Yeah. Genetics, hereditary problems, and life choices / living conditions are not abated by age, they can literally get you coming out of the womb!!!Genetics, drugs, extremely bad eating habits.....
My specialty is Psychiatry however I do have 4 years of formal medical training as a Physician as all Psychiatrists do since we are Physicians who specialize in the mind/body. Anyways…… what I think is…….it’s not normal however he could have Prinzmetal's angina restricting blood flow to the heart via plaque caused by smoking or other issues such as bad diet and being overweight with lack of exercise. Wouldn’t know until an autopsy is performed and we can read the pathology report. Personally I’d order an excisional biopsy of the entire heart and examine chambers.Ask Dr Truth
My specialty is Psychiatry however I do have 4 years of formal medical training as a Physician as all Psychiatrists do since we are Physicians who specialize in the mind/body. Anyways…… what I think is…….it’s not normal however he could have Prinzmetal's angina restricting blood flow to the heart via plaque caused by smoking or other issues such as bad diet and being overweight with lack of exercise. Wouldn’t know until an autopsy is performed and we can read the pathology report. Personally I’d order an excisional biopsy of the entire heart and examine chambers.
Not taking your condition seriously. My sister constantly reminds my nephew how to care for himself with type 1 diabetes. You can’t slip or lapseGenetics, drugs, extremely bad eating habits.....