19yr old darkskin from Kansas .. showing sweet pussy...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Slow Hands is AtomAnt

So they're both "Ayisha"?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's trying to drum up business for her site. Redline, peep it, have you ever seen Slowhands in a non-Perfectshots thread where Slowhands is talking the same way. No, because Slowhands only shows up in Perfectshots threads to promote her site. & I don't have a problem with that, but she doesn't need to lie to kick it.
We all know what he\she\it does, it's been the same for over a decade.

What we can't tell is if it's her or the fat white dude with the sausage-like fingers.

It's the chick, it's obvious. You still don't know after 10 years? ...

Slow Hands is AtomAnt

So they're both "Ayisha"?


You said Slowhands was Ayisha and in that thread's when you officially fagged out. I would try to figure out why but that's a you issue.

But think we're done here and you're just full of shit, have a good night and I'll continue to skip over your posts.


World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You said Slowhands was Ayisha and in that thread's when you officially fagged out. I would try to figure out why but that's a you issue.

But think we're done here and you're just full of shit, have a good night and I'll continue to skip over your posts.






Cookie Monster Cookie Jar
BGOL Investor
Op thanks for dropping a few more pics but can you now drop the video


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Op thanks for dropping a few more pics but can you now drop the video
We already know that you and OP are the same person...... stop with your games to bump the thread..... if you want shit from his racist ass..... PM him..... bitch



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
lots of closet homo in this thread. They are showing themselves ..smh

The World Beater of Meats aka World Bitch is finally Free is definitely not in the closet.

He came out a while ago and dresses in drag as a man on this board.

He would be on Black Man OnLine but obviously it's more men over here.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Yes they are, and according to World Beater of Meats aka World Bitch is finally Free they're both Ayisha.
When I was running my ATK exotics threads AtomAnt was always up in them posting ho's..... mostly unattractive ones..... I told people that it wasn't a join in thread..... I had a password at the time and would take requests, uploading everything they had with megaupload.... :angry::angry::angry:
sidebar: I had my suspiocions when he kept making those Slowhands type of requests fo more pics and videos.... bumping this ho's thread.... Ayisha is fugly as fuck without that bondo and paint on her grill... I wouldn't let her pay me to suck my dick
(12) Ayisha Cottontail...... enjoy the story of a Cinderella hood rat... UPDATE- SLOWHANDS RIGHT BACK TO SPAMMING THE BOARD WITH HER | BGOL Community




Cookie Monster Cookie Jar
BGOL Investor
Yeah I heard there’s another thread about this chick can someone post the link please thanks


Cookie Monster Cookie Jar
BGOL Investor
Good looking out on the video bro so you got five more please keep them coming thanks in advance