The Real Racist In Jena


Rising Star
OG Investor
I'm just saying.. listen to your students, your bitch ass might learn something about Jena, and the facts.

Ive known about this issue for months before you simps and the media began sensationalizing it.

Tell me what is "moral" about jumping someone?

Have you ever been jumped or had a friend jumped?

No tolerance for that shit.


BGOL Investor
Ive known about this issue for months before you simps and the media began sensationalizing it.

Tell me what is "moral" about jumping someone?

Have you ever been jumped or had a friend jumped?

No tolerance for that shit.

Oh I get it, someone beat you up and stole your lunch money while you were in school?

Pussy Krook

Ive known about this issue for months before you simps and the media began sensationalizing it.

Tell me what is "moral" about jumping someone?

Have you ever been jumped or had a friend jumped?

No tolerance for that shit.

Whats so moral about hanging nooses on a tree or pulling a gun on someone?


Rising Star
OG Investor
Whats so moral about hanging nooses on a tree or pulling a gun on someone?

I didnt say that it was did I?

Students should have been expelled for the nooses and arrested for the gun.

But... the difference is that there was no bodily harm caused from the noose or the gun.

Honestly...those are null issues.


Thick Johnson

The kid deserved his ass beat but there is a time and place for everything.

They coulda fucked him up BETTER somewhere away from the crowd.

Or what would have really been the shit is to announce it or challenge the dude one on one
in front of his peers where he can't back down and make sure you have the peeps there to
avoid a jump situation.

Catch them type dudes that be running they mouth solo and talk
shit to em one on one in a back hallway you get to see what
kinda heart they really have. And its a shock to them when you
approach them on the solo when no one is around.

Thats always the best time anyway if you're confident cause no one
is around to break that shit up.

There is a time and a place for everything.


For all you "militants", how about killing the race war internet bravado bullshit, and start writing in and complaining over this bullshit.

i actually expected the bgol black panther party to be in jena, louisiana en masse, but instead, they're sitting back waiting for a white gal to be posted so they can complain.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fam...allow me to step in right here before this post becomes nothing but a back and forth between you two. (Complex and Free) That's not what this is about. Free...Complex did indeed post this, but he didn't write it. He never said he agrees with fact it's clear that he doesn't agree...he just posted it so we could see and react to Mr. Freind's commentary.

I may get clowned for steppin' in, but so be it...the real issue here is the column and the Jena 6. You cats are about to take it somewhere it didn't need to go over a misunderstanding. Squash it save your beef for the Bulletin.

BTW, good drop Complex...I'mma get at 'ol boy tommorow and tell him how flawed his column is.

You handled that with far more patience than I was about to... good job. The back and forth was starting to grate on my nerves and I was about make a smilar point but with less tact.


Rising Star
OG Investor
The kid deserved his ass beat but there is a time and place for everything.

They coulda fucked him up BETTER somewhere away from the crowd.

Or what would have really been the shit is to announce it or challenge the dude one on one
in front of his peers where he can't back down and make sure you have the peeps there to
avoid a jump situation.

Catch them type dudes that be running they mouth solo and talk
shit to em one on one in a back hallway you get to see what
kinda heart they really have. And its a shock to them when you
approach them on the solo when no one is around.

Thats always the best time anyway if you're confident cause no one
is around to break that shit up.

There is a time and a place for everything.


One on one......


BGOL Investor
I didnt say that it was did I?

Students should have been expelled for the nooses and arrested for the gun.

But... the difference is that there was no bodily harm caused from the noose or the gun.

Honestly...those are null issues.


Why do you choose to only focus on the well-deserved ass whooping that racist fuk got? Where is your outrage about a SHOT GUN pulled on kids?

Your lil bitch ass is so moist it aint even funny. Go paint your toe nails.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Why do you choose to only focus on the well-deserved ass whooping that racist fuk got? Where is your outrage about a SHOT GUN pulled on kids?

Your lil bitch ass is so moist it aint even funny. Go paint your toe nails.

