Obama admits Harris campaign doesn’t have ‘energy’ of his WH run – claims black men opposed to her ‘aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as presi


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bad move and equally bad timing for Barry to pull this shit. Instead of addressing actually issues and concerns he creates one that will now need to be corrected and covered. Election day 3 weeks out and the next 5 days are gonna be about him and this fuck up. If Trumps people had half brain they would use this accordingly.


Transnational Member
Both candidates are equally horrible. As soon as Biden got into office, I got swarmed with surveillance 24/7 trying to set up assassination attempts. This is who she chose to run with in 2020. Biden's cabinet is just as bad and she will probably pick many of them up.

I'm just worried about another criminal President getting into office and just causing problems for me.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
They done went pissed Bunk off!

How come nobody have this same energy for Hispanics,Asians and white women.

Black men are the #2 voting base for the Democratic Party yet for the past three elections people have been pointing the finger at black men.

It's amazing how white women can go on TV and say they're not voting for Trump and all this bullshit yet you rarely saw anyone call out their hypocrisy. That shit got swept under the rug.


I don't understand,how anyone can sit here and expect black people to save this fucking country yet white women, Hispanics and Asians gets a free pass but black men votes for the Democrats more than Hispanics and Asians as a whole yet we're the ones getting the lecture from other black folks....shit just baffles me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's because you don't associate with these sorry ass no child support paying, black women ain't shit type of niggas. You look at the majority of the black man hating on, Harris and they ain't shit, they are so not shit that they ain't never going to be shit.

These are the type of niggas complaining about paying $200 a month for child support When daycare is over $1,000. Think about it, you don't know A LOT of ain't shit niggas because you don't associate with ain't shit niggas And truth be told, ain't shit niggas have been the bane the black man's existence since we got to this fucking country. They are either:
  1. Stephen from Django
  2. thugs
  3. bangers
  4. 30+ year old never made it and never will make it rappers
  5. can't hold a job and don't want to
  6. Won't stop smoking weed so they can't ever get a real job or keep one
  7. Etc
This is why you don't know none of these niggas that don't support Kamala Harris because who associates with these fools except niggas like them. These niggas talking about they want Trump back in office so they can get more stimulus money when ain't no more stimulus money coming


This guy gets it.

But you left out some other types of "brothers" who refuse to vote for Kamala.

8. Redpill/Blackpill/manosphere followers who hate Black women.
9. Hotep/FBA/Black power grifters who thrive on Black ignorance & misery to make money.
10. MAGA(T)s and political sellouts who advocate for Trump with the "hope" he'll throw them a butter biscuit... down the line.
11. BGOL members who create multiple threads complaining about Kamala but are too chicken shit to just come out and say they're Trump supporters.

Please feel free to add on...
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well-known lurker
BGOL Investor
The first time Obama ran for president he ran against Cythina Mckinney. We are talking about a black lady kicked out of the white house for being real and they even had a hit man from Israel sent to America to kill her. Israel wants her dead and America wants her dead. This has nothing to do with Kamala being black. And actually she is Indian. With a strong drive for a white reality.

I remember this... I was like ain't no way they keeping her in congress after that grilling and she better be careful... I believe about ninety percent of the people who say "conspiracy theorist" are tripping when they believe the scientific evidence and mostly common sense evidence like what CM questions shows 911 was an inside government job. Truthful answers to her questions about a hijacking training simulation being on the same day as 911, ironically, so the actual fighter jets that could have shot down the pentagon plane were nowhere around because they were at this flight simulation hijacking, would have started a war on congress. That answer they never gave her, would or should have led to the next question. What happened all the video footage? There was the supposedly 80 cameras footage that was on and around the pentagon that day which the F.B.I has not released any footage from them till this day except one choppy 2 frame video that no reasonable person can tell it was definitely or distinctly a 757 in the video frames. No wings or wing impact found at or in the impact picture. Point is she asked the right questions that (they) purposely didn't give her the right answers.


well-known lurker
BGOL Investor

This guy gets it.

But you left out some other types of "brothers" who refuse to vote for Kamala.

8. Redpill/Blackpill/manosphere followers who hate Black women.
9. Hotep/FBA/Black power grifters who thrive on Black ignorance & misery to make money.
10. MAGA(T)s and political sellouts who advocate for Trump with the "hope" he'll throw them a butter biscuit... down the line.
11. BGOL members who create multiple threads complaining about Kamala but are too chicken shit to just come out and say they're Trump supporters.

Please feel free to add on...
Yeah that shyt trip me out when I saw the pro bro man pill agenda go so hard for trump... bc the gotdam irony is trump is damn near identical to the narcissistic, play victim, rap sheet, whining lying, dumb as rocks, disrespectful, disloyal, 2 and 3 baby momma, ratchets they talk about high value men don't and shouldn't f wit. We live in wild times bruh.