Who the fuck is we? His baby momma is an accountant at Ford Motors. You on the board of directors at Ford?
Calm down homeslice!! Im just messin with ya.. No need to get all serious..
Who the fuck is we? His baby momma is an accountant at Ford Motors. You on the board of directors at Ford?
Provide some "proposes to" headlines that don't say what is being proposed where the clear implication is not marriage.![]()
If its such a strong bond, then it should be up to him to pay if they break up... If he refuses to pay, then perhaps the bond is not as strong as you think it is...Some of y'all caught up on the wrong shit....If that child is emotionally his , that bond is stronger than DNA.
Never had to with mine, so I'll be damned if I do it for some other dude..I paid child support for one of mine so child support doesn't scare me and neither does somebody else\s horror story..
I don't have any step kids.
As far as her helping him write it so what ?
You parents never heelped you do your homework ?
Maybe he couldn't write his feelings and she just cleaned it up.
If its such a strong bond, then it should be up to him to pay if they break up... If he refuses to pay, then perhaps the bond is not as strong as you think it is...
Never had to with mine, so I'll be damned if I do it for some other dude..
But if you do adapt it should be on you, not because you are pressured by some kid reading a not his mother wrote..
guess you never heard of a business proposal ?
you say clear implication while assumption would be a better word since a 10 year old can't marry anyone .
He's mother wrote/heavily coached him on that letter. What's the big deal? I don't know, maybe the posturing like the kid was making some grand gesture of love and appreciation for that cat on his own
As a parent I refrain from coaching and guiding my daughter when she's writing her feelings. I buy a touching card, hand her a pen and say "write something nice for (insert person/occasion)" and that's that.
... Sorry bro, I have to side with the fam on this one. It seems like she realizes she's got a dummy on the line and decided to use the kid to do her dirty work![]()
We expect silly shit from 10 year olds-- What's your excuse?
If Bill Gates makes a business proposal to Paul Allen, the headline is not going to say "Bill Gates proposes to Paul Allen," you fucking moron.
Because the clear implication behind "he proposed" or "x proposed to y" without context is marriage.
I'm done with this conversation if you don't provide headlines, which you won't because they don't exist.
How do you know it's posturing and the child didn't say I wish Mack would adopt me so we can be a real family or some shit.
I doubt you could find a card that said would you make it official , you are already my dad and you already take care of me.
1. I added to my post you quoted, you should read it.
2. That's what it appears to be to me. Are you trying to tell me you think a 10 year old sat around contemplating his parental status when, for as long as he can remember, this man has been in his life and with his mother? He calls him "Dad" not "Step-Dad", give me a fucking break, you want this to be something that it's not, He's FUCKING 10... well that was his 10th birthday party so he was 9.
THIS is authentic. Your video is not. THAT'S a person old enough to understand the situation, the implications and sentimental value of what was being asked, not some 10 year old kid. His mother probably saw the videos of kids doing that on youtube and got the bright idea to do it, but its just not genuine because the kid just isn't old enough to fucking understand it, especially not without the bullshit "You love Dad right? How you would feel if he adopted you, made it official that he was your dad? huh? that would make you happy, right?" coaching
I don't really give a fuck either way dude married a chick with a kid and chose to take that responsibilty ...
What he eats don't make me shit....
I am sure they all discussed it at some point with the kid...
And the age all kids are different and all of mine could have wrote their own shit at 9.....not saying all the grammar would be right
pressured ?
So I guess you never told your kids NO...
If he adopts it will be his choice.....And he didn't start crying because he felt pressure.
Thats what dude better figure out before signing anything...Bitches always have these bright ideas. Foh. Where the nigga real daddy at?
Sounds like the same thing biological parents do......
pressured ?
So I guess you never told your kids NO...
If he adopts it will be his choice.....And he didn't start crying because he felt pressure.