Lowe's delivery driver has extreme patience


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BGOL Investor
All jokes aside, I watched the entire video, and I’m grateful that those two guys had cameras to record the incident. Who knows what she would have said about them, especially considering the blood coming out of her mouth? She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and those guys should sue her. That could have been a very dangerous situation for those two men.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This was posted in the Social Media thread.....

Larry was of no help, that chick was deranged and damn lady, you have to measure the doors, hallways AND space for the fridge......

It doesn't matter if you have a 6 ft cut out for the fridge if all your hallways leading to the kitchen are only 30".......come on!!
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doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
She hit the Kevin Samules sound bite, "I'm a PHD"



doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
This was posted in the Social Media thread.....

Larry was of no help, that chick was deranged and damn lady, you have to measure the doors, hallways AND space for the fridge......

It doesn't matter if you have a 6 ft cut out for the fridge if all your hallways leading to the kitchen are only 38".......come on!!
You see how tight it is to move around in that house. As the Brother was walking around, I'm like damn two people can't even pass each other without having to wait for the other person to pass or you both have to turn sideways.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fcuk does she expect them to do, take it apart and reassemble it back at the fridge???...wait...what if she REALLY thought refrigerators are delivered disassembled?!?!? Just cause you have a doctorates, doesn't mean you are smart.

I dated a couple of broads like that. All the degrees, but would get scammed ALL THE TIME!!! Like one of them gave their credit card information over the internet on a form when looking for people to move her. When I eventually saw the website, it had a almost cartoon-ish picture of a moving truck and text boxes for name, address and credit card info and the submit button. They charged her, and she was in contact with someone, but when the time came to move nobody showed. And you just look at her like, HOW did you think this was legit?!?!


Rising Star
This isn't over cause the internet is going to find out who she is and she might be in trouble as she should for that type of behavior.

She tried to be a karen but turned into a Katrina with two black men she thought acting like a white woman was going to result in a lynching but thankfully they were recording cause she needs to go to jail.

Poor Larry her husband/not her husband as she said both at different times,she probably be giving him hell in the house and car.....run,run,run as far as your spectacles can see Larry before it's too late with her.

Worker that was attacked,press charges and sue her ass for damages,stress and whatever else you can.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Motherfuck worldstar and their small ass video player.

Bitch git a doctorate degree in good crazy pussy.

Larry is a whole bitch and a half.

When she told him he couldn't leave he should've pulled up a chair and call the cops. Sit back and watch her try to beat the false imprisonment charge.

Yall see how she was getting them legs up.... smfh, Larry wasn't trying to fuck up getting that pussy. You can tell she put it on Larry before.