
  1. Naha-Nago

    Comedy Legend Don Rickles Dead At 90.

    RIP. *two cents*

    Best Roaster In Television Sitcom History: Fred Sanford, Al Bundy, Martin Payne, or other?

    Fred Sanford: Al Bundy: Martin Payne: Honorable mentions: George Jefferson, Archie Bunker, JJ Evans.
  3. 4

    3: The New Normal (Webseries Pilot) Polyamorous Lifestyle

    Check out "3: The New Normal" '3' is the story of Cal, Maya and Brittney, and how their Polyamorous Relationship is just as traditional as any other. What makes '3' a special story, is displaying how polyamorous relationships affect their everyday lives, as well as the relationships around them.
  4. M

    Comedians joking on audiences

  5. Art Vandelay

    Hear the George Carlin Routine Deemed Too Dark for Release

    I've never really understood whether this aspect of his material was intended as an honest exploration of human psychology or as satirical. Hear George Carlin Routine Deemed Too Dark for Release Material, recorded the day before 9/11, will feature on posthumous release 'I Kinda Like It When a...
  6. A

    Lavell Crawford makes an appearance at the 2016 Neighborhood Awards

    :lol: :lol:
  7. M

    Taxstone interviews comedian TK Kirkland talks weath building, life etc..
  8. Art Vandelay

    George Carlin- Why It's Good When People Don't Trust The Water

    I assume the water is safe to drink in our city still? [Audience reacts negatively] Hmm? Yeah. Yeah, I only really asked the question to set you up a little bit. I'm sorry. I don't mean to use you but I don't really care about the water. I just love to hear the answer to that question. You...
  9. playahaitian

    TALKING FUNNY: Louis CK, Seinfeld, Chris Rock & Ricky Gervais (when Louis & Ricky say the n word)

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