• Dems pushed equality to a conservative nation

    Votes: 30 16.1%
  • Dems viewed as soft on crime/lockdown of border

    Votes: 48 25.8%
  • Economic factors during Biden administration (Inflation, housing costs)

    Votes: 77 41.4%
  • Cult of personality for Trump

    Votes: 72 38.7%
  • Assassination attempts

    Votes: 10 5.4%
  • Disaster Response

    Votes: 6 3.2%
  • Israel college protests of Middle East conflicts

    Votes: 18 9.7%
  • Black men won't vote for a woman

    Votes: 37 19.9%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 53 28.5%

  • Total voters


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's never been a nonwhite in this country that gets the leeway Trump enjoys.

Convicted felon attaining the highest office in the land.

Every case is killed or on hold until after his term. At that point he can just leave the US but he won't need to. He will never face justice.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's never been a nonwhite in this country that gets the leeway Trump enjoys.

Convicted felon attaining the highest office in the land.

Every case is killed or on hold until after his term. At that point he can just leave the US but he won't need to. He will never face justice.



Slayer and Lord of Mid West Heaux
BGOL Investor
This fact made my wifey blood boil whenever she engages with Caucasian bitches.

I suppose blaming us black men voting is par for course. Not today DEVIL!
We're an easy target as black man because everyone already doesn't particularly like us as black men. Democrats have a white woman issue that will not change anytime soon. Time for new blood to the party that will be playing catch up for the next 20 years.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So give the Democrats credit. they were WISE to keep him out of the spotlight

But I think Good Ole Joe got something in the tuck before he heads out.

Can't give them credit when it was the only option.

Joe ain't going out guns blazing. He's got nothing in the chamber. Probably hasn't been making decisions for a while now. Rumors were his wife was the real decision maker for years.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Can't give them credit when it was the only option.

Joe ain't going out guns blazing. He's got nothing in the chamber. Probably hasn't been making decisions for a while now. Rumors were his wife was the real decision maker for years.

I can't do that. They did a LOT good too in the campaign.

If you just gonna trash a side completely then there can't be any healthy discussion.

They DID NOT LISTEN or were not talking to the right people. It was some type of echo chamber of specific algorithm something.

And I was one of them that thought the Biden age thing was over blown

I was REALLY wrong

I thought the Kamala shift wouldn't work but they ran an EXCELELNT campaign all things considered.


Along with all the mistakes the Democrats made? and underestimating just how f**king racist and xenophobic this country has become?

The media normalizing Trump's behavior and actions was a HUGE nail in the Democratic coffin.


Rising Star
Funny how you guys are NOW ready to listen to reasons why Kamala SUCKS, but ignored the reasonings when she was running.
There was really never any chance to be critical of harris before her ascension and nomination. When ppl were asking biden to step down, I told this board that nominating her was risky and likely to not work out. Then we had to get on board with her or step aside and give trump and easy win.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

The story of Trump's win was foretold in New York City​

The Democratic Party needs to ask WTF just happened, and the answers may be right there on the 7 train.​

Nate Silver
Nov 06, 2024

I went to bed at 5:45 a.m. last night and woke up at 8:45. So, OK, it isn’t the largest sample size. I haven’t had much “walking around time” or any other form of relaxation.
But when I was walking around New York this morning, I was surprised at how normal it all felt.
Nothing like 2016, the last time Donald Trump became president. That was basically the zombie apocalypse. I took the subway to the ABC News offices on Nov. 9 and the man sitting next to me on the 1 train recognized me but could barely get words out. I think he was trying to communicate sympathy. But he was a bad bluffer. His body language betrayed that his real reaction was, “Bro, what the fuck just happened?”
There was none of that this time. Maybe a little aloofness. But no funny looks. People were going about their day.


