16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, shame

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
I'm just waiting for the first time a cameraman gets shot during filming. How fuckin' stupid does someone have to be to sit there and film a bunch of ignorant niggas dancing around, pointing (probably loaded) semi and fully automatic weapons straight at his face? :smh:

Dont forget they are drunk and high..

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

I'm just waiting for the first time a cameraman gets shot during filming. How fuckin' stupid does someone have to be to sit there and film a bunch of ignorant niggas dancing around, pointing (probably loaded) semi and fully automatic weapons straight at his face? :smh:

A lot of those shits is fake depending on the video shoots.


Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Robert "Yummy" Sandifer (March 12, 1983 — September 1, 1994) garnered national attention in September 1994 after his murder by fellow gang members in Chicago, Illinois.[1][2][3][4] He appeared on the cover of TIME magazine in September 1994.[5]
Nicknamed Yummy because of his love of junk food, Sandifer was a young member of the street gang the Black Disciples. After committing murder, arson and armed robbery, he was executed by fellow gang members who feared he could be turned snitch. Coverage of Sandifer's death and retrospectives on his short, violent life were widely published in the American media, and Sandifer became a symbol of the gang problem in American inner cities, the failure of social safety netting, and the shortcomings of the juvenile justice system.

Young Niggaz - 2 - Pac
I wanna dedicate this one to Robert 'Yummy' Sanderford
and all other lil' young niggaz that's in a rush to be gangstas


Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Snitches get snitches......but if it's an article, it's all good.

The reporter recounted how Keef broke a court ordered curfew, was around guns, forged documents to get a state issued ID, and ended the article with him smoking a blunt.

Also, if you hate this type of music, be prepared to be bombarded with it. The records labels are signing Keef and anyone from Chitown who sounds like him or runs with him.

This niggas MOMMA is only 31. :smh:
I bet Jimmy Iovine got a 10 million dollar life insurance policy on that boys head.
That's prolly why he signed him.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Someone school me, what is the deal on that #300 thing Chief Keef is always putting in his tweets? is it a play on the whole 300 Great Gods of heaven(annunaku, etc) or just some regular hood shit?

just curious.



I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no.


Regular niggas keep it 100...him and his crew keep it "300"


Wasn't they saying your ass is white?



International Member
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Someone school me, what is the deal on that #300 thing Chief Keef is always putting in his tweets? is it a play on the whole 300 Great Gods of heaven(annunaku, etc) or just some regular hood shit?

just curious.



Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Hell to the fuck naw:smh:

Harvey is a neighborhood in the hundreds of Chicago. Some will consider it a suburb and some will consider it a part of the city.

As in Wild 100s?
So the Wild 100s are mostly in the suburbs?


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

don't worry about my store lil nigga

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

<object width="448" height="374"><param name="movie" value="http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/e/16711680/wshhnd5eSFuiPWk25qA6"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/e/16711680/wshhnd5eSFuiPWk25qA6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" width="448" height="374"></embed></object>


Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Lil Jojo was on some disrespectful shit. Homey was about to set the Chief Keef lookalike on fire.
