2015: The next recession has started


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I'm ready. I came up on a great real estate deal in the past Recession but slept on quite a few. I've been saving up and hope we have another Real Estate Crash. I saw the first Recession coming but really not seeing signs of another one. I will say this, if Tech falls, the Bay Area falls.

Cock Head Jones

Rising Star
Like Im gonna listen to anybody on BGOL about any fucking thing....FOH

that would be your mistake...

75% of mf's on this board may be batshit crazy but I will say that many of the cats on bgol would amaze u in real life.

met one of the biggest dope dealers of the 80's on this board. article in feds magazine and all. fam is a business genius.
couple cats damn near at the top of the food chain in pro sports, tech, law and medicine.
couple nightclub owners, buncha smart old heads and a few cool ass young cats.

the media (& not just black media) comes here for stories and has for years. don't sleep on bgol...
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Rising Star
I'm ready. I came up on a great real estate deal in the past Recession but slept on quite a few. I've been saving up and hope we have another Real Estate Crash. I saw the first Recession coming but really not seeing signs of another one. I will say this, if Tech falls, the Bay Area falls.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Subbed...pretty sure there will be a lot of info tossed around in here that may not be 100% accurate but will help to explain some crazy shit that will happen within the next few months...


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Not one person has a plan to ride it out though. Anyone can speculate about anything.
What do you mean plan to ride out what? There's nothing that anyone can do to change or affect something. Knowledge of what's going on is at least a guide as to how to steer the ship when the heavy waves come at you.

In another thread others were saying this is a great time to buy gold, my feelings are yes it's good to buy gold or precious metals as to hedge against if something was to happen in the long run. But do not buy it thinking that precious metals will soar in value. They wont. I think they will return to what their true values are from many years back when it was stable. We are returning to an asset based currency system. Not in the US but just about everywhere globally.

Assets do not mean only precious metals, but also includes minerals and the biggest thing that means to all countries right now is black gold... OIL.

Oil now is under $50 a barrel and it's all done for a reason. Chess is being played on a scale many may not understand. Certain nations cannot sustain producing oil at these rates. Some places it costs $60-90 a barrel just to produce. But it's funny that in the Middle East is costs a mere $2-3 to produce the very same barrel and is not as costly to manufacture it as many other places in the world where oil is mined.

Oil is behind much of this, now and into the next 30-50 years. It very much produces everything you see around you. Those that capitalize off it will reap in the end. What can we do is just become aware and steer our own ship in the waters coming ahead. But the storm is coming no matter what...


Certified Genius
What do you mean plan to ride out what? There's nothing that anyone can do to change or affect something. Knowledge of what's going on is at least a guide as to how to steer the ship when the heavy waves come at you.

In another thread others were saying this is a great time to buy gold, my feelings are yes it's good to buy gold or precious metals as to hedge against if something was to happen in the long run. But do not buy it thinking that precious metals will soar in value. They wont. I think they will return to what their true values are from many years back when it was stable. We are returning to an asset based currency system. Not in the US but just about everywhere globally.

Assets do not mean only precious metals, but also includes minerals and the biggest thing that means to all countries right now is black gold... OIL.

Oil now is under $50 a barrel and it's all done for a reason. Chess is being played on a scale many may not understand. Certain nations cannot sustain producing oil at these rates. Some places it costs $60-90 a barrel just to produce. But it's funny that in the Middle East is costs a mere $2-3 to produce the very same barrel and is not as costly to manufacture it as many other places in the world where oil is mined.

Oil is behind much of this, now and into the next 30-50 years. It very much produces everything you see around you. Those that capitalize off it will reap in the end. What can we do is just become aware and steer our own ship in the waters coming ahead. But the storm is coming no matter what...

Great post!


Transparent, tasteless, odorless
OG Investor
Plenty of damage has been done by our phrase “business cycle.” The first thing to understand is that business fluctuations look nothing like a regular cycle. Consider our experience in the post-World War II era:

The lengths of recessions vary from six to 18 months.
The lengths of expansions vary from 12 to 120 months.
The lengths of entire cycles, peak-to-peak, vary from 18 months to 140 months.
Thus, there’s nothing regular about these cycles. (This article focuses on the United States experience, but other countries are roughly comparable regarding the main points.)


In nearly 70 years the since the end of World War II, we have had 11 recessions, or about one every six years on average.

Expansions don’t die of old age; they are murdered. That is, recessions don’t occur just because there has been a lengthy expansion. The probability of going into a recession is no higher when the expansion is old than when it’s young. Recessions are the result of errors. The government, especially the Federal Reserve, is responsible for many of the errors that cause recessions, but private sector errors also play a role.

