Sinnamon Love Ain't Playing That Shit No Pipes For Her


BGOL Investor
Just one question Sinn, that's been on my mind for a while now. I noticed that Monique disappeared from the biz for a bit back 3 or 4 years ago, and then came back with what seemed like a fresh horizontal scar on her abdomen. Did she have a (C-section) baby or some other surgery? Always been curious about that.

Would you know?

Not sure. I worked with her in Cheek Freaks 6 and noticed the scar but never had an opportunity to ask her what happened.


Before his most recent jail sentence, I wouldn't work with Tony Everready on his last run in the biz. Mostly because I worked with him a lot back in the day when we were both new... but also because I'm just not attracted to him sexually. Other than that... White guys like Seth Dickens and Christian XXX that have performed in gay, straight, bi and tranny movies are also on my "No List." I recently turned down working with a guy out of San Francisco for a Vivid movie with my favorite director because despite being absolutely gorgeous, he performed in straight, gay and tranny films... My safety is of the utmost importance to me and people that participate in decidely riskier behaviors I will not have sex with.

Tranny.. Gay... :puke:




I feel ya.. Im suitably disgusted..:lol::lol::lol::puke:


Easy way out? Do you really think doing porn is the "easy" way?? I think sitting on my ass collecting welfare would have been the easy way out.

Yes i do think it's da easy way out. Dere have been hundreds of people(includin single moms) who have seen da storm thru and came out on top to provide for dey kids without havin to resort to swallowin a herd of nigga's sperm on camera. You were weak and you saw dis shit as your only option:confused:

Look i'm really trynna not to judge you because like i said earlier, you obviously have a very different mind set den most people and are comfortable doin watchu do. (I ain't mad atcha nietha). lol but cmon Miss Love. Let's keep it 100.



OG Investor
Not familiar with her doing real estate. She was working at a winery as a buyer before being laid off. Now she's working as a paramedic and waiting to take her test to be a LA Firefighter. She's undergone all her training, has had her background check (yes, they know she did porn,) and has undergone her physical tests as well... just waiting for it to be finalized. I am so proud of her! That's my baby!

that was one fine ass chick......what's up caramel, btw?


Rising Star
Not familiar with her doing real estate. She was working at a winery as a buyer before being laid off. Now she's working as a paramedic and waiting to take her test to be a LA Firefighter. She's undergone all her training, has had her background check (yes, they know she did porn,) and has undergone her physical tests as well... just waiting for it to be finalized. I am so proud of her! That's my baby!

Please let me know what station in what town she's working in.

I think I schedule an accidental fire. Nothing big or too deadly. Just large enough where she has to show up ... possibly rescue and resuscitate me ... by wrapping those long legs around my head :D


Rising Star
Not sure. I worked with her in Cheek Freaks 6 and noticed the scar but never had an opportunity to ask her what happened.

Okay. Still a mystery. Thanks. I was hoping you two might be close. She's been in the biz for around 14 years now herself. Not quite as long as you. I guess she goes her own way.


OG Investor
Yes i do think it's da easy way out. Dere have been hundreds of people(includin single moms) who have seen da storm thru and came out on top to provide for dey kids without havin to resort to swallowin a herd of nigga's sperm on camera. You were weak and you saw dis shit as your only option:confused:

Look i'm really trynna not to judge you because like i said earlier, you obviously have a very different mind set den most people and are comfortable doin watchu do. (I ain't mad atcha nietha). lol but cmon Miss Love. Let's keep it 100.

oh damn, this nigga is about to start preaching to a pornstar about her chosen profession on a pornboard
:hmm: :smh:



oh damn, this nigga is about to start preaching to a pornstar about her chosen profession on a pornboard
:hmm: :smh:


Nah it aint even like dat son. I'm just taken advantage of actually bein able to talk to one right now. I've always been curious about what drives dem to do wat dey do.

lol a nigga cain't just talk to her


BGOL Investor
Yes i do think it's da easy way out. Dere have been hundreds of people(includin single moms) who have seen da storm thru and came out on top to provide for dey kids without havin to resort to swallowin a herd of nigga's sperm on camera. You were weak and you saw dis shit as your only option:confused:

Look i'm really trynna not to judge you because like i said earlier, you obviously have a very different mind set den most people and are comfortable doin watchu do. (I ain't mad atcha nietha). lol but cmon Miss Love. Let's keep it 100.

