Official BGOL Crypto Currency Thread ★★★★★


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cardano too far dug in man. Just more accumulation going on with that shit. All this shit moves in cycles as you know. Within these bulls, cryptos go through their own mini wall street cheat sheets. Other shit gets hot, people get fearful. Start dumping and chasing.

For something that gets as much hate as Cardano to stay in the top 5 is crazy. Also, it's in its second cycle and still holding strong. Never been out the top 20 going on 4 years. I like cryptos from the past that survived the bear and crypto winter. Those communities held strong and will do so again.

That's why I keep a trading bag just so I ain't tempted to dump shit during these slow phases while other things are having mind blowing pumps.

And man, it's just irresponsible not to play the meme/nft/meta lottery right now for people who got money to burn. Fuck getting the new Pixel or iphone, just buy some meme/nft/meta lotto tickets. Consumerism is the worst addiction and shiny toys are everywhere. Stay fighting that shit and I know better. Wait until AFTER the bull market to buy extra shit. At the same time, I don't want to turn into a complete degenerate gambler. :lol:


I actually read SHIBAS white paper, and let me tell you, the coin is revolutionary as fuck,

and is not just a big fuck you to elon musk,

its actually a big fuck you to THE ELITE,

Shiba is a coin created to DISTRIBUTE wealth where

its constantly under attack..

Bruh Shiba is created so that no new coins can just be added or subtracted..

totatlly taking away market manipulation fuckery ..

Shiba busted coinmarket CAP... trying to manipulate its numbers so that, the circulating supply was

much larger than what it was supposed to be...

causing Shibas price to DROP when it shouldve RISEN.....


coinmarketCAP's excuse,

Oh yea we had some engineers migrating some shit, that only happend to fuck with

Shibas numbers.. ....

Shiba was able to IMMEDIATELY identify FUCKERY was afoot...

when the masses realize..



remember and never forget,

CRYPTO was created as a big fuck you to big banking


and SHIBA is proving it has not swayed it course...

and yea NFT's bruh..

and you have to understand somethng..

the whole NFT and METAWORLD will be based off of creativity...

there has never been a more creative people in the

WORLD than real kniggas...

we are literally in the midst of the


the waning parasitic eltite are pulling out


and just like a dirty fighter,

they got that BIG PUNCH

waiting to hit them back in the face..

the PUNCH has been released..

I cant wait to see that bloody fuckin NOSE

on these elite parasites..




They are destined to LOSE..

they KNOW IT..

the masses have yet to catch on!!!!

notice the corporations that cared about its employees are thriving,

the ones that were stuck in the fuckin eighties,

struggling to find workers....

and they STILL dont want to change....

they so desperate for workers in nyc,

they not even testing for Marijuana anymore


and they going to have to do waaay more than that...


BGOL Investor

Through 40 bucks into fantom at two cents and made 4.4k.i look at people buying lotto tickets and just shake my head.

I'm doing my part by telling as many like minded brother's about crypto This is our 2008 come up by the time people catch on it'll be too late


BGOL Investor

I actually read SHIBAS white paper, and let me tell you, the coin is revolutionary as fuck,

and is not just a big fuck you to elon musk,

its actually a big fuck you to THE ELITE,

Shiba is a coin created to DISTRIBUTE wealth where

its constantly under attack..

Bruh Shiba is created so that no new coins can just be added or subtracted..

totatlly taking away market manipulation fuckery ..

Shiba busted coinmarket CAP... trying to manipulate its numbers so that, the circulating supply was

much larger than what it was supposed to be...

causing Shibas price to DROP when it shouldve RISEN.....


coinmarketCAP's excuse,

Oh yea we had some engineers migrating some shit, that only happend to fuck with

Shibas numbers.. ....

Shiba was able to IMMEDIATELY identify FUCKERY was afoot...

when the masses realize..



remember and never forget,

CRYPTO was created as a big fuck you to big banking


and SHIBA is proving it has not swayed it course...

and yea NFT's bruh..

and you have to understand somethng..

the whole NFT and METAWORLD will be based off of creativity...

there has never been a more creative people in the

WORLD than real kniggas...

we are literally in the midst of the


the waning parasitic eltite are pulling out


and just like a dirty fighter,

they got that BIG PUNCH

waiting to hit them back in the face..

the PUNCH has been released..

I cant wait to see that bloody fuckin NOSE

on these elite parasites..




