Official BGOL Crypto Currency Thread ★★★★★

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
The U.S. .....I mean the IMF is once again talking shit about crypto. They really hate developing countries having any chance to break away from fiat fuckery. Always keep in mind that they want digital assets to remain in play for fiat speculation for the big boys, but don't want fiat money challenged. That's why all the confusing messaging.

They going to let this space do all the heavy lifting for the CBDC. Bullish for long-term.

IMF reiterates more oversight for crypto in latest report on financial stability

The group identified the crypto space at risk from hacking, “lack of transparency around issuance and distribution” of tokens, and operational risks including outages during periods of extreme volatility.

The International Monetary Fund’s Financial Stability Board said the growing adoption of cryptocurrencies could potentially increase the risks to the global economy.
In its Global Financial Stability Report released on Tuesday, the International Monetary Fund, or IMF, said the adoption of crypto assets and stablecoins in emerging markets and developing economies could pose a challenge to those countries’ macroeconomic and financial stability. The group said the risks were “contained for now,” but urged regulators to monitor cryptocurrencies and keep them in check.

The IMF added that as the crypto space expanded and evolved, “new sources of risk” were emerging, such as stablecoins and decentralized finance, or DeFi. Specifically, the group identified the space at risk from hacking as having a “lack of transparency around issuance and distribution” of tokens, and operational risks including outages during periods of extreme volatility. It also labeled “meme tokens” and centralization — a major exchange like Binance handling a large amount of trading volume, while Tether is responsible for the majority of the supply of stablecoins — as factors to consider.

“So far, losses as a result of such risks have not had a significant impact on financial stability, globally or domestically,” said the IMF. “However, as crypto assets grow, the macro-criticality of such risks is likely to increase.”

Highlighting the risks of developing countries adopting digital assets is a common tagline for the IMF, with the group having previously reported on the challenges of central bank digital currencies and stablecoins. The group has warned both the Marshall Islands and El Salvador that recognizing a digital currency as legal tender could “raise risks to macroeconomic and financial stability as well as financial integrity.”

Earlier this month, the IMF released a set of policies for the emerging markets and developing economies to ensure financial stability amid global crypto adoption, given managing director Kristalina Georgieva’s claim that more than half of all central banks in the world are exploring how to launch digital currencies.
Recommendations from the group included lawmakers “implement[ing] global standards for crypto assets and [enhancing] their ability to monitor the crypto ecosystem by addressing data gaps.”

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor


Independent thinker
BGOL Investor
The U.S. .....I mean the IMF is once again talking shit about crypto. They really hate developing countries having any chance to break away from fiat fuckery. Always keep in mind that they want digital assets to remain in play for fiat speculation for the big boys, but don't want fiat money challenged. That's why all the confusing messaging.

They going to let this space do all the heavy lifting for the CBDC. Bullish for long-term.

IMF reiterates more oversight for crypto in latest report on financial stability

The group identified the crypto space at risk from hacking, “lack of transparency around issuance and distribution” of tokens, and operational risks including outages during periods of extreme volatility.

The International Monetary Fund’s Financial Stability Board said the growing adoption of cryptocurrencies could potentially increase the risks to the global economy.
In its Global Financial Stability Report released on Tuesday, the International Monetary Fund, or IMF, said the adoption of crypto assets and stablecoins in emerging markets and developing economies could pose a challenge to those countries’ macroeconomic and financial stability. The group said the risks were “contained for now,” but urged regulators to monitor cryptocurrencies and keep them in check.

The IMF added that as the crypto space expanded and evolved, “new sources of risk” were emerging, such as stablecoins and decentralized finance, or DeFi. Specifically, the group identified the space at risk from hacking as having a “lack of transparency around issuance and distribution” of tokens, and operational risks including outages during periods of extreme volatility. It also labeled “meme tokens” and centralization — a major exchange like Binance handling a large amount of trading volume, while Tether is responsible for the majority of the supply of stablecoins — as factors to consider.

“So far, losses as a result of such risks have not had a significant impact on financial stability, globally or domestically,” said the IMF. “However, as crypto assets grow, the macro-criticality of such risks is likely to increase.”

Highlighting the risks of developing countries adopting digital assets is a common tagline for the IMF, with the group having previously reported on the challenges of central bank digital currencies and stablecoins. The group has warned both the Marshall Islands and El Salvador that recognizing a digital currency as legal tender could “raise risks to macroeconomic and financial stability as well as financial integrity.”

Earlier this month, the IMF released a set of policies for the emerging markets and developing economies to ensure financial stability amid global crypto adoption, given managing director Kristalina Georgieva’s claim that more than half of all central banks in the world are exploring how to launch digital currencies.
Recommendations from the group included lawmakers “implement[ing] global standards for crypto assets and [enhancing] their ability to monitor the crypto ecosystem by addressing data gaps.”
this isnt good, with governmental regulation, what separates crypto with regular fiat currency?


