Denzel and Viola gonna get robbed.
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In the supporting categories, Viola Davis is an absolute lock to win, as is Mahershala Ali from Moonlight. Moonlight and Fences will fight it out for Best Adapted Screenplay. La La Land will pretty much sweep every other category it's nominated in.
I really thought some comic book movies would be recognized...
seems like doctor Strange for Special Effects was the only one, and well deserved.
Oh wait a minute Suicide Squad got a nomination for make-up.
Wonder if anyone will bring up Casey Affleck's sexual harassment law suits?
Denzel and Viola gonna get robbed.
I'm probably the only person that watched "The Lobster" but I liked it.
Dr Strange was insane. Seriously. Ive seen things in that film that only my imagination could come up with for years as a kid. Jungle Book was a remarkable feat but I dunno man.
Captain America Civil War being in there anywhere would've made sense. My personal fave is Winter Soldier but Civil War was DAMN near perfect. Pacing, the screenplay, the editing. Especially the score.
Wait... what????
This... maybe. Casey Affleck might deserve this one and that supporting actress cat is DEEP as hell mane.
Totally forgot all about that movie. They did too.
Hell or High Water was a modern day cowboy classic.
I need to just watch Moonlight, I put it on the back burner when I heard about the content but I know better, I can ignore the gay shit. Black director wrote and directed it too. We gotta do better. Plus CottonMouth stars in it. I'm just glad it wasn't ignored like Shame was. Shame was a brilliant film... BRILLIANT.
I will say that the La La Land shit has ALOT to do with the fact that this is the director's second film... ONLY HIS SECOND FEATURE... the first feature being Whiplash and I thought that film was flawless. Damien is a beast. There is no doubt he is a powerhouse to contend with. Emma is always good, at everything she does and Ryan is damn near the same.
I like what Arrival brought to the table this year. AND keep in mind that the cinematographer of Arrival is a young black dude. That film was gorgeous.
Kubo is a fan fave but Zootopia was on come covert anti - racial shit and that was a BRAVE ass screenplay. Really. I had no idea, I'm surprised they got away with what they did.
I agree I was GENUINELY shocked Deadpool or Civil War didn't get ANYTHING.
Anyone watch LaLa land?
we gotta support barry jenkins for moonlight. a black person has never won an oscar for best director! knowing the academy, they will give him one for best adapted screenplay instead of director which is bullshit!! that glass ceiling has got to be broken!
he is whiteI guess Mel Gibson is out of Hollywood jail? they had his old ass in straight to Netflix/redbox movies....trying to put him at Steven Sagal status
So why are they all over La La for; I havent seen it either...interesting...
I have NOT seen La La Land yet...but from all I have heard from peoples opinions I respect?
It did NOT deserve all those nominations.
Hidden figures - fences - moonlight - lion - -honerable mention zootopia
most diverse oscar season in a long while
he is white
and unlike Segal- Mel is too fucking good a director to bury
Zootopia might be the BLACKEST movie on there.
wasp still out ranks jewStill going off on Jews when you work on Hollywood is usually a death sentence
"married a cave bitch and kissed a CAC in the mouf when he won"
Whatchu think?yeah
Denzel and Viola gonna get robbed.