They are destined to LOSE..

they KNOW IT..

the masses have yet to catch on!!!!

notice the corporations that cared about its employees are thriving,

the ones that were stuck in the fuckin eighties,

struggling to find workers....

and they STILL dont want to change....

they so desperate for workers in nyc,

they not even testing for Marijuana anymore


and they going to have to do waaay more than that...
I just went in on ryoshi vision and will be adding more to my bag their chart is crazy and the coin is rarely in the red Can't wait to see what this coin looks like in june 2022


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cardano too far dug in man. Just more accumulation going on with that shit. All this shit moves in cycles as you know. Within these bulls, cryptos go through their own mini wall street cheat sheets. Other shit gets hot, people get fearful. Start dumping and chasing.

For something that gets as much hate as Cardano to stay in the top 5 is crazy. Also, it's in its second cycle and still holding strong. Never been out the top 20 going on 4 years. I like cryptos from the past that survived the bear and crypto winter. Those communities held strong and will do so again.

That's why I keep a trading bag just so I ain't tempted to dump shit during these slow phases while other things are having mind blowing pumps.

And man, it's just irresponsible not to play the meme/nft/meta lottery right now for people who got money to burn. Fuck getting the new Pixel or iphone, just buy some meme/nft/meta lotto tickets. Consumerism is the worst addiction and shiny toys are everywhere. Stay fighting that shit and I know better. Wait until AFTER the bull market to buy extra shit. At the same time, I don't want to turn into a complete degenerate gambler. :lol:
Ive always thought I was a rational person, immune from gambling, but this crypto got me hooked. Even though it’s beer money, I’m acting like it’s lambo money


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
im warning yall...going through your transactions on bscscan will either make you really happy......or REALLY ill.

Im somewhere in between.

Sold off hamstercoin about six weeks ago, that shit is worth 15k now and counting. I eventually bought back in but no where near the level that i sold

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Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
im warning yall...going through your transactions or bscscan will either make you really happy......or REALLY ill.

Im somewhere in between.

Sold off hamstercoin about six weeks ago, that shit is worth 15k now and counting. I eventually bought back in but no where near the level that i sold

don't fomo... when you walk away from a coin keep walking.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
don't fomo... when you walk away from a coin keep walking.
no doubt....i just had a wow moment because it shows you the value of when you bought/sold vs todays value. shit was kinda eye opening considering it was only 40 days ago. I did buy baclk in and my bag is "ok"..LOL

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
im warning yall...going through your transactions on bscscan will either make you really happy......or REALLY ill.

Im somewhere in between.

Sold off hamstercoin about six weeks ago, that shit is worth 15k now and counting. I eventually bought back in but no where near the level that i sold

Man. Every fucking time I use binance smart chain I still am amazed by the BNB price. I was one of the biggest BNB shills when it was under $1. I wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. Haven't shilled anything before or since as hard as BNB. Just had a feeling about Binance.

Now just buying a $1000 shitcoin lotto ticket is UNDER 2 BNB.

This game is fucking mindblowing man.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man. Every fucking time I use binance smart chain I still am amazed by the BNB price. I was one of the biggest BNB shills when it was under $1. I wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. Haven't shilled anything before or since as hard as BNB. Just had a feeling about Binance.

Now just buying a $1000 shitcoin lotto ticket is UNDER 2 BNB.

This game is fucking mindblowing man.

Perfect way to put it.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man. Every fucking time I use binance smart chain I still am amazed by the BNB price. I was one of the biggest BNB shills when it was under $1. I wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. Haven't shilled anything before or since as hard as BNB. Just had a feeling about Binance.

Now just buying a $1000 shitcoin lotto ticket is UNDER 2 BNB.

This game is fucking mindblowing man.

Thats so funny..

Because I just saw a QUEEN of SHIBA coin..

fuckin... 000000000000000.1...

I was about to laugh, then I caught myself..

I remember I had a chance to buy bitcoin under ten cents,

then again, for 25 cents..

and I was like

Nah its too late, lol

then I realized shit coins are worth the exact same amount

as a shit promise note

and the ONLY reason a shit promise note is worth anything,

is because


now why cant we do the same shit, with our OWN LEGAL TENDER


while I will never totatlly immerse my self in the meta universe

Im waay too much of a nature need sunlight beachy type of guy...