International Member
Word up. Ackman was fortunate with his timing and foresight. It's crazy how leverage and margin can have such a gravitational pull in either direction (whether your bet goes well or flops). That article about the rush for nations to repatriate gold was also interesting as hell.. def makes sense.

I still can't wrap my head around CDS/ Mortgage backed securities man... at a certain level, I find myself wondering how the hell some of these instruments are legally considered "investable". But I chalk it up to it just being beyond my understanding. I try to keep my investment plans w/ in my circle of competence...if and until I expand my comfort zone when it comes to certain areas..

My long term holdings, I've trimmed down to only the heaviest-conviction assets (and view them AS assets), plan to hold through w/e market conditions and buy more for foreseeable future (unless the fundamentals change). So I'll likely just be patient and stay accumulating some dry powder to that end. Instead of trying to get cute with the cash position :lol:

Appreciate the feedback brotha.

Having cash on hand when everything goes south is the best way to acquire stock Cheap.
Or you can buy a PUT option like MArk. You have to pay premium though and your timing has to be good.

Where you cats getting your physical gold? I swear after what I learned about money in the last year, I look at cash totally different. I do know everything I researched on gold says to own the actual gold, not the derivatives(similar to crypto...not your keys, not your coins). I just don't trust any fucking IOUs.

I feel you on wrapping your head around this shit. I been studying crazy hardcore for a year now and realize just how deep this is. As with any field, experts don't agree which makes it even more challenging. It's a lifelong process man. Sad that I know more than anyone in my family and immediate circle and still don't know shit. :smh: And I'm talking some educated people. Finance is just some other shit that a lot of people who earn great money don't usually understand.

Crypto was a great intro to the game.
For me it started with the REPO sept 2019 spike. I had to know what was going on.
George pointed me in the correct direction with his easy way of explaining topic and that led me to Realvision, Macro Voices, The Compound, Kitco, Hedgeye etc.

I don't live in US so I can't refer you to a dealer that I use.
I must point out that holding gold has some risks. Therefore watch this post to become aware.

Picked this up last week

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone have any idea why Alts aren't keeping pace with Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is only 6% short of its ATH, but most Alts on my watchlist are 30% to 70% short of their ATH.

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Anyone have any idea why Alts aren't keeping pace with Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is only 6% short of its ATH, but most Alts on my watchlist are 30% to 70% short of their ATH.

Because they follow behind up to a month later.
In 2017 when bitcoin hit it's ATH at the end of the year the Alts ran in January 2018.
I don't know what you are looking at to determine that they're suppose to run simultaneously with BTC.
When BTC runs it slaughters ALTS at first.
MOST of the Market Cap money GOES TO BTC when it runs not to ALTS :confused:

Let me explain this way. When BTC runs the value of Satoshis go up.
So if $VGX is worth $2.44 = 3997 Sats, traders tend to keep the price at $2.44 if BTC runs (or try)
BUT it loses SAT VALUE as a result. NOW when it does traders who have BTC to buy ALTS
they actually are able to buy MORE cause the SAT value went up and the ALTS price went down (in SATS)

Hope that
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Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Because they follow behind up to a month later.
In 2017 when bitcoin hit it's ATH at the end of the year the Alts ran in January 2018.
I don't know what you are looking at to determine that they're suppose to run simultaneously with BTC.
When BTC runs it slaughters ALTS at first.
MOST of the Market Cap money GOES TO BTC when it runs not to ALTS :confused:

Let me explain this way. When BTC runs the value of Satoshis go up.
So if $VGX is worth $2.44 = 3997 Sats, traders tend to keep the price at $2.44 if BTC runs (or try)
BUT it loses SAT VALUE as a result. NOW when it does traders who have BTC to buy ALTS
they actually are able to buy MORE cause the SAT value went up and the ALTS price went down (in SATS)

Hope that

Pretty much what he said.
Bitcoins gains leaves you with income to dump into Alts thereby raising their prices.
Also, institutions and the general public don't give two craps about Alts besides ETH.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. Order the debit card

2. Activate the card

3. Sell assets for stable coins of your choice (record gains as necessary)

4. Fund the card with USDT/USDC/DAI or any other stablecoin

5. Spend as you see fit

6. Repeat 3 thru 5 as necessary

cash out process complete


you can also link a US bank account and send cash from to said bank account.
Thanks man. The bank transactions or limited to $50k a day depending on bank?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Where you cats getting your physical gold? I swear after what I learned about money in the last year, I look at cash totally different. I do know everything I researched on gold says to own the actual gold, not the derivatives(similar to crypto...not your keys, not your coins). I just don't trust any fucking IOUs.

I feel you on wrapping your head around this shit. I been studying crazy hardcore for a year now and realize just how deep this is. As with any field, experts don't agree which makes it even more challenging. It's a lifelong process man. Sad that I know more than anyone in my family and immediate circle and still don't know shit. :smh: And I'm talking some educated people. Finance is just some other shit that a lot of people who earn great money don't usually understand.