Prior to World War II, recessions were more frequent. In the hundred years prior to the war, we had 22 recessions, for one every 4.5 years on average. The recessions were, on average, longer in the earlier period, while the expansions were shorter.

We also saw a calming of the economy during a portion of the post-World War II era, in a period called The Great Moderation. From 1983 through 2007, we had only one recession, and that was a mild one. I expect that the coming decade will have greater cyclicality than the Great Moderation did.

We cannot take historical experience as a rigid guide, but it’s a better guide than just guessing. Look for another recession in the next few years, as I mentioned here last month.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
fuck all that fear shit,

trust me I know, I was all in 9/11, and when

shit hits the fan, people will pool together...

all that fear mongering is from the corporate media....

and black folks could take lemons and make...

lemonade, lemon pie, lemon martinis


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
That's not going to go over well, Indians, like the Chinese, invest a lot in gold to protect their wealth.
This is a second rounds of asking their people for the gold, cause the first round they offered less of a rate, this new one is giving more of a rate of return. But indian culture, at their weddings, gold is the most given gift usually. People keep it as form of their wealth within families and hand it down to kids and so forth.


Rising Star
that would be your mistake...

75% of mf's on this board may be batshit crazy but I will say that many of the cats on bgol would amaze u in real life.

met one of the biggest dope dealers of the 80's on this board. article in feds magazine and all. fam is a business genius.
couple cats damn near at the top of the food chain in pro sports, tech, law and medicine.
couple nightclub owners, buncha smart old heads and a few cool ass young cats.

the media (& not just black media) comes here for stories and has for years. don't sleep on bgol...
You talmbout Punch & Desert Eagle?


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
that would be your mistake...

75% of mf's on this board may be batshit crazy but I will say that many of the cats on bgol would amaze u in real life.

met one of the biggest dope dealers of the 80's on this board. article in feds magazine and all. fam is a business genius.
couple cats damn near at the top of the food chain in pro sports, tech, law and medicine.
couple nightclub owners, buncha smart old heads and a few cool ass young cats.

the media (& not just black media) comes here for stories and has for years. don't sleep on bgol...

I've gotten all kinds of knowledge on here. Shared some jewels too. The bottom line is that some niggas is just gonna be hard heads and will complain when things don't go their way.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Plenty of damage has been done by our phrase “business cycle.” The first thing to understand is that business fluctuations look nothing like a regular cycle. Consider our experience in the post-World War II era:

The lengths of recessions vary from six to 18 months.
The lengths of expansions vary from 12 to 120 months.
The lengths of entire cycles, peak-to-peak, vary from 18 months to 140 months.
Thus, there’s nothing regular about these cycles. (This article focuses on the United States experience, but other countries are roughly comparable regarding the main points.)


In nearly 70 years the since the end of World War II, we have had 11 recessions, or about one every six years on average.

Expansions don’t die of old age; they are murdered. That is, recessions don’t occur just because there has been a lengthy expansion. The probability of going into a recession is no higher when the expansion is old than when it’s young. Recessions are the result of errors. The government, especially the Federal Reserve, is responsible for many of the errors that cause recessions, but private sector errors also play a role.

Prior to World War II, recessions were more frequent. In the hundred years prior to the war, we had 22 recessions, for one every 4.5 years on average. The recessions were, on average, longer in the earlier period, while the expansions were shorter.

We also saw a calming of the economy during a portion of the post-World War II era, in a period called The Great Moderation. From 1983 through 2007, we had only one recession, and that was a mild one. I expect that the coming decade will have greater cyclicality than the Great Moderation did.

We cannot take historical experience as a rigid guide, but it’s a better guide than just guessing. Look for another recession in the next few years, as I mentioned here last month.




Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
So Kaya what was the indication that you saw that caused you to start the thread?


Rising Star
I'm ready. I came up on a great real estate deal in the past Recession but slept on quite a few. I've been saving up and hope we have another Real Estate Crash. I saw the first Recession coming but really not seeing signs of another one. I will say this, if Tech falls, the Bay Area falls.
Shit would be epic for silicon valley to fall.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


Rising Star
It's either or but I wouldn't be surprised if they go ahead and pull the plug on both of them.

