
  1. playahaitian

    Cinema Editing & Digital Graphic Fans: Alfred Hitchcock REAR WINDOW Time Lapse

    <iframe src="" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">Rear Window Timelapse</a> from <a href="">Jeff Desom</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  2. Swifty

    Greats Tits and Wack Tits In Film *(Commentary)*

    I was at work with a group of my co-workers and we were throwin around chicks who showed titties in movies and the debate went on for like an hour on who's titties were disappointments and whos were great, so I just decided to throw it up here. Fell free to debate on it. (But it cant be stressed...
  3. Helico-pterFunk

    MOVIES ~ Any of ya'll seen any good (or shitty) movies in recent weeks/months? Post reviews, feedback, movie news, trailers, recommendations, etc ...

    What do ya'll recommend in terms of theatre-based, downloading, or streaming movies to close out 2007? What to check out? :confused: THEATER Had free passes through rewards and checked out the following flicks with fam' in the past 2 weeks, and enjoyed them all: - INTO...