19yr old darkskin from Kansas .. showing sweet pussy...


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
19yr old darkskin from Kansas .. showing sweet pussy...

Aaaaand here we go.....

He hates Ayisha because she is a true BLACK GIRL
I will NEVER stop posting her because this is BLACK girl online..
so his black ass can go pick cotton and kick


shut up and go pick cutn.. just like your mom, and your mom mom, and your mom mom mom.. well.. you get the picture


Hold da fuck up … was you trying to type "darkie"?

Howza bout you kill yourself cracka ….

Don’t u have something to go pick ?
just like I called it.. I live in that nga head RENT FREE

Hey LIGHTBRIT.. I OWN you.. like LIVESTOCK.. I OWN YOUR BLACK ASS..I can do with you what I please with yo BLACK ASS


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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not sure if you're joking lmao
It does not sound funny to me. I will admit during the 60's we were beginning to wake up with the natural and all. Calling each other brothers and sisters as though we was all one black family. Seem to come from another world now it just seems as though we accept white programming. Selling out is no longer a term. Even Indians used to refer to us as grandfather. But when whites told them to help out with the mastery and domination of blacks Indians went and owned slaves. We all should be trying to promote what is natural as part of an effort to take this earth back from white devils.


Mr. Pool
It does not sound funny to me. I will admit during the 60's we were beginning to wake up with the natural and all. Calling each other brothers and sisters as though we was all one black family. Seem to come from another world now it just seems as though we accept white programming. Selling out is no longer a term. Even Indians used to refer to us as grandfather. But when whites told them to help out with the mastery and domination of blacks Indians went and owned slaves. We all should be trying to promote what is natural as part of an effort to take this earth back from white devils.
I was referring to you saying "punk rockers where doing that piercing shit first" which of course couldn't be further from the truth. White people where still hiding from the sun in caves when Africans first started piercing and getting tattoos.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was referring to you saying "punk rockers where doing that piercing shit first" which of course couldn't be further from the truth. White people where still hiding from the sun in caves when Africans first started piercing and getting tattoos.
I can understand you saying that. I don't have real access to a lot of things to check out personally so I have to have the spirit of discernment along with what I do check out. The true story of genesis was being told by blacks all over Africa and the middle east and a book was wrote about it around 45 years ago yet no one knows about it in spite of proof that was found to back this up.
I noticed in Jonestown that doped up Jim Jones made the war cry and a lot of other things that become popular to their brainwashing. And before they would let everything get exposed they would kill all the ones that were not fully brainwashed.
Africa itself was named after a white man. I'm telling you there is a part of our history that whites that rule feel they have totally erased. We did not start out primitive. And white history is not our true history. Only whites evolved from apes and caves, not us. Anything out in the public is not hidden. The people ruling really are true demons. Their is some of us that still have some real contact with our true identity and true history and have never sold our soul to a white reality. And there are actually some of our true ancestry moving around earth and the universe right now. And whites are planning to try to kill us and them to avoid any chance of the masses waking up. We already know they rule by murder and deception anyway but their is still the desire to follow them. Well actually it is like the kids born in Jonestown, it is the only reality they have ever known. And we to may be born black in a white man's world. With a chance to be on the inside looking out, but never on the outside looking in.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
U two were meant for each other. Faggots
Hey Twilla gurrrl...... you got that taste in ur mouth again huh? I don' don't even have to say a word to you..... your thoughts of faggotry in a pussy thread come with a lisp and a neck roll



Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
Hey Twilla gurrrl...... you got that taste in ur mouth again huh? I don' don't even have to say a word to you..... your thoughts of faggotry in a pussy thread come with a lisp and a neck roll

don't try to turn it around on me. You're the one talking about sausage grease. I wouldnt be surprised if u wrote a gay novel with all the ways you come up to vividly describe gay shit :smh:

every last reply is GAY. Says alot about you :smh:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
don't try to turn it around on me. You're the one talking about sausage grease. I wouldnt be surprised if u wrote a gay novel with all the ways you come up to vividly describe gay shit :smh:

every last reply is GAY. Says alot about you :smh:
I don't have to try...... haven't said shit to your sorry ass in a minute..... and you come running into a pussy thread talking about fags....and you reply again.... spitting faggotry... you told on yourself
sidebar: everyone here knows that he's called sausage fingers and make numerous references to sausage grease dripping from his fingers, calling him fat..... yet you immediately jump to thinking about "guns".... you literally fell out of a "walk-in closet"
:smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
