Hey Dr. Truth how long did it take you to get your M.D.?

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
I was thinking of a change in life and I think I wanna go back and get my M.D. Can you tell me the cost and how many years that im looking at with holding two master degrees?


Why not do research online or ask someone who really is a doctor, not someone who pretends to be one and has these 50iq niggas fooled. :rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why not do research online or ask someone who really is a doctor, not someone who pretends to be one and has these 50iq niggas fooled. :rolleyes:


I mean really..is this fool seriously asking this question?

Hey OP, why you're at it, why don't you ask Halo how you can get enrolled in the medical school he attends.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
even better, how about asking acur how he attended law and medical school at the same time?

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Ignore the doctor worshipers that think it's like seeing an alien to obtain an M.D or D.O. It takes 4 years to get a medical degree, in order to practice you need to do a residency in one of the specialties. I chose psychiatry, which is a 4 year residency not including an internship which usually is in internal medicne. You can see patients your 2nd year in med school under a practicing physicians supervision, usually in low income settings or jails but you can't prescribe. You need a dea license. I did a fellowship in forensics which was an additional year. My loans were around 250k but you get paid during residency, only around 47k though but it's something.

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
Ignore the doctor worshipers that think it's like seeing an alien to obtain an M.D or D.O. It takes 4 years to get a medical degree, in order to practice you need to do a residency in one of the specialties. I chose psychiatry, which is a 4 year residency not including an internship which usually is in internal medicne. You can see patients your 2nd year in med school under a practicing physicians supervision, usually in low income settings or jails but you can't prescribe. You need a dea license. I did a fellowship in forensics which was an additional year. My loans were around 250k but you get paid during residency, only around 47k though but it's something.
No too bad. How would you go about obtaining your own private practice right after, or do you have to wait?

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
No too bad. How would you go about obtaining your own private practice right after, or do you have to wait?

What specialty are you talking about? For family or internal medicine private practice is not the way to go anymore. It's getting hard to break into a practice. My pcp friends are doing hospitalist work now. Private practice does not pay anymore with the insurance and overhead costs. Better to get some specialized training and become a hospitalist. Also more physicians are going into specialties like surgery or psychiatry as primary care will eventually be taken over by nurse practitioners..


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Now compare Truth's thoughtful and precise responses to the shit Halo and Acur post.... that's the difference between fraud ass niggas and people who are about their business.

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor

I mean really..is this fool seriously asking this question?

Hey OP, why you're at it, why don't you ask Halo how you can get enrolled in the medical school he attends.
Bitch Why wouldnt I be serious about asking a professional in a field that I am interested in a question?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Actually, Dr. Truth's unusual calm headed response in this thread has led me to think, for the first time, that he's a real doctor.
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Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Truth...from an economical standpoint,is it better to become a Physicians Asst or Nurse Practitioner than an MD? Im wondering if the salary difference is worth the added educational cost,time, and malpractice insurance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Actually, Dr. Truth's unusual calm headed response in this thread has lead me to think, for the first time, that he's a real doctor.


I forgot I was on BGOL for awhile. You can usually tell when folks know what they're talking about. For all the jokes I get on my job I've lead a few brothers onto a serious path.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I think with all of the fronting and lying,we have become skeptical of anyone that portrays themselves as anything but a total loser.I have quite a few friends that are MDs and Lawyers.Its not some impossible or rare shit like these cats make it out to be.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I think with all of the fronting and lying,we have become skeptical of anyone that portrays themselves as anything but a total loser.I have quite a few friends that are MDs and Lawyers.Its not some impossible or rare shit like these cats make it out to be.
:lol::lol::lol: Well said.


Rising Star
From start to finish right outta high school, u'r lookin at about 12 yrs on average.

Yours Truly....Professor


BGOL Investor
I have a strong feeling HALO is lurking in this thread and taking notes for his next set of lies. :lol:


Rising Star
Becoming a doctor isn't easy. Apart from the dedication, u need to pucker those lips up..... cause at some point in time u'r gonna have to kiss some ass depending on who u'r professional mentor is, if not then expect to be past over on opportunities of advancement. I can guarantee you that. Some doctors can be real world class assholes where they have this sense of entitlement. Compound that with the fact that within that social circle, they are treated like rockstars or celebrities (again strictly within the confines of that social circle). It's like Halloween or Masquerade somedays, cause medical personals or staff act different around doctors than they do with other people. The difference can be night and day. It's almost like a very subservient culture when u'r around doctors. I don't expect you to relate or know what I'm talking about. But if being an M.D is the path you have decided to take u will be exposed to the things I mentioned above.

Keep in mind not all doctors are assholes, but you will come across u'r fair share though.

Yours Truly.....Professor


Always Strive And Prosper
BGOL Investor
Ignore the doctor worshipers that think it's like seeing an alien to obtain an M.D or D.O. It takes 4 years to get a medical degree, in order to practice you need to do a residency in one of the specialties. I chose psychiatry, which is a 4 year residency not including an internship which usually is in internal medicne. You can see patients your 2nd year in med school under a practicing physicians supervision, usually in low income settings or jails but you can't prescribe. You need a dea license. I did a fellowship in forensics which was an additional year. My loans were around 250k but you get paid during residency, only around 47k though but it's something.

why you chose psychiatry?


Rising Star
Actually, Dr. Truth's unusual calm headed response in this thread has led me to think, for the first time, that he's a real doctor.

It would be scary if someone that ridiculously STUPID and violently BIGOTED was actually responsible for other people's lives. :smh:

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Truth...from an economical standpoint,is it better to become a Physicians Asst or Nurse Practitioner than an MD? Im wondering if the salary difference is worth the added educational cost,time, and malpractice insurance.

Nurse practioner is more worthy than a pa. Pas are becoming over saturated. An Fnp averages about 120k per year. Pa is around 70, it's harder to become a np than pa. Pas come from the whole military training era. There are over 30 medical specialties so it's hard to say what is worth more for a physician, you really shouldn't become a physician if your first reason is money. FYI an np with anesthesiology training aka nusrse anesthesis makes about 300 k per year but that's one of the hardest specialties to get through, even for physicians anesthesiogists and radiologists are two of the highest paying and most difficult specialties.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
why you chose psychiatry?

More satisfying than doing the whole physically sick patient rounds. I practiced as an internist during internship for 1 year at drew and that was enough. When I did the psych rounds I knew this was it, surgery rounds not my thing, obgyn, no thanks they stick you with rape victims, too much, pcp too repetitive. Psychiatry is ever evolving and we can treat both mentally and physically. Some of The most physically Ill people have severe psych disorders.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good info Dr. Truth,

I take my Mcat/Pcat at the end of the summer. It's med school or pharm school or hell even grad school for me.