There are three immediate areas which are being focused on once the plug has been pulled. New York City, Washington D.C. and Denver, Colorado. Denver, because of how high it is above sea level has actually been designated the seat of Government, once everything falls as scheduled. D.C. and NYC are pretty much, I'll say in short...places you would want to stay away from. AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon have under the table agreements with the USG to suspend cell/landline service when let's say, a major bank collapses or any other major financial disruption occurs, this is to limit panic with people utilizing social media/messaging/etc.. to alert others so as networks and/or utilities get disrupted it will be harder to communicate from your home to another to warn. Mind you, you will not be able to use your ATM, Debit or Credit Cards during this time.

I don't care if people believe me or not...I came on here wayy back talking about the GM bankruptcy and Wachovia collapsing before it happened. If folks took me up on my info, you probably made thousands if not hundreds of thousands shorting the stock, if not...Oh well. They've been testing people's responses in having trouble accessing their finances to gauge an appropriate response to meet the citizens aggression. You think that RushCard thing was a technical screw up? Or the sporadic EBT failures that have been going on across the country? Russell got a nice sized check for that test run. They're testing the most financially vulnerable to gauge the mentality and how long it would take for someone or their family to "break". Answer is around 9-10 days.

Lets capitalize and get more money; Tips??

They don't have enough money nor leverage via the Federal Reserve to pull off another 2008. This is why militarization after 2008, increased ten fold among National Guard bases in the states and local law enforcement because they knew and the insiders all know that it's going to boomerang right back around. They cannot protect the financial system as well as they did before 2008, it would be a catastrophe. the US is trapped, shit the world is trapped.

so whats a good move; ive have cash to buy shit but do i short stocks, do i buy real estate, is it a combination; what move(s) do u suggest; bullet plan please :lol::lol:

So Kaya what was the indication that you saw that caused you to start the thread?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

He's been talking about what's coming for a while. he has a show on Sirius & has several videos out

Nothing because fiat money doesn't have any intrinsic value...it's basically an IOU, stating that I have the CREDIT but I don't have FUNDS to pay you right now.



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
China Buys Another 14 Tons Of Gold In October As FX Reserves Unexpectedly Rebound

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/07/2015

Today we got yet another confirmation that China's July announcement on its gold holdings merely broke the seal of accumulation when the PBOC reported that its total gold holdings as of October 31 had risen to a record $63.3 billion, up $2.1 billion from $61.2 billion at the end of September, and an increase of 14 tons based on the month-end LBMA gold fix price. This represents the fifth consecutive month in a row in which China has added to its gold.



Rising Star
OG Investor
The fed printed fiat or "petrol dollar" is a bill used for discharging or trading debut not money for "paying off or cancelling a debt

As well as it not being backed by nothin' tangible. Gold, silver, etc. It's only paper. Da only value being da value that we place on it in our own minds.


Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity
BGOL Investor
Gold or anything of value that can be tied to the currency. Our dollars aren't currently tied to anything except market conditions.

I was under the impression that it was tied to being the only currency that could be used to purchase oil (which isn't the case anymore). From that angle I can see why a recession is imminent.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

that would be your mistake...

75% of mf's on this board may be batshit crazy but I will say that many of the cats on bgol would amaze u in real life.

met one of the biggest dope dealers of the 80's on this board. article in feds magazine and all. fam is a business genius.
couple cats damn near at the top of the food chain in pro sports, tech, law and medicine.
couple nightclub owners, buncha smart old heads and a few cool ass young cats.

the media (& not just black media) comes here for stories and has for years. don't sleep on bgol...



Certified Genius
I was under the impression that it was tied to being the only currency that could be used to purchase oil (which isn't the case anymore). From that angle I can see why a recession is imminent.

The Dollar is still pre-eminent due to that very reason, the issue is that Russia and China (along with the rest of the BRICS) are trying to push the world away from that due to the unfair economic leverage it gives us. You're correct in your assertion about recessionary issues, oil has to be at a certain level to keep the world's economy buzzing at a reasonable medium. Unfortunately, two things are happening...we, along with Saudi Arabia are trying to cause massive damage to Russia (and Brazil's) economies (I can explain this in more detail) and we (along with other major powers) are stockpiling oil in massive amounts to fuel their respective militaries for a inevitable world war. The US Government, at this point, doesn't really care about the economical fallout, they will mess with the BLS numbers and try to keep the welfare game going until they absolutely give no fucks and let it collapse. There has been many congressional meetings (some of which you can see on CSPAN) where the primary discussion has been what AMERICA NEEDS TO WIN A WORLD WAR against Russia and China...they're actually having these discussions! The grand conclusion is that the entire economic structure will have to emulate that of America when World War II broke out...a massive mobilization of all resources to promote the war effort.