You indignant illiterate ass simp, you.

I just said that the kid with the gun should have been arrested.

Being a racist is not justification for an ass whipping by more than one person simultaneously.

Thats not even the issue...the issue is the jumping.


BGOL Investor

Thsi cracka look old as fuk... they knew what they were doing when they stomped his ass....

Thick Johnson


It isnt tolerated but you cant stop them from beating your ass once they have started so you might as well fight back.

I personally think they should have gotten the one who was best with his hands
to go over and smack the shit out of the dude. No talk!!!

Thats how we would have done it. Smack the shit out of him and throw your guards up and if he stand there talking he will look stupid.:yes:

The most he can say is "DUDE what the fuck!!!!:eek:" and turn red:angry: but you established dominance.

But this was back in the day when you could smack the shit out of people for violating. You cant these days so disrespect gets really out of hand DOC.

There are so many things to hide behind once you have violated someone in this country.


Potential Star
Im tired of this Jena bullshit.

Kids brought the discussion into my chemistry class last week.

Point blank...I dont give a fuck about what any of you think...

Jumping people is totally uncalled for...

End of discussion.

If you're tired of it simply just ignore it,retaliation is a basic part of life. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, you kill my dog I'll kill you cat. These are terms that has been part of our society for centuries.
Yes violence begot even more violence, but why is it that we as black people always are procieved as the one to forgive and forget.Media has nothing to do with real life, but in the case of these 6 young men it has been a tool to stop a pratice that has been going on in this country since the end of slavery, which is still here but under a different name call the peniltentary system.
And something else my man( and I use that term very lightly.) if you trully didn't give a fuck what anybody thought about what you were saying your words would have had some validaty to it.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste and you are a teacher, maybe the education system is shittier then I thought.

I value anyones opion regardless of content, but I value life even more. If these were your kids you would have a different view, if not then you doomed to come back here again.

Think............. It ain't illegal yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BGOL Investor
You indignant illiterate ass simp, you.

I just said that the kid with the gun should have been arrested.

Being a racist is not justification for an ass whipping by more than one person simultaneously.

Thats not even the issue...the issue is the jumping.

your bitch ass didn't say that until you were called out on it.. all you did was focus on the ass whopping that white boy got... and you focused on that casue youre still having nightmares about the ass whooping you must have taken in school. bitch


BGOL Investor
your bitch ass didn't say that until you were called out on it.. all you did was focus on the ass whopping that white boy got... and you focused on that casue youre still having nightmares about the ass whooping you must have taken in school. bitch



BGOL Investor
Yet they were not while the black students were arrested on ridiculous attempted murder charges. You don't see racial injustice?

Yall can't see up his Skirt? The so-called doctor's panties are so tight he only chooses to focus on the effect rather than the cause.


Rising Star
OG Investor
It isnt tolerated but you cant stop them from beating your ass once they have started so you might as well fight back.

I personally think they should have gotten the one who was best with his hands
to go over and smack the shit out of the dude. No talk!!!

Thats how we would have done it. Smack the shit out of him and throw your guards up and if he stand there talking he will look stupid.:yes:

The most he can say is "DUDE what the fuck!!!!:eek:" and turn red:angry: but you established dominance.

But this was back in the day when you could smack the shit out of people for violating. You cant these days so disrespect gets really out of hand DOC.

There are so many things to hide behind once you have violated someone in this country.

I feel that.

When I was in high school, some Vice Lords beat the shit out of this GD cat to the point that he almost died.

In a different incident:

This cat was killed at my high school dance over similar shit.

When you talk to older heads about fights the number one concept that they never fail to mention is how people used to fight one on one back in the day.

Your crew was around to be sure that no one jumped in and to also pull you off if things got out of hand.

That doesnt occur anymore...

So many cowards.....


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
The question is: Why do posters here continue
to do the devil's work and post their messages
under the guise of trying to dicuss them??

