Miami Heat Dancer Dead


Rising Star
No need for helmet laws for grown folks, if you want to get your essence scraped of the ground, ride with the wind blowing through your hair.

The main reason I don't ride bikes isn't because of helmets though, it's because of the humanoids driving the 3,000lb weapons and not paying attention to what they are doing. Bad enough risking driving around them in a car.

RIP to her.
That is the exact reason why I don't ride. I wanted to so bad, but I don't trust other drivers when I'm in my car, much less ride with them exposed on a bike.

In the past month two separate cars started to enter my lane - as I was driving next to them! I was rear ended in stop and go traffic, and the other night I saw a guy on his bike with his girl on back nearly get wiped out by a car who went into their lane without checking. Dude had to hit the gas and jump into the far right lane.

because of drivers like this, I don't think I'll ever end up on a bike.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
i got an ex who was riding a motorcycle in Miami and got cut off by a truck. she as wearing a two piece bikini.

she wiped out, lost a lot of skin and damaged the nerve in her pinky, it STILL doesnt act right.

this is why i dont ride.


Rising Star
No need for helmet laws for grown folks, if you want to get your essence scraped of the ground, ride with the wind blowing through your hair.

The main reason I don't ride bikes isn't because of helmets though, it's because of the humanoids driving the 3,000lb weapons and not paying attention to what they are doing. Bad enough risking driving around them in a car.

RIP to her.
Right on both counts. Helmet laws are stupid and not wearing a helmet is even stupider.

Riding a motorcycle is unnecessarily risky behavior. Thrill-seekers value an adreniline rush or looking cool over walking around for a few more decades. Their dumbass decision. :dunno:


Damn shame man... :smh: RIP to the young lady.

And just what is medical insurance going to do for somebody that crashes on a bike without a damn helmet :confused::smh::confused: Rules like that make no damn sense at all.

the whole argument for helmet laws is uninsured bikers get into crashes then society has to pay for their medical care. so if you are insured the logic is, knock yourself out (literally). it makes sense to me. bottom line if you want to engage in something as risky as riding without a helmet and are willing to pay to cover the medical bills then go for it.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
In Med school we worked on a cadaver that had been decapitated by a truck while riding a motorcycle, we examined the severed head and the hemorrhaging of the brain and the esophageal tract damage during severe trauma. It was not pretty to say the least.


Rising Star
I'll live an exciting life without fear of death, than live a boring life, because I was "scared" to live.
Why don't you take up running in front of oncoming trains? I'm sure that would be real exciting.

We should encourage thrill seekers. It could be the start of a reverse Idiocracy movement.


Potential Star
In Med school we worked on a cadaver that had been decapitated by a truck while riding a motorcycle, we examined the severed head and the hemorrhaging of the brain and the esophageal tract damage during severe trauma. It was not pretty to say the least. u are a REAL DOCTOR :eek:

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor u are a REAL DOCTOR :eek:

Yes I'm a Physician. (Psychiatrist) I don't deal with that sort of thing anymore, but during Med School and Internship we do rounds in several specialties, OBGYN, Family Med, Internal Med, General Surgery etc. Internship was done in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine so I spent 6 Months working in the ER before I did my 4 years Psychiatry residency.


Rising Star
Yes I'm a Physician. (Psychiatrist) I don't deal with that sort of thing anymore, but during Med School and Internship we do rounds in several specialties, OBGYN, Family Med, Internal Med, General Surgery etc. Internship was done in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine so I spent 6 Months working in the ER before I did my 4 years Psychiatry residency.

Can you examine a few idiots on the board and prescribe them meds please.


Rising Star
Brains on pavement (check all that apply)
[] yes = helmet off
[] no = helmet on


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everytime I THINK about getting a bike... I see a story like this and I be like hell the fuck no.

It doesn't even matter if you're a good driver... you can control how other people drive. Unlike a car, you get a hit on a bike.. you either dead or paralized.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Brains on pavement (check all that apply)
[] yes = helmet off
[] no = helmet on

Actually I had fam that had a helmet on and his brains ended up in it. :eek: :eek: That was the last thing I needed to hear about not getting on the bike.

He got bumped by a humanoid, another bike accident that wasn't the riders fault. Humanoid fucks up in a car, kills dude on the bike, and the only they get is a insurance hike and little ticket. :smh: :smh: :smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Truth be told, your head can not touch the ground at all and you can still die from internal injuries.

And that is true, and what is going to cause that? A stupid ass humanoid. I don't trust these creatures enough to put my life in their hands.


International Member
I heard she was riding WITHOUT a fucking helmet. What the hell is it with the South and their lack of helmet laws. :smh:

Is the where I come from they ride with no fucking helmet shm

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
people must have a death wish to be messing with motorcycles.:smh:

It's the thrill like with roller coasters.

I have no problem with motorcycles, I just have a problem with how some people use them. Dude I know had one accident and survived, the next one he didn't make it.

some people you see going in and out of traffic, you just know they're going to be an accident victim.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Don't get it twisted. Most rider accidents come from cats riding outside of their limits.

Yeas, on bikes, some cats just are doing too much. But I wouldn't be one of them. Some dumb humanoid would hit me when they were texting and eating a big mac and just get a ticket.

I respect the bike, I just don't respect the noids.