UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President

White people problems.

Separated =\= divorced. Try to explain that in a court of law.

You sound like a simp trying to explain it away, which you have to be to openly support Kamala. (or an immigrant and / or LGBT)

You sound like a complete IDIOT when you said, "married men". There was no plural, MAGA TURD. She dated a person who was separated since 1981, back in 1994 for less than a year. Again, irrelevant.

And when your argument falls, you predictably bring up immigration and LBGTQ out of NOWHERE since the actual platform, Project 2025, including, ending the Department of Education, Police immunity from lawsuits, Nationalizing anti-abortion, banning Black History, etc, is too much of a HARD sell to VOTERS outside of neanderthal MAGA-land.
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Aside from the fact this is BGOL which has spent decades teaching each other how to juggle main chicks, side chicks and wives, and who have spun legendary tales about sleeping with unhappily married women (pot, kettle), is it more, equally or less egregious to be the person in marriage stepping out vs the person they are cheating with?

No one can criticize Harris if they are ok with voting for Trump, who has done worse when it comes to infidelity, not to mention sexual assault etc.

The GOP used to be able to hold, or at least pretend to hold, the moral high ground when it came to certain things. Then Trump came along and blew all that up. One of the few good things to come from his presidency.

And don't say you aren't saying to vote for Trump. You arent criticizing both, even tho there are pro Trump people around. None of the third parties have a chance and the only other option is not to participate.
No. A man can have more than one woman in an orderly fashion. That is something you may have trouble understanding as a woman.

Any woman fuckin’ married men = concubine.

Any woman fuckin’ for career advancement or financial gain = ho

That is the reality and no “GOP” statement on it invalidates the facts.

I’m not voting for Trump or Harris. They are both POS politicians. Only state and local officials on the ballot matter to me.
You don't know what you're talking about. I'm from Detroit and Arabs don't move the needle either way. Most don't even vote to stay off the radar. Most are Caldian and not Muslims. Stop with the Fox News talking points.

You are totally ignorant of FOX News if you think their talking points remotely resemble what I said.

And when did I claim Arabs would swing the election anywhere?
You sound like a complete IDIOT when you said, "married men". There was no plural, MAGA TURD. She dated a person who was separated since 1981, back in 1994 for less than a year. Again, irrelevant.

And when your argument falls, you predictable bring up immigration and LBGTQ out of NOWHERE since the actual platform, Project 2025, including, ending the Department of Education, Police immunity from lawsuits, Nationalizing anti-abortion, banning Black History, etc, is too much of a HARD sell to VOTERS outside of neanderthal MAGA-land.

You sound like a coward. You may want to leave.
This shows your “not one of those Arabs” line to be disingenuous, as I stated. Are you married to an Israeli? Why do you hide your pro-Zionist bias and use pro-blackness as a cover?

Kamala rides for Zionists 100x more than black people.
Liz Cheney would never.
What married men? Montel and Kamala were single when they dated over 20 years ago. Over 30 years ago she dated Brown who had been separated from wife. It's irrelevant, especially to the vote returns. MAGA-land are the only folks attempting to make a big deal about it. Neither Trump nor Harris were Christianity virgins before marriage. So, the holier than thou schtick doesn't stick outside of MAGA-land.
....burh it dont even stick in MAGA land

the fucking dude has cheated on and fucked around on every wife he ever had

...and has to pay the bitch he is with now because she cant stand him

every ONE of the MAGA people - to a fucking number have broken marriages or were cheating .... Pelosi Barack even fucking AOC all have more stable marriages than most of these GOP /MAGA leaders .....in some cases they are married for decades - fucking BIll Clinton and Hillary are STILL together..

this whole Kamala is a "slut " thing is just some RW misogynism/ i hate her because she is the opposition- talk
Wisconsin is becoming a concern because I was sure she had this in the bag, but the fact that I'm hearing that Trump is doing better than expected from multiple sources is an issue. Get Bart Starr Jr out on the campaign trail...
My dude I wouldn’t worry about Wisconsin. Why? Look at the previous elections i.e. April 2023 special election for the open State Supreme Court seat where Janis Protasiezwicz won in an huge double digit upset because the polling didn’t account for the Gen Z turnout. They understand the assignment and plus they have some recent muscle memory on GOTV.

And this after the 2022 elections when Mandela Barnes lost to that crackkka ass crackkka Ron Johnson. I’m still pissed off about that. We got this!!!
....burh it dont even stick in MAGA land

the fucking dude has cheated on and fucked around on every wife he ever had

...and has to pay the bitch he is with now because she cant stand him

every ONE of the MAGA people - to a fucking number have broken marriages or were cheating .... Pelosi Barack even fucking AOC all have more stable marriages than most of these GOP /MAGA leaders .....in some cases they are married for decades - fucking BIll Clinton and Hillary are STILL together..

this whole Kamala is a "slut " thing is just some RW misogynism/ i hate her because she is the opposition- talk

To common sense people, absolutely.

But, to the small crew of neanderthal MAGA-land defenders on here and the folks who attend those half-empty MAGA rallies, their perspective is: "Trump is an upstanding Christian sent from GOD and VP Harris is a harlot villain".

This is outside of reality, but, those huge band aid on the ear wearing troglodytes believe that whole heartedly.





It looks like their plan worked, I have politicians and judges completely compliant chasing after me, looking crazy this election cycle. You dont have a Democracy with politicians living in fear. You have a Democrazy.

You said something and it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. There is no political Double Jeopardy and there is political Double Jeopardy.

They found Emit Till’s murderers not guilty and then those losers went on a speaking engagement tour. The Rule of Law doesn’t apply to everyone and hence is not useful for anything.

RIP Mary Turner
I’m not worried about Wisconsin. I really think she got that in the bag now what Trump need to worry about is Florida that’s why he’s going back down there to do some quick campaigning. Kamala is doing better than expected down there.

You right easy. They must have got some intel they are doing good hence why they are opening up that new office in Tallahasse....That tells me they are about to spend like crazy in FL.....Good for the staff and workers down there because they are about to make some serious money....Got to spend up all that money from donations....
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You right easy. The must have got some intel they are doing good hence why they are opening up that new office in Tallahasse....That tells me they are about to spend like crazy in FL.....Good for the staff and workers down there because they are about to make some serious money....Got to spend up all that money from donations....

The good thing about now vs 2016 is the Harris campaign is still going hard in the mid-west and swing states while also going for Florida, Texas, Arizona, etc. unlike the Clinton campaign who just assumed they had those states.