When they KNOW all it will do is inflame hate?
I come to this board, I see nothing but the devil's

So your solution is for them to continue to work and continue to spew hate, and send their message on a local and nationwide level, and instead bitch on a message board :hmm:


Rising Star
OG Investor
If you're tired of it simply just ignore it,retaliation is a basic part of life. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, you kill my dog I'll kill you cat. These are terms that has been part of our society for centuries.
Yes violence begot even more violence, but why is it that we as black people always are procieved as the one to forgive and forget.Media has nothing to do with real life, but in the case of these 6 young men it has been a tool to stop a pratice that has been going on in this country since the end of slavery, which is still here but under a different name call the peniltentary system.
And something else my man( and I use that term very lightly.) if you trully didn't give a fuck what anybody thought about what you were saying your words would have had some validaty to it.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste and you are a teacher, maybe the education system is shittier then I thought.

I value anyones opion regardless of content, but I value life even more. If these were your kids you would have a different view, if not then you doomed to come back here again.

Think............. It ain't illegal yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alot of rhetorical nonsense carries your pointless post.

"eye for an eye"

Come on guy....jumping is only point...I didnt say forgive and forget...I didnt say shit about the penitentiary system or white and black interaction.


You need to take your own advice and think for yourself.

You are trying to make my argument someone else's.

By the way...the saying is "eye for an eye" not "eyes for an eye".
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Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
i actually expected the bgol black panther party to be in jena, louisiana en masse, but instead, they're sitting back waiting for a white gal to be posted so they can complain.


I was waiting for a bus to be organized or something, but maybe I expect too much.


Rising Star
OG Investor
your bitch ass didn't say that until you were called out on it.. all you did was focus on the ass whopping that white boy got... and you focused on that casue youre still having nightmares about the ass whooping you must have taken in school. bitch

Simply divine

Your thinking is so narrow and childish that you cant comprehend this situation from an objective perspective.

You cant even understand how I could say that it is wrong to jump people without ever being jumped myself before.

Goddamn shame....:smh:


BGOL Investor
The real sad part of this is that your dumb ass don't see that this is the school's fault. They ALLOWED racial tensions to continue. They allowed the racist noose hangers back at school after a few days suspension (after their expulsion was over-turned). They allowed a white-only tree to go on for months, if not years. They allowed all of this shit to go un-checked and then they act all shocked that one of those racist fuks got his ass beat (like he should have). Youre a little bitch and you know it. You can't see straight because your bitch ass got your ass beat in school for saying dumb shit like you saying on this board. The only difference is, you're behind a computer screen so noone here can give your dumb ass an open hand smack in the mouth.

Alot of rhetorical nonsense carries your pointless post.

"eye for an eye"

Come on guy....jumping is only point...I didnt thsay forgive and forget...I didnt say shit about the penitentiary system or white and black interaction.


You need to take your own advice and think for yourself.

You are trying to make my argument someone else's.

By the way...the saying is "eye for an eye" not "eyes for an eye".


BGOL Investor
So your solution is for them to continue to work and continue to spew hate, and send their message on a local and nationwide level, and instead bitch on a message board :hmm:

No, I am not so vain as to believe I have a "solution".
I chose to fight their negative messages by reinforcing
POSITIVE messages in MY community.

That way when they do come with the bullshit, I am ready
for it


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
No, I am not so vain as to believe I have a "solution".
I chose to fight their negative messages by reinforcing
POSITIVE messages in MY community.

That way when they do come with the bullshit, I am ready
for it

Well I'd rather for them not to be able to spread their message, because the majority of the population are mindless drones who believe everything they read and are taught.

Especially when it's as factually incorrect as this piece. :smh:

I read some of the comments on this and white people were going, he had some good points :hmm:


BGOL Investor
Yeah...another example.

Yes that is my point exactly. Because anyone with any sense would see that the jumping was the RESULT of YEARS of racial tension. It was a powder keg that officials let explode, but your bitch ass (just like the local DA) chooses to only focus on that well-deserved ass whooping, and you do so, because you remember the days of your own ass whoopings.