I need real sunlight to feel real waves and shit..

But the dollar as we know it, aint going anywhere, yet

the only thing thats going is,

the banksters control over it...

Bruh I went to dip into the little bit

of cash I had left in my traditional IRA...

bruh, I filled out all the paper work,

gave uncle SCAM his strong arm robbery tax money..

Bruh that fuckin cocksucker at the bank was like..

Ok Mr Goodbud I see you have everything in place here,

Let me just make sure I HAVE PERMISSION to do this..

bruh I had to wait for the bankin boy to get orders from

his banker crook boss.. to ok the release..


bruh I was like sure no problem... but inside I was laughing

saying this is exactly why, banking as we know it,

is becoming a dinosaur...

fuck their fuckin 00000000000000001 percent interest rates..
fuck their fuckin over inflated mortgage rates and loans

when it comes to my super brown copper toned ass...

FUck their fuckin overprice WIRE TRANSFERS and shit..

The meta universe will make them damn near obselete,

to exist they are going to have to be more AVERAGE customer


they really shitting bricks because they KNOW crypto world is where the money

is going and they are bound by OATH

to avoid it....

LOL.... its fuckin KILLING THE BIG BANKS..

watching all these super Savvy millionaires pop up, that dont need

their fuckin services...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
just got in on Winry Inu...LOL. at .000000000010 at around 3am. Its .000000000020 and rising right now. Im gonna catch one of these rockets

Winry Inu price, WINRY chart, market cap, and info | CoinGecko

Caught this one too, but at this price. Missed the rocket...but who knows its still mad early and it didnt cost much


Piccolo Inu price, PINU chart, market cap, and info | CoinGecko


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
OG Investor
I need an update on Shiba. Is it a long hold? I just copped $1000 worth

What kind of return on investment are you looking for? Shiba already has a market cap of $36B, In order for it to do 15X, it would need a market cap of half a trillion dollars, putting it ahead of ethereum.


Rising Star
just got in on Winry Inu...LOL. at .000000000010 at around 3am. Its .000000000020 and rising right now. Im gonna catch one of these rockets

Winry Inu price, WINRY chart, market cap, and info | CoinGecko

Caught this one too, but at this price. Missed the rocket...but who knows its still mad early and it didnt cost much


Piccolo Inu price, PINU chart, market cap, and info | CoinGecko
How are y'all coming across these obscure coins?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Believe it or not I did a simple search on youtube for "1000x shitcoins" or something like

But youtube is key...follow the right guys

Austin Hilton
Jake Gagain
Chad Reddings

just to name a few. I follow guys like that and turn notifications on


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
just got in on Winry Inu...LOL. at .000000000010 at around 3am. Its .000000000020 and rising right now. Im gonna catch one of these rockets

Winry Inu price, WINRY chart, market cap, and info | CoinGecko

Caught this one too, but at this price. Missed the rocket...but who knows its still mad early and it didnt cost much


Piccolo Inu price, PINU chart, market cap, and info | CoinGecko

Yea I got in on the Elon dogeelon or elon ..

because I have a feelin doge/elon fanboys

are pissed a DOGECOIN killer is actually making moves...

they are not going to sit by quietly and watch their baby

get trampled by a rookie LOL...

so yea I threw a couple of dollars at the elon coin,

it already tripled folks money...

fuck it..

Im IN... yea I know dont buy the pump... but this

looks more to be a rivalry pump then

your average pump...

Could this be the first crypto fan boy


damn this could be historic!!!


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Thats so funny..

Because I just saw a QUEEN of SHIBA coin..

fuckin... 000000000000000.1...

I was about to laugh, then I caught myself..

I remember I had a chance to buy bitcoin under ten cents,

then again, for 25 cents..

and I was like

Nah its too late, lol

then I realized shit coins are worth the exact same amount

as a shit promise note

and the ONLY reason a shit promise note is worth anything,

is because


now why cant we do the same shit, with our OWN LEGAL TENDER


while I will never totatlly immerse my self in the meta universe

Im waay too much of a nature need sunlight beachy type of guy...

I need real sunlight to feel real waves and shit..

But the dollar as we know it, aint going anywhere, yet

the only thing thats going is,

the banksters control over it...

Bruh I went to dip into the little bit

of cash I had left in my traditional IRA...

bruh, I filled out all the paper work,

gave uncle SCAM his strong arm robbery tax money..