I’d like to think some of that is because, after 2016, people are more prepared for uncertainty and the fact that elections don’t always go their way. Of course, that was easier to communicate in an election where the polls said the odds were literally 50/50.
And I don’t think I was the only one who had a gut feeling that Trump was going to win. That article I wrote for the New York Times was misinterpreted as my secret “prediction” for Trump. As much as I’d like to take credit for it, it wasn’t. The whole point, right there in the headline, was that I didn’t trust anyone’s gut when it comes to presidential elections.
Rather, it was a simple statement of fact: that was just how I felt, and I’d been lying when people asked me and I said I had no gut feeling at all. To the extent there was anything that resembled actual insight, it was that it was much easier to come up with a list of reasons that Trump would win — inflation, immigration, Joe Biden wanting to be president until he was 86, the illiberal backlash around the world — than to make the same list for Kamala Harris. I tried and could maybe come up with 6 or 7 good points for her, but not 24. So that may have weighed on my “mental model” of the race.
But mostly it was the emotional scar tissue of 2016. It was the Trumpification of the media environment, particularly Twitter. And it was living in New York City.
Because for all those profiles of Trump voters as exotic creatures in Youngstown, Ohio diners, almost no place1 has seen a bigger increase in Trump support than the five boroughs.

The 2024 vote counts are preliminary and will probably become slightly more Democratic as more votes are counted. But still. In 2012, Mitt Romney got 19.9 percent of the vote in Queens. Despite it being the borough where he grew up, Trump only improved on that slightly in 2016, taking 21.8 percent. But yesterday, he got 38 percent!
And the Bronx! Trump received 27 percent of the vote in the Bronx yesterday, roughly three times as much as his 10 percent in 2016 or Romney’s 8 percent in 2012. The Bronx, which is only 8.6 percent non-Hispanic white. The Bronx, which used to break my Congressional models because it was so Democratic.2

Even as whites have declined as a share of the population, the Emerging Democratic Majority is neither emerging nor a majority. Instead, Trump will almost certainly win Republicans the popular vote and perhaps an outright majority for just the second time since 1988. And he’s gained the most support among the fastest-growing ethnic groups — in particular, Hispanic voters, according to both exit polls and the ecological evidence.
The other factor is that last night wasn’t even particularly suspenseful. Kamala Harris got some promising early returns in places like Indiana. But the problem was that they were indeed early votes — the Election Day vote came in heavily Trump. As a frequent attendee of sporting events, I know that people are bit more rational about defeat when it comes quickly — you go to a baseball game, the Mets are down 5-0 after the first inning, and you’re not angry so much as disappointed. You realize that “hey, we just don’t have it right now — what can we do to improve?”.
I believe the clarity of this election may prove to be helpful in the long run to Democrats. There won’t be quite so much second-guessing of the little decisions — I’ll shut up about She Shoulda Picked Shapiro because it wouldn’t have mattered when Harris lost every swing state.3 The most important decision — Biden’s choice to run for another term — will and should be scrutinized. But I suppose my gut is that a Whitmer-Shapiro ticket would have won a few of those swing states and probably the popular vote, but still not the Electoral College.
This isn’t the time for the incrementalism of Clinton or Biden or Harris. Rather, this is the election when the party very much should be asking, “Bro, what the fuck just happened?”. And it will need to get its act together quickly. In his second term, Trump will have fewer guardrails and more of a mandate — and his performance may be even more erratic since he’ll be even older than Biden is now by the end of his term.
The Democratic Party’s whole theory of the case is wrong. You’re going to read a lot of diagnoses over the next few weeks about why it was wrong or how it went wrong or what might done to correct it. (I may even give you a few of those myself.) The party has a strong bench, and their congressional candidates outperformed the top of the ticket last night. They’ll probably retake the House in 2026 (and still retain an outside chance of doing so this year) but they’ll have their work cut out for them in the Senate, where the GOP majority will probably be 53 or 54 seats.
For now, I don’t have the answers. But I do know this is a problem the party should have been prepared for, because there was plenty of evidence for it in polls and election data, evidence that was unskewed and denied at every turn. Maybe the first move should be going out to a diner in Queens.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't do that. They did a LOT good too in the campaign.

If you just gonna trash a side completely then there can't be any healthy discussion.

They DID NOT LISTEN or were not talking to the right people. It was some type of echo chamber of specific algorithm something.

And I was one of them that thought the Biden age thing was over blown

I was REALLY wrong

I thought the Kamala shift wouldn't work but they ran an EXCELELNT campaign all things considered.


Along with all the mistakes the Democrats made? and underestimating just how f**king racist and xenophobic this country has become?

The media normalizing Trump's behavior and actions was a HUGE nail in the Democratic coffin.

I haven't been trashing one side completely. You're late to this thread, which isn't a problem. Glad you're here now.

I've had fun at Dems expense, sure, not because of them or their policies but because of the unquestioned loyalty displayed here by SOME very loud, rude and obnoxious posters.