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Great POST!!!....thankz I can't wait to shut motherfuckers up on this shit....printing out copies as I type this shit.....going to double check the facts and do my own research but this is a good reference...

Still need INFO on these rumors and (mis)information:

• One of the white boys had a gun?

• There was more than one incident and several went un-officially reported.

• Several blacks at the school are being targeted as we speak on this.

• One of the white boys that was not charged has a criminal record too.

FYI me please if anybodies up on these rumors....

let me qualify my reply

I think this was a great drop because usually all I have heard was 1/2 stories, opinions and outrage.

I believe that sometimes to get the whole story when shits unclear is to solicate the other side of the coin so to speak.

So even tho' this ultra white article may make most of us brothas and sistas least it's on record and probably reflect the core of the injustice in this whole affair.

Now I know the exactly what to say to my white neighbor the next time we are sitting on the porch throw'n back a few brews....he asked me the other day wut the fuq' was up with this shit and I realized then that I had no fucking idea.

The simple facts of this case? A tree at the school was used as a meeting place for white students. The morning after black students gathered under the tree, nooses were hung. No charges were filed against those who hung the nooses because the prosecutor couldn't find a Louisiana law under which to charge them. Hanging nooses is incredibly stupid and racist, and should be condemned, but it was not illegal.:eek::smh:

After the beating took place, the "Jena Six" were arrested and charged with attempted murder. Only one has been tried so far, and he was found guilty of a lesser offense (aggravated second-degree battery). His conviction was overturned on the grounds that he should have been tried as a juvenile because he was sixteen. The prosecutor, Reed Walters, explained that five out of the six would in fact be charged as juveniles, but since Mychal Bell had a prior criminal record, he was tried as an adult.

That's it, folks.




Rising Star
OG Investor
The real sad part of this is that your dumb ass don't see that this is the school's fault. They ALLOWED racial tensions to continue. They allowed the racist noose hangers back at school after a few days suspension (after their expulsion was over-turned). They allowed a white-only tree to go on for months, if not years. They allowed all of this shit to go un-checked and then they act all shocked that one of those racist fuks got his ass beat (like he should have). Youre a little bitch and you know it. You can't see straight because your bitch ass got your ass beat in school for saying dumb shit like you saying on this board. The only difference is, you're behind a computer screen so noone here can give your dumb ass an open hand smack in the mouth.

Yet another case of bad arguing.

I said many posts back that the students who hung the nooses should have been dealt with harshly.

The bulk of your post, as expected, is nothing but empty personal attacks that are fully unsubstantiated.

Did I say that I used to get beat up?

Did I free the school from blame?

Who the fuck taught you how to argue for or against a point?

My point was that Im tired of hearing about this shit and jumping should not be tolerated.


You dont say "It was ok that they jumped him because...."

Shut that shit up!

And I am quite sure that if any of BGOL ever saw me...they would just give me a "nod" and nothing more....for real :lol:

Being born and raised in Flint, MI...I have been taught how to handle myself.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
Yes that is my point exactly. Because anyone with any sense would see that the jumping was the RESULT of YEARS of racial tension. It was a powder keg that officials let explode, but your bitch ass (just like the local DA) chooses to only focus on that well-deserved ass whooping, and you do so, because you remember the days of your own ass whoopings.


The "jumping" was a result of years of of racial tensions?

So how should "jumping" be dealt with?

...I have to ask.

You are the type to blame your personal reactions on extrinsic forces?


BGOL Investor
Yet another case of bad arguing.

I said many posts back that the students who hung the nooses should have been dealt with harshly.

BUT THEY WERE NOT DEALT WITH and they were allowed back in school to taunt the Black students-- which eventually resulted in a good ole fashioned ass whooping.

Dr. Munhihausen II said:
Did I say that I used to get beat up?
You didnt have to.. your logic explains it nicely.

Dr. Munhihausen II said:
My point was that Im tired of hearing about this shit and jumping should not be tolerated.

If you were so tired of it, you wouldnt be in this thread... clown.