Bruh that fuckin cocksucker at the bank was like..

Ok Mr Goodbud I see you have everything in place here,

Let me just make sure I HAVE PERMISSION to do this..

bruh I had to wait for the bankin boy to get orders from

his banker crook boss.. to ok the release..


bruh I was like sure no problem... but inside I was laughing

saying this is exactly why, banking as we know it,

is becoming a dinosaur...

fuck their fuckin 00000000000000001 percent interest rates..
fuck their fuckin over inflated mortgage rates and loans

when it comes to my super brown copper toned ass...

FUck their fuckin overprice WIRE TRANSFERS and shit..

The meta universe will make them damn near obselete,

to exist they are going to have to be more AVERAGE customer


they really shitting bricks because they KNOW crypto world is where the money

is going and they are bound by OATH

to avoid it....

LOL.... its fuckin KILLING THE BIG BANKS..

watching all these super Savvy millionaires pop up, that dont need

their fuckin services...
Metaverse is crazy because folks never have to cash out. Bankers still going to eat with other shit, but the metaverse takes crypto back to the first days of BTC. I'm laughing at the bankers FATF basically doubling down on their VASP bullshit. Just released more bullshit recently. They really going to push developers to release shit anonymously. They swear they going to hold developers responsible for KYC/AML for ecosystems they create. :smh:

Once popular systems are truly anonymous, who will FATF bitch at? That's when governments who pretend their citizens are free are going to have to make some tough choices. Easy to bitch at Cuckerberg and creaturebook, but what happens when something is getting big like that but anonymous?

We are in for the ultimate old money vs new money fight.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man. Every fucking time I use binance smart chain I still am amazed by the BNB price. I was one of the biggest BNB shills when it was under $1. I wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. Haven't shilled anything before or since as hard as BNB. Just had a feeling about Binance.

Now just buying a $1000 shitcoin lotto ticket is UNDER 2 BNB.

This game is fucking mindblowing man.
I’m hoping $BMX or $CRO will get to a fraction of the value of $BNB.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man. Every fucking time I use binance smart chain I still am amazed by the BNB price. I was one of the biggest BNB shills when it was under $1. I wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. Haven't shilled anything before or since as hard as BNB. Just had a feeling about Binance.

Now just buying a $1000 shitcoin lotto ticket is UNDER 2 BNB.

This game is fucking mindblowing man.
Also, when $COIN was going to IPO on the NASDAQ, people were asking me about getting in and I told them all if they wanted to be “invested” in a crypto exchange to get Binance Coin. Months later $BNB is $500 while $COIN is $300, nowhere near the initial run up to $430.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the guy with 5.7 billion in shiba can't even exchange $1 million for himself just to get a lil money out? How is that acceptable? If you made a great investment, you should be able to get at least a small percentage of your money out at least.

he will be able to move nice sums daily....

he better get a good TRUST worthy financial advisor..

Dont worry about taking it all at once....

what you should be doing, is taking some out,

and setting up an LLC and trust..

to product your funds....

get a good TRUSTWORTHY financial advisor....

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
FML. One of the bags I got into last week was cumrocket. :lol: I was browsing shitcoins and found that this one actually had a decent amount of holders. It now has damn near 150k. Way down from its all-time high price too. Found out it was doing NFTs. Now they launching on

I'm fully prepared to lose every dollar I put into this shit. Should take profits now, but fuck it. With Adult NFTs, I'm going to let the shit ride. One of those chicks already made about 80k.

It's crazy that some of these shitcoins actually have working systems. Back in 2017, it was just promises like that bullshit Wagerr.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fucking trusted this thread on Musketeer...2.1 billion coins of shit.

I gotta put a weekend into learning where yall are getting your chart information from and how to predict and find potential high rises better.

Crypto already saved my ass twice this year when I needed some extra funds.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Chuckles... Caveat Emptor.

A Coinbase user lost $11.6 million in under 10 minutes after falling for a fake-notification scam, the US Attorneys Office said
Read this last night. Seemed like dude deserved to loose every penny, when I read how they were able to take it.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fucking trusted this thread on Musketeer...2.1 billion coins of shit.

I gotta put a weekend into learning where yall are getting your chart information from and how to predict and find potential high rises better.

Crypto already saved my ass twice this year when I needed some extra funds.
I was about to jump in on Musketeer but too many hoops to get it.