What exactly does "Keep it 100" mean??

The reality is that my choice made me the strong one. I decided that I was more comfortable with completing my college education without receiving a handout from the state. During my first 5 years in the industry, I maintained a regular job, (mostly retail,) went to school AND did porn. Porn was a way for me to quit one job so I could focus on school and actually raise my children. I didn't have family in LA that could take care of my kids while I was at work and school so I had a different situation than others that might have been in similar circumstances.

The reality is that regardless of what you think, porn certainly wasn't the easy way out. It did give me a lot of different options that others might not have had.


OG Investor

Nah it aint even like dat son. I'm just taken advantage of actually bein able to talk to one right now. I've always been curious about what drives dem to do wat dey do.

lol a nigga cain't just talk to her:confused:

hey it's :cool: she's a true bgol vet fam, she can handle herself, she's actually one of the well educated ones


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member

But seriously mah nigga, don't let mah viral diction fool you. I'm no dummy son.

maybe not but yo passive aggressive ass clearly got SOME kind of issues.

you the type of nigga that says dumb shit in a room full women and makes sure i get all the pussy to myself.

you musta tried to give sinn a rose on premiere nite 4 one of her flix...



Rising Star
Nah it aint even like dat son. I'm just taken advantage of actually bein able to talk to one right now. I've always been curious about what drives dem to do wat dey do.

You should first figure out what drives YOU to do what YOU do. Like write in that lame, incomprehensible, Stepin Fetchit vernacular.


Rising Star
Obsession - she recently performed in a movie for Elegant. She came to Erotica LA this past weekend and I posted a twitpic of her.

Cherry Lee, basically disappeared.

Caramel is a dancer at Spearmint Rhino Torrance here in L.A. and is a full time mother and student.

Midori was doing movies a few years ago, but I don't know what she's doing now.

I just got the Obsession vid the other day, and strangely, she looks MUCH healthier and better than the last vid I saw her in before she took a hiatus. She was looking like she caught the bug - skinny, skin all blotchy, and gaunt, and hair showed signs of malnutrition. :eek::smh:

But this latest vid, she's thickened up a bit, skin looks healthy and shiny and she's back in her old form. Sadly though, she's still nut dodging and copping out on the money shot. Same ole Obsession. :lol:

Would love to see Caramel back in the business. That Panamanian was one fun girl to watch on film.

Cherry Lee was cute, but she liked women more than men. 80 lesbian / 20 hetero ... And she was an infamous nut dodger. Her scenes would always let me down at the end. She acted like the guy was trying to give her a dose of acid. :angry:

Midori ... who knows? Probably singing back-up for her sister, Jody Watley. :lol::lol::lol:


What exactly does "Keep it 100" mean??

The reality is that my choice made me the strong one. I decided that I was more comfortable with completing my college education without receiving a handout from the state. During my first 5 years in the industry, I maintained a regular job, (mostly retail,) went to school AND did porn. Porn was a way for me to quit one job so I could focus on school and actually raise my children. I didn't have family in LA that could take care of my kids while I was at work and school so I had a different situation than others that might have been in similar circumstances.

The reality is that regardless of what you think, porn certainly wasn't the easy way out. It did give me a lot of different options that others might not have had.

Coo. It's great shit worked out for ya. Keep doin ya thang and stay safe. Best of luck to you for any other future things you got on da horizons. Glad to hear ya takin care of ya seeds n puttn em thru school too.


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor

Once again, say what you want to Heist. Half you DC niggas have been to jail and DC has the highest HIV rate in country. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Watch your back, in more way than one!:eek:


Rising Star
Once again, say what you want to Heist. Half you DC niggas have been to jail and DC has the highest HIV rate in country. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Watch your back, in more way than one!:eek:

I'm not from D.C. :hmm:
Half time I'm not even in D.C. :hmm:
I just happen to have some property there and it's a conveniently central place for me to be. :hmm: