anger issues....i noticed...but overlooked because of how bad she was and i wanted to be with her....

eventually that shit caused me to leave her.....after i leave....one of her friends that she pissed off tells me all my soon to be ex wifes secrets....run through is putting in nicely.....

live and learn breh.....

i took a hard L with that one....

i blame myself not her....she is who she is....i should have known better

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
moved back home after 20 yrs....married an old high school flame that never left home ......she haa anger issues....i noticed...but overlooked because of how bad she was and i wanted to be with her....

eventually that shit caused me to leave her.....after i leave....one of her friends that she pissed off tells me all my soon to be ex wifes secrets....run through is putting in nicely.....

live and learn breh.....

i took a hard L with that one....

i blame myself not her....she is who she is....i should have known better

Was she being run through during the marriage or only before you got with her?