They're willing to lie to mods, censor, and overwhelm the board with left leaning propaganda to get their agenda out.


I have a degree in this and am in the LSAP now. Doesn't mean I have all the answers but I enjoy fair debate and political analysis.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I haven't been trashing one side completely. You're late to this thread, which isn't a problem. Glad you're here now.

I've had fun at Dems expense, sure, not because of them or their policies but because of the unquestioned loyalty displayed here by SOME very loud, rude and obnoxious posters.

They're willing to lie to mods, censor, and overwhelm the board with left leaning propaganda to get their agenda out.


I have a degree in this and am in the LSAP now. Doesn't mean I have all the answers but I enjoy fair debate and political analysis.

Okay got it

I was a little surprised because I KNOW you

you smart as f**k and know you wouldn't just dismiss an argument like that

I honestly wont be contributing much because honestly?

I have no clue.

And sadly if this board is any indication? very very few are willing to change their stance

I have but trust I am literally and figuratively in the minority.

My only question is WHAT'S NEXT?

Can the democrats create a Democratic Far Left version of T.rump?

and is that even wanted or possible?
Last edited:


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
White people



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Channeling brother Gil Scott-Heron, Trump won because half the electorate is comprised of undereducated, uniformed and woefully ignorant incurious people who voted against the own economic interests thinking Trump will return the country to the good old days of the 1950's when the buck stopped somewhere and you could still buy something with it.

The fact of the matter is white America wants nostalgia and longs to return to a time when movies were in black and white, and so was everything else. Sorry to say for most of the MAGA hopeful those days are gone never to return because the rest of the world has cottoned on the fact that America economically has gone from a producer to a consumer and when foreign producers name the tune the American consumer must dance and adjust to paying higher prices on just about everything. When Trump fails to deliver as advertised the pendulum of political power will swing back toward the Democrats as it always does eventually. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Okay got it

I was a little surprised because I KNOW you

you smart as f**k and know you wouldnt justdismiss an arguement like that

I honestly wont be contributing much because honestly?

I have no clue.

And sadly is this board is any indication very very few are willing to change their stance

I have but trust I am literally and figuratively in the minority.

My only question is WHAT'S NEXT?

Can the democrats create a Democratic Far Left version of T.rump?

an is that even wanted or possible?

Thanks man. I'm becoming more comfortable sharing with the board that I'm a registered Independent and haven't been registered Democratic since Clinton. I'll never share my exact votes cause that's frankly none of the board's business.

Please contribute. The bar on this site generally is very low lol. Fresh and nuanced thoughts are welcomed in my threads.

What's next is to do what we should always be doing.

Be more active and pay more attention at the state and local level.

Remember we live in a federalist system in which the STATE has as much power as the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The major exceptions provided by the CONSTITUTION (Supremacy clause, Article VI, Clause 2).

We can effectively make change in state that is as powerful as when it comes from the federal government. I'll stop here, folks on this board like short and sweet posts (not a dig at you).


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Thanks man. I'm becoming more comfortable sharing with the board that I'm a registered Independent and haven't been registered Democratic since Clinton. I'll never share my exact votes cause that's frankly none of the board's business.

Please contribute. The bar on this site generally is very low lol. Fresh and nuanced thoughts are welcomed in my threads.

What's next is to do what we should always be doing.

Be more active and pay more attention at the state and local level.

Remember we live in a federalist system in which the STATE has as much power as the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The major exceptions provided by the CONSTITUTION (Supremacy clause, Article VI, Clause 2).

We can effectively make change in state that is as powerful as when it comes from the federal government. I'll stop here, folks on this board like short and sweet posts (not a dig at you).


I been telling them for DECADES your vote is important it matters

If these white folks (Republicans) are actively spening millions to SUPRESS your right to do it?

OBVIOUSLY its important

Vote in local elections Vote in primaries vote in mid terms

Join your school board write your local government official

Bro my family was recognized for helping get a law passed on the Senate floor.

These fools STILL won't listen

I'm tired.

This is what they want. Let them have it

Trying to figure out how THEY think?

Is a fool's errand.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Another question to consider is whether or not the Dems learned from 2016 and 2024 and truly begin to serve the will of the electorate.
Despite my recent issues with Barack, he was the only inspirational figure they had in 24 years.
Gore was a bust. Kerry was a bust. Killary was a bust. Biden was a bust. Kamala was a bust.