Aliens haven't contacted us. Scientists found a compelling reason why.
"It's like winning the lottery."

NASA Citizen Scientists Spot Object Moving 1 Million Miles Per Hour - NASA Science
Most familiar stars peacefully orbit the center of the Milky Way. But citizen scientists working on NASA’s Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 project have helpedscience.nasa.gov
NASA Explains Why We May Not See Aliens (Yet)
If intelligent civilizations exist out there, they may not rely on amounts of energy that would make them visible to us.gizmodo.com
This Is the Last Image Taken by NASA's Historic Asteroid-Hunting Spacecraft
The satellite played an integral role in laying the groundwork for NASA's planetary defense mission.gizmodo.com
The Search for Alien Life Just Hit a Depressing Setback
Red dwarfs, the universe's most abundant stars and potential hosts for life-sustaining exoplanets, might actually hinder life due to their severe UV flares, new research suggests.gizmodo.com
Earth's Magnetic Shield Twisted Out of Shape by Colossal Solar Burst
The Sun's warping of Earth's magnetic protections could explain how aurora occur in other parts of our solar system.gizmodo.com