Crypto was a great intro to the game.
You looking for coins or bullion?


Rising Star
how good is the card to have?

1. Order the debit card

2. Activate the card

3. Sell assets for stable coins of your choice (record gains as necessary)

4. Fund the card with USDT/USDC/DAI or any other stablecoin

5. Spend as you see fit

6. Repeat 3 thru 5 as necessary

cash out process complete


you can also link a US bank account and send cash from to said bank account.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because they follow behind up to a month later.
In 2017 when bitcoin hit it's ATH at the end of the year the Alts ran in January 2018.
I don't know what you are looking at to determine that they're suppose to run simultaneously with BTC.
When BTC runs it slaughters ALTS at first.
MOST of the Market Cap money GOES TO BTC when it runs not to ALTS :confused:

Let me explain this way. When BTC runs the value of Satoshis go up.
So if $VGX is worth $2.44 = 3997 Sats, traders tend to keep the price at $2.44 if BTC runs (or try)
BUT it loses SAT VALUE as a result. NOW when it does traders who have BTC to buy ALTS
they actually are able to buy MORE cause the SAT value went up and the ALTS price went down (in SATS)

Hope that

I hear that... but an alt run is long over due....


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
Forgot I had a coinbase card. I should use usdc as the spending currency and btc and as thr reward.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Bruh its like when I was a young un on Christmas eve, sure you KNOW Christmas is right around the corner,

but the anticipation, Grogu the anticipation....kept a lil knigga up alll NIGHT...

Ethereum up 10x already. Cardano up huge. Solana crushed it. Meme coins ran crazy. You're in the middle of Christmas and opened half the presents. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ethereum up 10x already. Cardano up huge. Solana crushed it. Meme coins ran crazy. You're in the middle of Christmas and opened half the presents. :lol:

Bruh Listen that bently gt convertible callin a knigga LOUDLY bruh.....LOL

Hey can you imagine the day, when crypto gets that user friendly experience down

to Iphone perfection.. I was just reading an article on that, and saying

that aint too far away..

sheet I remember when decentralized exchanges first came out,

I thought I was lookin at chinese math...

but each day new sites are popping up that are

much more user friendly...

Bruh can you imagine if amazon says starting immediately,

we will accept bitcoin and eth..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So I made quite a lot in crypto this year. So much it has put me in a new tax bracket.

What are are you guys doing as far as taxes, capital gains, and capital losses.

Is there anyway around this. I'm on coinbase BTW.

cough cough el salvador cough cough...

Hey real talk, If you making nice consistent money

and want to save on those capital gains...

you may want to highly consider living

in puerto rico for at least six months a year....

in fact I heard they setting up a Crypto Haven in Old San Juan,

the crypto whales out there talkin about getting their OWN airport...

and shit...


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
cough cough el salvador cough cough...

Hey real talk, If you making nice consistent money

and want to save on those capital gains...

you may want to highly consider living

in puerto rico for at least six months a year....

in fact I heard they setting up a Crypto Haven in Old San Juan,

the crypto whales out there talkin about getting their OWN airport...

and shit...

If he hasn't taken any out, convert to stable coin, wait a year and pay lower capital gain taxes. Stable coin will preserve his profits.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
Proof positive at the very least everyone should be dumping a set amount of cash in at regular intervals. Even a small amount and let it grow.
This thread was made in June 16th of 2011. A total of 9 post were made from June 2011 - March 24th of 2013
Man, If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now.

Imo that thread is proof positive that 99% of the people don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about when it comes to the crypto market.



Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
This thread was made in June 16th of 2011. A total of 9 post were made from June 2011 - March 24th of 2013
Man, If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now.

Imo that thread is proof positive that 99% of the people don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about when it comes to the crypto market.

Im def no expert, but I think that over time there have been some key developments that made a big difference:

- Less friction/ easier access to crypto investing and less hoops to jump thru
- Mass adoption as far as companies, hedge funds and institutions using crypto as a store of value
- Mass adoption as far as cryptos becoming a legit medium of exchange and the Fintech world changing rapidly

...things started to resonate with me when I started actually using crypto to pay for shit online. At that point there was still a good amount of friction for the average investor. But now, much like stock market investing, it's much easier to get involved. (Coinbase, Robinhood, etc.)


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
I avoided meme coins till jun-aug when i understood you got in early, took profits, and left some in case it blew up. I actually made more in meme coins than btc.

A few were rug pulls (scams), so I've kind of fell back to coins that are established and have high apy for holding. I'm holding in eth2, algorand, pancake and zill.

I got the coinbase card on whim but it was tossed I a drawer. Naw I saw I could set what used to pay and what I could set my return as. It's basically a customizable debit card. Imagine if I was using it when btc was down in the 40s.